Alexandria Community School Corporation
202 E. Washington Street, AlexandriaIndiana
Monday, August 8, 2005 at 7:00 p.m.
The Alexandria School Board met in regular session on Monday, August 8, 2005 at the Central Office at 7:00 p.m. Jeff Montgomery presided. All other Board members were present. The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Minutes:
Board members approved the Executive Session Minutes of July 11, 2005. Motion CMc/DB to approve. Carried 5-0.
Board members approved the regular Board Minutes of July 11, 2005. Motion CMc/TG to approve. Carried 5-0.
Board members approved the public meeting Board Minutes of July 14, 2005. Motion CMc/DB to approve. Carried 5-0.
Board members approved the Board Work Session Minutes of August 3, 2005. Motion CMC/JJ to approve. One abstention Thomas Gaunt. Carried 4-0.
Claims Approval:
Voucher #-27408-2 through Voucher #-27554-2
Payroll#-1431-2 through Payroll#-1559-2
Direct Deposit-#8217-2 through Direct Deposit-#8407-2
Bank #1-#13357-1 through #13357-1
Motion CMc/JJ to approve claims as presented. Carried 5-0.
Administrator’s Comments:
Mike Lee reported on senior student’s registration. He reported that on Saturday, August 20, kids could meet the Alexandria Tiger from 9 to 11 a.m., and have their picture taken. Mickey Hosier reported on the Back to School Night for grades 6, 7 & 8thwith a cookout to be held at the middle school.
Scott Zent reported summer school numbers were lower than expected for language and math classes at Cunningham. He estimated numbers at Cunningham could be 235 with some students moving in from Anderson. Average is 21 per class with 26 for 5th grade now. Scott Zent stated about 52 were invited with average of 6-8 students per grade (#’s don’t include TE); he estimated about 1/3 did not report for classes. He stated the PTO would have a pool party on August 18, at 5:30 p.m. at the city pool. He announced Cunningham’s Open House on September 8 at 6:30 p.m. He invited Board members to join them if the scheduled September 8th Board meeting ended early. Scott reported he and MaryJo Willmann have talked with the state about their school improvement plan and asked if they should submit a plan for each elementary or a plan for both. He also said they were going through books and getting things cleared out in order to be consistent between Cunningham and Thurston. Elementary handbooks will be available for students. Scott Zent reported they would be using a template from NEOLA for a handbook that will be consistent for all buildings.
Jerry Jarman asked if anyone had considered using the after school program for additional instruction. He said that since we are already paying staff could we incorporate individual plans to help those below par. Scott Zent stated he understood it was a latchkey program.
Jan Mock stated she would present textbook fees for the middle school that will be added to the agenda later with the high school request. Ms. Mock reported about 40 students per day for summer school, which she estimated to be about 1/3 attending. She said a record is filed in the student’s file showing they had been offered summer school but did not attend.
MaryJo Willmann reported the After School Program did incorporate learning activities for the students on hand. She said students are there anywhere from 15 minutes to 1-2-3 nights per week. Jerry Jarman asked how many of those students were in the high or low averages for math and language. She stated she would check that out. She stated the corporation must offer the latchkey program. MaryJo Willmann reported a meeting was held with beginning teacher and mentors and an inservice was held for the migrant staff. Jerry Jarman questioned any special needs for the migrant students. MaryJo Willman stated special needs run about 1% for migrants, but the language barrier is greater. She stated migrants would be coming into camp on Monday Aug. 15.
Superintendent’s Report:
Mr. McFarren reported on curriculum mapping. He stated he had attended a couple of the meetings. He stated Mrs. Willmann would update the Board on the initiative. MaryJo Willmann reported she and several teachers attended a mapping conference in June. Jerry Jarman said a Board member should be permanently assigned to the Mapping Committee. He said if other Board members wanted to attend any meetings to receive information they could do so. Chip McFarren motioned to assign Jerry Jarman to the Mapping Committee. Seconded Jeff Montgomery. Carried 4-0. One abstention Jerry Jarman. Tom Gaunt expressed his concern for getting the starting point for mapping right. He said some overlapping of learning may take place for kindergarten before moving into the 1st grade. Linda Horn spoke on mapping and said it would help close the gap between kindergarten and 1st grade for students and teachers. She said students will retain their learning especially from June to August. Jan Mock spoke and said mapping was an excellent communication tool. Mapping will give the teachers a direction for what they need to teach. Jan Mock said this would be a road map from K-12, which will outline exactly what will happen. Chip McFerran said the Kindergarten students should be gaining more knowledge and skills than the 1/2 day students. Jerry Jarman asked about changing the standards. Jeff Montgomery asked about changing the curriculum. Mike Lee stated to change the curriculum you have to improve instruction and test scores will improve. Board members agreed they were impatient to see results. Linda Horn stated her students have improved in reading.
Chip McFerran requested a meeting with administrators to discuss mapping and plans for school on August 15, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. Chip McFerran asked about the time frame for improvement and goals. MaryJo Willmann stated once mapping begins, it never ends.
Mary Ann Abernathy spoke about mapping and said it was a road map for teachers. She said as a team ( of 12), they were excited about the process. All teachers will use the process. Jan Mock stated it was a real time map. It would show us where we are going and maybe some adjustments might have to be made.
MaryJo Willmann said a meeting is being held on September 12 for mapping. Gregg Willmann said everyone would be learning the process and would have the opportunity to learn the software program that will be used for the process. He said mapping would begin with this year. Jane Rinker said change started with grouping and instruction last year. Chip McFerran said we had the opportunity to take a very good program and make it even better. Board members asked what they could do to help them. Jeff Montgomery said a meeting with the Board, kindergarten, and 1-2-3 grade teachers would enablethe Board to get additional information. MaryJo Willmann stated a time line map had been handed out to the Board earlier. Gregg Willmann said he would like to see 100% backing by the Board. Jeff Montgomery asked how do they demonstrate that. Gregg Willman stated Board members could attend the meeting on September 12 (8-11:30 a.m.; inservice 2:45 until 4:00 p.m.). Board members said they would like to meet Susan Udelhofen, the curriculum mapping presenter and asked about her schedule. Mr. McFarren askedMrs. Willmann to poll the teachers to see when they could meet with the Board.
Mr. McFarren stated one teacher position remained for staffing for a Speech Pathologist. He thanked the teachers for their patience with all the work that was going on in the buildings. Mr. McFarren stated bus inspection was held with just a couple of minor repairs. He said buses would be ready in time to start school. Mr. McFarren stated the AEA would host an early breakfast with coffee
and donuts on August 15 for Inservice Day for staff at 7:30 a.m. at the high school. The bus driver meeting will be held at 1:00 p.m. at the high school. Students report on August 16.
Peggy Jackson reported a 6.1 increase for health insurance. She stated it was a lower dollar amount than last year, but still an increase. Peggy Jackson reported a crisis intervention team is being put together for the new school year. She stated a lot of people previously trained for that program have left the corporation. Connie Owen and Dr. Murray are collaborating to provide staff training in September and October.
Mr. McFarren announced the state had discontinued reimbursement for the Academic Awards for honors program students. It will be discontinued as of January 1, 2006. He said we will no longer have money to pass on to the Academic Honors students.
A request was presented for $75,000 Repair and Replacement Appropriation Reduction. Motion CMc/TG to approve as read. A roll call vote was taken. Dan Baker, Aye; Jerry Jarman, Aye; Jeff Montgomery, Aye; Thomas Gaunt, Aye; and Chip McFerran, Aye. Carried 5-0.
A request was presented to carry forward $100,000 General Fund Construction to 2006 Budget. Motion CMc/TG to approve as read. A roll call vote was taken. Dan Baker, Aye; Jerry Jarman, Aye; Thomas Gaunt, Aye; Chip McFerran, Aye; and Jeff Montgomery, Aye. Carried 5-0.
A request was presented to carry forward the balance of the General Fund Professional Service to the 2006 Budget. Motion CMc/DB to approve as read. A roll call vote was taken. Dan Baker, Aye; Jerry Jarman, Aye; Thomas Gaunt, Aye; Chip McFerran, Aye; and Jeff Montgomery, Aye. Carried 5-0.
A request was presented to carry forward the $50,000 2005 CPF balance for Technology to the 2006 CPF Budget. Motion TG/CMc to approve as read. A roll call vote was taken. Dan Baker, Aye; Jerry Jarman, Aye; Jeff Montgomery, Aye; Thomas Gaunt, Aye; and Chip McFerran, Aye. Carried 5-0.
A request was presented to carry forward the balance of the Thurston CPF Miscellaneous Maintenance Appropriation. Motion CMc/DB to approve as read. A roll call vote was taken. Dan Baker, Aye; Jerry Jarman, Aye; Chip McFerran, Aye; Thomas Gaunt, Aye; and Jeff Montgomery, Aye. Carried 5-0.
A request was presented to approve a Tax Neutrality Resolution for reduction of levy in 2006. Motion TG/DB to approve. Carried 5-0.
All resolutions are on file with the minutes.
Request to Advertise 2006 Budget (Motion)
Mr. McFarren stated the Budget had been reviewed in detail at the Board Work Session August 3. The Budget remains the same as presented. Motion CMc/TG to approve advertisement of the 2006 Budget. Jerry Jarman questioned the AV. Mrs. Jackson stated we didn’t have exact figures. It is an estimate on our current AV reduced by farming and inventory. The impact on the tax rate is unknown at this time. Motion JM/CMc to approve. Jerry Jarman, Nay. Motion carried 4-1.
Mr. McFarren requested approval to hire any necessary personnel to fill Migrant, Paraprofessionals, or other positions if needed prior to the next Board meeting. Motion CMc/TG to approve. Carried 5-0.
Mr. McFarren requested approval of $23,368 for additional services for KRM for Phase IA at Thurston. Motion CMc/DB to approve. Carried 5-0.
Mr. McFarren requested approval of $119,482 for KRM for Phase II at Thurston. Motion CMc/TG to approve. Carried 5-0.
Mr. McFarren requested approval to Petition for a Common School Loan. Motion CMc/DB to approve. Carried 5-0.
Mike Lee requested approval of student’s fees for 2005-06 for Alexandria-MonroeHigh School. Motion CMc/DB to approve. Carried 5-0. A fee list is on file in the central office.
Jan Mock presented a request (added to the agenda as 20b)for approval of middle school fees for 2005-06. Motion TG/JJ to approve. Carried 5-0. A fee list is on file in the central office.
Matt DeVault and Michelle Burnett requested approval to accept donation of 55 graphing calculators for AMHS Math Department from the Eagles Lodge. Motion CMc/JJ to approve. Carried 5-0.
Gloria LeMaster requested approval to apply for a Genealogy research project award for the Alexandria High School Library. Motion JJ/TG to approve. Carried 5-0.
Leave Requests Consent Agenda #23
Motion CMc/DB to approve Leave Request Consent Agenda #23 as presented. Carried 5-0.
Personnel Requests Consent Agenda #24:
Motion TG/DB to approve Personnel Agenda #24. Carried 5-0.
Scott Zent introduced Adrienne Clark as the new social worker for the corporation. Board members welcomed her to the corporation.
Facility Requests:
Board Comments:
Dan Baker thanked the Mapping Team for their work.
Mickey Hosier said the athletic dept. was going very well. He said they were trying to get people excited about sports.
Chip McFerran thanked Connie Thomas and the cleaning crew and maintenance staff for their hard work. He thanked the administrators in getting the buildings ready to open.
Tom Gaunt stated he had read the books on mapping and studied them. He felt the problem was the starting point. He said where we believe we are beginning and where it actually exists are two different things.
Jeff Montgomery stated he and Peggy Jackson are working on a flow chart for staff members. He reported a Superintendent’s search would begin soon. Materials are being developed for that process.
Public Comments:
Sherry Erskine said she was very disappointed in the discussion regarding mapping. She stated she thought the mapping would allow us to turn things around. She stated she expected communication on the professional level and expected the board to communicate with the teachers and give their support.
Secretary, Thomas GauntThe next School Board meeting will be held on Monday, August 29, 2005 at the Central Office, at 7:00 p.m. A Public Hearing will be held for the 2006 Budget. The executive session will be held at 6:00 p.m. prior to the regular meeting.