Michael E. Porter
Harvard Business School, Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness - www.isc.hbs.edu
Porter, Michael E., and Elizabeth O. Teisberg. Redefining Health Care: Creating Value-Based Competition on Results. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2006.
Porter, Michael E., Hirotaka Takeuchi, and M. Sakakibara. Can Japan Compete? Tokyo: Diamond Publishing, 2000. (English ed., Basingstoke: MacMillan, 2000; New York: Basic Books, 2000.)
Porter, M. E. On Competition. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1998.
Porter, M. E., and The Monitor Company. Canada at the Crossroads: The Reality of a New Competitive Environment. Ottawa: Business Council on National Issues and Minister of Supply and Services, 1992.
Porter, Michael E., Orjan Solvell, and I. Zander. Advantage Sweden. Stockholm: Norstedts Forlag AB, 1991. (Second ed., Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik, 1993.)
Porter, M. E., S. Borner, R. Weder, and M. J. Enright. Internationale Wettbewerbsvorteile: Ein Strategisches Konzept fur die Schweiz (International Competitive Advantage: A New Strategic Concept for Switzerland). Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 1991.
Porter, M. E., G. T. Crocombe, and M. J. Enright. Upgrading New Zealand's Competitive Advantage. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1991.
Montgomery, C. A., and M. E. Porter, eds. Strategy: Seeking and Securing Competitive Advantage. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 1991.
Porter, M. E. The Competitive Advantage of Nations. New York: Free Press, 1990. (Republished with a new introduction, 1998.)
Porter, Michael E., ed. Competition in Global Industries. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1986.
Andrews, K., J. Bower, C. R. Christensen, R. Hamermesh, and M. E. Porter. Business Policy: Text and Cases. 6th ed. Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin Inc., 1986.
Porter, M. E. The Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. N.Y.: Free Press, 1985. (Republished with a new introduction, 1998.)
Porter, M. E. Cases in Competitive Strategy. N.Y.: Free Press, 1982.
Porter, M. E. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. New York: Free Press, 1980. (Republished with a new introduction, 1998.)
Caves, R. E., M. E. Porter, and A. M. Spence. Competition in an Open Economy: A Model Applied to Canada. Vol. 150, Harvard Economic Studies. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1980.
Caves, R. E., M. E. Porter, A. M. Spence, and J. T. Scott. Studies in Canadian Industrial Organization. Toronto: Canadian Commission on Corporate Concentration, 1977.
Porter, M. E. Interbrand Choice, Strategy and Bilateral Market Power. Vol. 146, Harvard Economic Studies. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1976.
Porter, Michael E., Jay W. Lorsch, and Nitin Nohria. "Seven Surprises for New CEOs." R0410C. Harvard Business Review 82, no. 10 (October 2004): 62-72.
Porter, M. E., and Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg. "Redefining Competition in Health Care." Harvard Business Review (June 2004).
Porter, Michael E. "The Economic Performance of Regions." Regional Studies 37, nos. 6-7 (August-October 2003).
Porter, M. E. "Innovation: Location Matters." Sloan Management Review 42, no. 4 (summer 2001).
Sakakibara, Mariko, and Michael E. Porter. "Competing at Home to Win Abroad: Evidence from Japanese History." Review of Economics and Statistics 83, no. 2 (May 2001).
Porter, M. E. "Strategy and the Internet." Harvard Business Review (March 2001).
Porter, Michael E. "Location, Competition and Economic Development: Local Clusters in a Global Economy." Economic Development Quarterly 14, no. 1 (February 2000): 15-34.
Porter, Michael E., and Mark R. Kramer. "Philanthropy's New Agenda: Creating Value." Harvard Business Review 77, no. 6 (November-December 1999).
Porter, Michael E., and Hirotaka Takeuchi. "Fixing What Really Ails Japan." Foreign Affairs 78, no. 3 (May-June 1999).
McGahan, Anita M., and Michael E. Porter. "The Persistence of Shocks to Profitability." Review of Economics and Statistics 81, no. 1 (February 1999): 143-153.
Porter, Michael E. "The Microeconomic Foundations of Economic Development and Competitiveness." Wirtschafts politische Blatter 46 (1999).
Porter, Michael E. "Clusters and the New Economy." Harvard Business Review (November/December 1998). (Reprinted in Managing in the New Economy, HBSP, 1999; and in Systems of Innovation: Growth, Competitiveness and Employment, Edward Elgar, 2000.)
Porter, M. E. "Competition in Global Industries: A Conceptual Framework." Hitotsubashi Business Review 35, no. 4 (March 1998).
Porter, Michael E., and Dan Esty. "Industrial Ecology and Competitiveness." Journal of Industrial Ecology 2, no. 1 (winter 1998).
Porter, Michael E., Yagil Weinberg, and Noreena Hertz. "The Bottom-Up Solution." The Financial Times (September 1997).
McGahan, A. M., and M. E. Porter. "How Much Does Industry Matter, Really?" Special Issue. Strategic Management Journal 18 (summer 1997): 15-30.
Porter, Michael E. "New Strategies for Inner-City Economic Development." Economic Development Quarterly 11, no. 1 (February 1997).
Porter, M. E., and Tapan Munroe. "The Inner City's Competitive Advantage." San Francisco Examiner (February 27, 1997).
Porter, M. E. "What Is Strategy?" Harvard Business Review (November-December 1996).
Porter, M. E. "Competitiveness in Central America." Competitiveness in Central America: Preparing Companies for Globalization (July 1996).
Porter, Michael E. "Competitive Advantage, Agglomeration Economies, and Regional Policy." International Regional Science Review 19, nos. 1-2 (1996).
Porter, M. E., and Claas van der Linde. "Toward a New Conception of the Environment-Competitiveness Relationship." The Journal of Economic Perspectives 9, no. 4 (fall 1995).
Porter, M. E., and Claas van der Linde. "Green and Competitive: Ending the Stalemate." Harvard Business Review 73, no. 5 (September-October 1995).
Porter, Michael E., and Victor A. Millar. "How Information Gives You Competitive Advantage." Harvard Business Review (July-August 1995).
Porter, M. E. "The Competitive Advantage of the Inner City." Harvard Business Review 73, no. 3 (May-June 1995).
Porter, M. E. "The Rise of the Urban Entrepreneur." Special Issue on The State of Small Business. Inc. (May 16, 1995).
Teisberg, Elizabeth O., M. E. Porter, and Gregory B. Brown. "Making Competition in Health Care Work." Harvard Business Review (July-August 1994).
Porter, M. E., Elizabeth Teisberg, and Gregory Brown. "Innovation: Medicine's Best Cost-Cutter." The New York Times (February 27, 1994).
Porter, M. E. "The Role of Location in Competition." Journal of the Economics of Business 1, no. 1 (1994).
Porter, M. E., and Rebecca E. Wayland. "America's Long-Term Investment Problem." Nikkei Business (December 1992).
Porter, M. E., and Rebecca E. Wayland. "Will Japan Remain a Long-Term Investor?" Nikkei Business (December 1992).
Porter, M. E. "Capital Disadvantage: America's Falling Capital Investment System." Harvard Business Review (September-October 1992).
Porter, M. E. "Capital Choices: Changing the Way America Invests in Industry." Journal of Applied Corporate Finance (September 1992).
Porter, M. E. "Know Your Place: How to Assess the Attractiveness of Your Industry and Your Company's Position In It." Inc. (September 1991).
Porter, M. E. "America's Green Strategy." Scientific American 264, no. 4 (April 1991).
Porter, M. E. "Towards a Dynamic Theory of Strategy." Strategic Management Journal (winter 1991).
Porter, M. E. "Japan Isn't Playing by Different Rules." The New York Times (July 22, 1990).
Porter, M. E. "Don't Collaborate, Compete." The Economist (June 9, 1990).
Porter, M. E. "The Competitive Advantage of Nations." Harvard Business Review (March-April 1990).
Porter, M. E. "From Competitive Advantage to Corporate Strategy." Harvard Business Review (May-June 1987).
Porter, M. E. "The State of Strategic Thinking." The Economist (May 23, 1987).
Porter, M. E. "Why U.S. Business Is Falling Behind." Fortune (April 28, 1986).
Porter, M. E. "The Strategic Role of International Marketing." Journal of Consumer Marketing 3, no. 2 (spring 1986).
Porter, M. E. "Changing Patterns of International Competition." California Management Review (January 1986).
Porter, M. E. "Attacking an Industry Leader." Fortune (April 29, 1985).
Porter, M. E. "A Good Competitor Is Not Always a Dead Competitor." The Wall Street Journal (April 1, 1985).
Porter, M. E. "Technology and Competitive Advantage." Journal of Business Strategy 5, no. 3 (winter 1985).
Porter, M. E. "Defensive Strategy." Strategy 7, no. 1 (1985).
Harrigan, Kathryn Rudie, and M. E. Porter. "End-Game Strategies for Declining Industries." Harvard Business Review (July-August 1983).
Hout, T. M., M. E. Porter, and E. Rudden. "How Global Companies Win Out." Harvard Business Review (September-October 1982).
Porter, M. E. "Price Wars, More Liberal Credit and Other Competitive Maneuvers." Boardroom Reports 11, no. 1 (January 1, 1982).
Porter, M. E. "The Contributions of Industrial Organization to Strategic Management: A Promise Beginning to Be Realized." Academy of Management Review (October 1981).
Porter, M. E. "More Competition Ahead: The Way to Recognize It, Respond, and Get Ahead." Boardroom Reports 10, no. 5 (March 9, 1981).
Porter, M. E. "Capacity Expansion: Should You Play the Preemption Game?" Journal of Business Strategy (winter 1981).
Porter, M. E., and R. E. Caves. "The Dynamics of Changing Seller Concentration." Journal of Industrial Economics (September 1980).
Porter, M. E. "Industry Structure and Competitive Strategy: Keys to Profitability." Financial Analysts Journal (July-August 1980).
Porter, M. E. "The Experience Curve and Antitrust." Forum on Antitrust, Economics of Scale and Experience Curve Strategies (June 1980).
Porter, M. E. "Experience Curve." The Wall Street Journal (October 22, 1979).
Porter, M. E. "The Structure Within Industries and Companies' Performance." Review of Economics and Statistics (May 1979): 214-227.
Porter, M. E. "How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy." Harvard Business Review 57, no. 2 (March-April 1979): 137-145.
Caves, R. E., and M. E. Porter. "Market Structure, Oligopoly and the Stability of Market Shares." Journal of Industrial Economics (June 1978): 289-313.
Porter, Michael E. "Optimal Advertising: An Intra-Industry Approach." Issues in Advertising: The Economics of Persuasion (1978).
Porter, M. E., R. E. Caves, and B. T. Gale. "Interfirm Profitability Differences: Comment." Quarterly Journal of Economics (November 1977): 667-675.
Porter, M. E., and R. E. Caves. "From Entry Barriers to Mobility Barriers: Conjectural Decisions and Contrived Deterrence to New Competition." Quarterly Journal of Economics (May 1977): 241-262.
Porter, M. E. "Interbrand Choice, Media Mix and Market Performance." American Economic Review 66 (May 1976): 398-406.
Porter, M. E., and J. F. Sagansky. "Information, Politics and Economic Analysis: The Regulatory Decision Process in the Air Freight Cases." Public Policy 24, no. 2 (spring 1976): 263-307.
Porter, M. E. "Please Note Location of Nearest Exit: Exit Barriers and Planning." California Management Review 19 (winter 1976): 21-33.
Caves, R. E., J. Khalizadeh-Shirazi, and M. E. Porter. "Scale Economies in Statistical Analyses of Market Power." Review of Economics and Statistics (May 1975): 133-140.
Porter, M. E. "Consumer Behavior, Retailer Power and Performance in Consumer Goods Industries." Review of Economics and Statistics (November 1974): 419-436.
Book Chapters
Porter, Michael E., Christian H.M. Ketels, and Mercedes Delgado-Garcia. "The Microeconomic Foundations of Prosperity: Findings from the Business Competitiveness Index." In Global Competitiveness Report 2006-2007, edited by Augusto Lopez-Claros, Michael E. Porter, Xavier Sala-i-Martin and Klaus H. Schwabe. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Porter, Michael E., and Michael R. Kramer. "Corporate Philanthropy: Taking the High Ground." In The Accountable Corporation. Vol. 2, edited by Marc J. Epstein and Kirk O. Hanson. Praeger Publishing, 2005.
Porter, M. E. "Regions and the New Economics of Competition." In Global City-Regions, edited by A. J. Scott. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Porter, M. E. "Location, Clusters, and Company Strategy." In Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography, edited by G. Clark, M. Feldman and M. Gertler. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Porter, Michael E. "Clusters and the New Economy." In Systems of Innovation: Growth, Competitiveness and Employment, edited by Charles Edquist and Maureen McKelvey. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, Ltd., 2000.
Bond, Gregory C., and M. E. Porter. "Innovative Capacity and Prosperity: The Next Competitiveness Challenge." In The Global Competitiveness Report. Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum, 1999.
Porter, M. E. "Microeconomic Competitiveness: Findings from the 1999 Executive Survey." In The Global Competitiveness Report. Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum, 1999.
Siggelkow, Nicolaj, and M. E. Porter. "Competition and Strategy: The Creation of a Group and a Field." In The Intellectual Venture Capitalist: John H. McArthur and the Work of the Harvard Business School, 1980-1995, edited by T. K. McCraw and J. L. Cruikshank. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1999.
Porter, M. E. "Measuring The Microeconomic Foundations of Economic Development." In The Global Competitiveness Report. Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum, 1998.
Porter, M. E. "The Microeconomic Foundations of Economic Development." In The Global Competitiveness Report. Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum, 1998.
Porter, M. E., and Orjan Solvell. "The Role of Geography in the Process of Innovation and Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Firms." In The Dynamic Firm, edited by Alfred D. Chandler Jr., Peter Hagstrom and Orjan Solvell. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Porter, M. E. "Building Competitive Advantage: Lessons from Other Countries." In Voices from Marrakech: Selections from the Mediterranean Development Forum. Washington, D.C.: Economic Development Institute, World Bank, 1997.
Porter, Michael E., and Claas van der Linde. "Toward a New Conception of the Environment-Competitiveness Relationship." In A Reader on Environmental Law. Oxford Readings in Socio-Legal Studies, edited by Bridget Hutter. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Porter, Michael E., and Claas van der Linde. "Green and Competitive: Ending the Stalemate." In The Earthscan Reader in Business and the Environment, edited by Richard Welford and Richard Starkey. London: Earthscan Publications Ltd., 1996.
Porter, M. E. "Capital Choices: National Systems of Investment." In As if the Future Mattered: Translating Social and Economic Theory into Human Behavior, edited by Neva R. Goodwin. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996.
Porter, M. E., and Rebecca E. Wayland. "Global Competition and the Localization of Competitive Advantage." In Proceedings of the Integral Strategy Collegium. Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, Inc., 1995.
Porter, M. E. "Competitive Strategy Revisited: A View from the 1990s." In The Relevance of a Decade: Essays to Mark the First Ten Years of the Harvard Business School Press, edited by Paula B. Duffy. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 1994.
Porter, M. E. "Global Strategy: Winning in the World-Wide Marketplace." In The Portable MBA in Strategy, edited by Liam Fahey and Robert M. Randall. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1994.
Porter, M. E. "Applying the Competitive Advantage of Nations Paradigm to Norway." In Praktisk okonomi & Ledelse: et Konsurransedyktig Norge. Oslo, Norway: Bedrifsokonomens Forlag A/S, 1993.
Porter, M. E. "Korea in the Middle." In Korean Competitiveness: A Shortcut to an Advanced Nation. Seoul Korea: Dong-Sung Cho, 1992.
Porter, M. E. "Can Japanese Companies Survive in Global Competition?" In Twenty-first Century: What Will Happen to Japanese Companies?. Tokyo, Japan: NHK Publications, 1989, Japanese ed.
Ghemawat, Pankaj, Michael E. Porter, and Richard Anthony Rawlinson. "Patterns of International Coalition Activity." In Competition in Global Industries, edited by M. E. Porter, 345-365. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 1986.
Porter, Michael E. "U.K. Conglomerates: A View of Hanson Trust." In The World in 1987. London, England: The Economist Group-PIERS, 1986.
Porter, M. E. "The Technological Dimension of Competitive Strategy." In Research on Technological Innovation, Management and Policy. Vol. 1, edited by R. Rosenbloom. JAI Press, Inc., 1983.