Coping with secretions

Thick tenacious secretions

Improve your hydration, humidification and lubrication of the lining of throat and airway by:

·  Taking regular sips of water throughout the day

·  Inhaling steam from a cup 8 – 10 times a day

·  Inhaling steam in the bath / shower; over pans whilst cooking; in the steam room; whilst ironing etc.

·  Saline nebulisers for those with chest health issues

·  Rinsing mouth and inhaling steam after taking inhaled medication

·  Use a sugar free sweet (not lozenges) to maintain moist mouth and enable swallowing rather than throat-clearing

·  Avoid throat-clearing, sip and swallow instead of coughing

·  Improve the humidity of your environment by adding shallow bowls of water; using a table top humidifier for very dry rooms


·  Drink fresh pineapple or papaya juice (not heat-treated juice). Contains proteoltic enzyme i.e. Bromelaine, which helps break down the protein in mucous and can help thin out the thick mucus secretions

·  Consider eliminating/ reducing dairy products from diet for a trial period


Seek a review of medication with GP – some medications can cause drying of the mucosa of throat, mouth and airway such as:-

·  Anti-depressants (Amitriptyline)

·  Statins,

·  Hyoscine,

·  Atropine

·  A number of commonly prescribed medications for hypertension.

Some people benefit from prescription of:-

·  Mucolytics such as Mucodyne – these break down protein in mucoid secretions

·  Beta-blockers such as propranolol and metoprolol (limited evidence that these can reduce secretions).

Non- prescription products from health food stores:

·  Bromelaine

·  Papain tablets or Papaya plus (or papaya fruit). Taken at time of day when secretions are most troublesome.

Dry mouth

In addition to intensive vocal hygiene measure such as hydration and humidification strategies above try:-

·  Fine water spray to maintain moisture around the mouth and pharynx, particularly useful at night if mouth-breathing to prevent drying out.

·  Saline sprays

·  Saliva replacement gels for night time e.g. Biotene Oral Balance Gel

·  Moisture retentive mouthwash, toothpaste and chewing-gum

·  Moisture retentive lozenges eg. Salix pastilles