Imperial Avenue, Wrenthorpe, Wakefield WF2 0LW
Tel: 01924 378001
Headteacher: Mrs J Coyle (Designated Senior Person for Child Protection and Safeguarding)
Thursday 21st September 2017
Dear Parents/Carers,
This year we have decided to take part in Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning in support of Macmillan Cancer Support. The Year 5 children from Mrs Parry’s and Miss McMahon’s class are organising the event, which will be held on the morning of Friday 20th October.
As this is a fundraising event for a very worthwhile cause, we will be asking for a recommended donation of £2 per person, which will include:
· a cup of tea, coffee or juice,
· tasty cakes and buns,
· entertainment provided by the Samba Band and the Choir.
The Coffee Morning will run from 9:20 - 10:20am. You will be welcome to pop in for a drink and a cake at any point between these two times. The Samba Band and Choir will be performing between approximately 9.45 and 10am.
Please fill in the attached slip if you intend to visit us for our Coffee Morning – the more the merrier! However please be aware that if the event is very popular, we may not be able to provide seating for all guests at all times.
Thank you for your support – we look forward to seeing you there.
Mrs Parry
(Year 5 Teacher)
Please see reverse for details about donating cakes.
Number of people visiting us for our Coffee Morning: ______
Approximate time of visit: (leave blank if unsure) ______
If anybody would be willing to donate some cakes or buns for our Coffee Morning we would be very grateful. We don’t mind if they are bought or home-made – we will appreciate any donations you are able to make. Some of the children in school will also be doing some baking in their classes so that we can have the best Coffee Morning possible.
Any pre-packaged donations can be given to your child’s class teacher at any point before the event – they will then pass them on to Mrs Parry for safekeeping.
If anybody would like to do some baking for our Coffee Morning, please can it be sent to school in a named box on Thursday 19th October. This will ensure that we are able to be properly organised on the morning of the event, and allows us enough time to purchase extra cakes/buns etc. if we do not receive enough donations.