“The Tee Box”©
“The Official Newsletter of Rolling In Golf Club”
Volume 11 July 8, 2016
“Play is starting to Heat Up”
What do I think about the controversy involving the USGA and the penalty stroke assessed to Dustin Johnson in the final round of the U.S. Open? You’ll remember the USGA ruled he caused his ball to move prior to attempting his putt, thus a one stroke penalty under the rules of golf. To clarify my position here’s a question for you. What happens when on the teeing ground you accidentally knock the ball off the tee? Right, the first thing that happens is some nimrod in your foursome will declare, “That’s one.” What happens next? Correct, you get to re-tee the ball with no penalty stroke. That’s because the rules of golf say there was no “Intent to strike the ball”. And here’s where I have an issue with one of the rules of golf. To me, the same situation with intent to strike the ball should apply anywhere on the course, including putting. Why not? So, if you are taking a practice putting stroke and accidentally tap the ball you simply replace the ball where it was. Same thing if you ground your putter and the ball moves, just put it back where it was. Again, no intention to strike the ball, no penalty stroke. Simple. This is just one of a multitude of golf rules which are arcane, incomprehensible, and needlessly pedantic. Simplification of the rules would be a positive for the game of golf. So now the image of the USGA as being a bunch of privileged, out-of-touch, anal retentive stuffed shirts is reinforced. But, know what, the majority of those who play golf in this country really don’t give a shinola about the rules of golf, which may not be a totally bad thing. On to another topic. Next you’ll hear from Ralph Floorin who’s an expert on golf attire and has a very cool announcement about golf shirts which you will want to add to your collection in the closet.
Keep it simple ...... D.F.
RIGC Golf Shirts on the Way ...... Ralph Floorin
Several weeks ago your club leaders had the great idea to offer official RIGC golf shirts for the members to purchase. A lot of research went into it and a final decision was made. Initially, some of your leaders, I won’t say who, wanted shirts with stripes. OMG! That’s just so wrong! First, the RIGC logos will get lost in the stripes, second we all know who shouldn’t wear shirts with horizontal stripes, don’t we? I immediately talked with your decision makers and convinced them to go with solid colors, and they readily agreed. Along with much assistance from the kind folks at Toole Sport in Oxford the shirts are now available, and on the shirts is the awesome RIGC logo. At the event at Metamora on 7-6 the shirts were modeled by some of the club officers, which sadly I missed. They are Under Armor brand shirts available in solid colors of black, green, white, gray, and navy blue. They looked great on the club leaders! And now you can order your own shirts, which a number of members did at Metamora. You’ll also be able to order the shirts at upcoming events or just contact Rod Cooper, cost is $62.50. The hope is that at each event we will see many of the shirts in action, and especially at the event on 8-31 at Washtenaw Golf Club. At Washtenaw, Michigan Golfer On-line will be filming us for a segment on their website. VERY EXCITING!! Ralph
Sands Spurs to Victory at Greystone on June 29
Club members endured an absolutely perfect Michigan Summer day at Greystone on June 29. Course conditions were good considering the lack of rain, some hard pan in the rough, fairways were decent, if not over watered in spots, but over watering is an issue for discussion at another time, and the greens were consistent and on the speedy side. And a big “Thank You” to the Greystone folks for the excellent breakfast buffet, the high point of the day for some of you Rollers is my guess. There were no matches being played so it was back to the usual format with JUG points being awarded along with all the other typical coveted weekly prizes. And congratulations to Sands who took first place in the Net Score Competition with a sizzling net score of 62. Excellent round by him, and welcome to the Watch List. Two Rollers tied for second place with net scores of 65; Jim Phillips and Grace who is making up for lost time as this was only his second event appearance in 2016 and both times he has finished in the money in the Net Score competition. CTP winners were; Salucci, Walenczak, Palazzolo, and Quintana. Nice shots guys.
“Quest for the Jug” Update
Jug points were available at Greystone and the following took the top point prize in each flight: Diedrich in the Palmer Flight, Sands in the Nicklaus Flight, and Jim Phillips in the Woods Flight. A report of the JUG point leaders can be found on the website, and also on the website is a complete listing of the JUG point standings for each flight as of 6-30-16.
The JUG point standings as of 6-30-16 show the following in the lead in each flight: Diedrich in the Palmer, Whitty in the Nicklaus, and Smith in the Woods. All with point totals around 100. If the competition were to end as of 6-30-16 there would be 34 members qualifying for the two round JUG Championship. But there are still 9 JUG point events left so much can happen and the standings will change considerably.
JUG points were available at Metamora on 7-6 and the following took the top point prize in their flight: Skiragis in the Palmer, Miller in the Nicklaus, and there was a tie in the Woods flight involving Lederman and Palazzolo.
Match Play Update . . . . . Skiragis Moves On
One of the quarterfinal matches in The President’s Medallion Match Play Tournament was played at Metamora on 7-6. In that match, Skiragis cruised to a 5 & 3 victory over Cantor, so he will now meet the winner of the Landis vs Whitty match in the semi finals on 7-20. Congratulations to him. The remaining three quarter final round matches are scheduled to be played on 7-13, and those matches are; Landis vs Whitty, Walenczak vs Blanton, and Quintana vs Gross.
Members Wilt at Metamora on 7-6 . . . . Palazzolo Lights It Up.
Whew! Must have been the warm temperature which led to overall carnage at Metamora on 7-6, plenty of net scores in the high 70’s and 80’s, many by the low handicappers. But the highlight was Palazzolo capturing his second Low Net Score victory of the season as he carded an impressive 67. But wait, this time he had to share it with Lederman who also fired a 67. Excellent rounds by those two. Taking second place was Filak who was close behind with a 68. And at Metamora the members welcomed back AlKemp who, along with KurtTeller, spent the first portion of the season on the disabled list. Good to have both of them back!
COMMENTARY ...... Rod Cooper, Publisher
Each time I put out this TTB, and ready what Failuretee comments on, all members of RIGC and those that subscribe to TTB should put a vote in for a Pulitzer Prize. He comes up with some ingenious comments. Thanks David---
Next week we will be taking make up pictures since many of those from the Orchards were BAD to say the least, and I was taking them. Again we will miss a couple members again, but that is what happens with our numbers.
Take special note on those RIGC golf shirts. I do not want to sound like I am pushing you members in getting one,,,,, but I really am. If there is a color you feel that is not represented, let me know and I will ask our vendor. Remember, the color must be able to push out our Logo.
I want to emphasis the return of Kurt Teller and Al Kemp. Kurt has been back since June and I have failed to really recognize his return. Al, his surgery was a bit more on the severe side that Kurt’s shoulder but nevertheless the pain is still there whether it is the shoulder or the heart.
We still have two on medical and looking for Gerald Rende to return shortly. Julian Almany, has backed off again for the year. Keep Julian in our prayers, he has some issues with the heart pumping.
Ok boys, Boulder Pointe, t times and match play rapping up the quarter final rounds. See you all there……