Dear 5thgrade students and parents,

Being in the fifthgrade is always very exciting because you have the opportunity to be in the “Singing Coyotes”, our chorus here at Rosa Lee Carter. We hope that all will consider joining, although you are not required. The “Singing Coyotes” will meet on Tuesday afternoons from 2:50pm until 3:50pm. We will have one concert this year. It is always very important that we have every member of the chorus at this concert. Ourevening concertthis year will be on Wednesday,April 25th. Our day time performance for the school will be on Monday, April 23rd. Please mark these datesin your calendars now!

The dress code for our concert is: Tan or Khaki pants, Plain neutral colored shoes, and our Singing Coyote polo shirts. Attached you will find the order form for our polo shirt. Also, in this packet you will find a chorus contract. It is important for our students to understand that this is a commitment, and that all members are expected to follow the rules during rehearsals and concerts. Please keep this sheet with the dates and return the contract and shirt order form to Ms. McDermott or Mrs. Cox no later than Wednesday, January 31st. Our first rehearsal will be Tuesday, February 6th.Any questions feel free to e-mail us at or . Thank you for your interest and support!


Ms. Tierney McDermott and Mrs. Kristen Cox



I understand that “Singing Coyotes” is a performance group and it is important that I am at all rehearsals and concerts. I will work hard, follow the rules, and always do my best. I will commit to performing in the concert.


Student Signature


I am aware that my child is joining the “Singing Coyotes” and is expected to be at all rehearsals and concerts. I will pick up my child at 3:50pm in front of the music room door.


Parent Signature

Phone number______



Our “Singing Coyote” polo shirts are $23.00. A check may be made out to Rosa Lee Carter Elementary School, or you may send in cash for the exact amount.

Student’s Name:______



Sizes: (Please mark your students size)

______Youth L

______Youth XL

______Adult S

______Adult M

______Adult L

______Adult XL

Rehearsal Dates

February 6th- First Rehearsal

February 13th

February 20th

February 27th

March 6th

March 13th

March 20th

April 3rd

April 10th

April 17th

April 23rd- School day time performance

April 24th- Last rehearsal

April 25th- Evening concert beginning at 7:00pm