Minute of Meeting held on Wednesday, 15 March 2006 at Universities Scotland

Present Sir Muir Russell (Convenor)

Mr David Caldwell, Universities Scotland

Dr Jenny Rees, Glasgow Caledonian University

Ms Jan Hulme, University of Glasgow

Mr Frank Gribben, University of Edinburgh

Maggie McGoughan (for Professor Harper) Robert Gordon University

Mr Laurence Howells, Scottish Funding Council

Ms Kate Sankey, University of Stirling

Ms Kate Signorini, The Open University

Dr Iain Morrison, UHI Millennium Institute

Ms Eileen Reid, Glasgow School of Art

Mr Stephen Magee, University of St Andrews

In attendance Dr Simin Abrahams, Universities Scotland

Margaret McLeod, Universities Scotland

Susannah Lane, Universities Scotland

Apologies Professor Rao Bhamidimarri, Napier University

Michael Breaks, Heriot Watt University

Welcome & Introductions

Sir Muir welcomed Simin to the group as this was her first meeting of SIAG since joining Universities Scotland in January 2006.

2 Minute of the last meeting

The minutes were approved as being an accurate record of the last meeting.

3  Matters Arising

§  ILAs

The ILA Working Group (convened to address problems HEIs has encountered with the scheme) has met once on 30 November 2005. The working group is administered by the Funding for Learners Division (FFL) of the Scottish Executive.

Universities Scotland will remain a member of the working group and Simin will keep SIAG members informed of significant developments. Action: Universities Scotland

§  More School

§  Universities Scotland intends to hold an event in autumn 2006 to follow-up the More School research report, originally launched in June 2004.

§  Universities Scotland to follow up progress made with pilot projects currently undertaken within Strathclyde University & Glasgow School of Art that relate to the More School report.

§  Universities Scotland to assess progress/achievements made in relation to the report’s recommendations.

§  Universities Scotland to decide on the merit of holding a follow-up event in autumn 2006. Action: Universities Scotland

§  New Roots Scotland – Proposed Accreditation Centre

New Roots Scotland Accreditation Sub-Group (NRSASG) has submitted a proposal to the Scottish Executive to create an accreditation centre, based at Glasgow Caledonian University, to assist asylum seekers, refugees and migrant workers gain recognition of previous qualifications and enter Scottish FE/HE. NRSASG is keen to receive endorsement from Scotland’s Universities to help move forward with the proposal.

§  Members agreed that NRSASG needs to clarify the type of support it requires from HEIs.

§  Members voiced concerns that the centre might raise expectations amongst asylum seekers/refugees that could not be met. Some refugees and migrant workers will be required to pay full international fees, depending on their legal status. Furthermore, the particular legal status of asylum seekers is likely to exclude them from entering higher education.

§  Members supported the development of the proposal in principle.

§  Scottish Funding Council has been approached by NRSASG with regard to financial support and possible funding. SFC’s support is dependent on two factors: NRSASG to provide further statistics to support business case for centre and Universities Scotland’s full support for the proposal.

Action: Universities Scotland

Multi-agency approach to widening participation

This paper proposed a new complementary approach to widening participation and recommends a more systematic use of the community development approach.

Members agreed:

§  The Funding Council’s review of the regional fora will include consideration of the role the fora could play in improving and strengthening links with hard to reach communities.

Action: Laurence Howells

§  The Scottish Funding Council to liaise with Communities Scotland, at a national level, to discuss greater engagement between the two sectors. Action: Laurence Howells

§  The message for greater community involvement to be fed directly into regional fora where there are direct links already established. Maggie McGoughan and Iain Morrison to take this back to the North Forum. Action: Iain Morrison & Maggie McGoughan

§  Simin and Jan Hulme to prepare a paper to be presented to the Executive Committee of Universities Scotland. This paper should recognise the work which has already been achieved in this area. Action: Simin & Jan Hulme

Universities Scotland

Update on equality issues

This item was mostly for information.

§  Race Toolkit:

Members indicated that academics often equate “equality” with compliance. Branding the toolkit as a guide to internationalisation might encourage greater buy-in. Members advised that serious thought be given to the presentation/branding of the toolkit as this may have a significant impact on how the toolkit is used. Action: Universities Scotland

6 Progress on Learning for All implementation plan

§  SFC will submit an options papers regarding Learning for All to the Chairs & Vice Chairs at the end of March.

§  Learner choice:

SFC is currently undertaking desk research into the factors that influence learner’s decision making. The findings will be used to inform policy and activity in conjunction with LearnDirect Scotland, Careers Scotland etc.

§  Premia:

§  SFC is reviewing all premia.

§  SFC has taken note of comments made recently with regard to disabled students premia.

§  Members voiced the opinion that the review of wider access premia must be tied in with review of performance indicators (PIs) as current PIs will have a very negative affect on WP funds.

§  Members agreed that PIs should recognise that WP measures/initiatives generate very slow returns (up to 10+ years) and the wider access premia should acknowledge and take account of the fact that WP measures undertaken by HEIS can bring positive returns organisations outwith the HE sector (FE colleges etc).

§  Laurence Howells agreed to update the next SIAG meeting on performance indicators.

Simin will work with Frank Gribben on PIs and will keep the group informed.

Action: Laurence Howells

Universities Scotland

7 FE/HE Articulation

Glasgow Caledonian University is currently undertaking an FE:HE Articulation Project to build up an evidence base on articulation students. Early indications suggest that HN student retention is on par with students that start university from school. Glasgow Caledonian to report on project’s progress. Action: Glasgow Caledonian University

Institutions heavily involved in articulation experience problems with employers organisations that won’t recognise articulated student’s qualifications prior to university (if the student hasn’t come through standard route with Highers etc). Therefore degrees obtained through an articulation route do not necessarily lead to employability and give rise to unfulfilled expectations.

§  HEIs must be responsible in marketing materials with regard to articulation and admissions to manage student’s expectations.

§  SCQF website is to be redeveloped and improved. It is likely that this will help generate greater awareness of articulation and dispel some of the confusion surrounding articulation routes.

§  Members agreed that the best interest of the learner is not always served by creating more articulation routes.

§  Articulation and advanced standing is not the only connection between FE/HE. Should try and redress the narrow focus that has arisen on the issue of FE/HE relationships.

§  The SFC’s review of articulation should involve the HE sector.

Action: Scottish Funding Council

8 Tuition Fees and bursaries update

Margaret MacLeod updated members on the issues arising from the tuition fees seminar held in February 2006:

§  Delegates raised many concerns over new fees arrangements in relation to student loans/longer-term study, entry/re-entry where current information isn’t clear. The agencies present at seminar (Funding for Learners (FFL), Student Loans Company, SAAS) committed to review and reporting back to US.

§  Enterprise & Culture Committee took evidence from NUS on Tuesday, 14th March 2006. Fees order to be introduced by end of March 2006; the committee will be in a position where it can only accept or reject the order.

§  Enterprise and Culture Committee to write to the minister to ask for: evidence base for increase in tuition fees; guidance as to how to liaise with England with regard to RUK students; why the timescale for the fee increase has prevented adequate time for consultation or reflection.

§  Real concern for institutions is that the change will be confirmed so late in the academic year and the inadequacy and lateness of information provided to students.

9 Provision of Information on Tuition Fees – proposed collaboration between HEIs and the Scottish Executive

§  Scottish Executive is keen to collaborate with HEIs on the review of the FFL website. Universities Scotland will try to convene a small working/advisory group on this with representatives from a few institutions.

§  Members agreed that there should be balanced representation on the groupincluding: heads of student affairs; student advisers and those working in widening participation.

§  It was also agreed that it would be wise to use this opportunity to raise awareness of the Graduate Endowment, over which there was much confusion or ignorance, and that the situation regarding fees for part-time students was particularly confusing so someone should be present on the group that could represent those interests.

§  It was agreed that RGU was well placed to represent fee issues relating to widening participation and the graduate endowment and the Open University was well placed to represent part-time students.

§  Universities Scotland to contact Glasgow Caledonian, Strathclyde, Glasgow University and UHI to determine appropriate representatives.

§  It was noted that there is some urgency in formation of this advisory group. Action: Universities Scotland/ SIAG members

10 The Scottish Parliament Disability Inquiry: Issues Arising

§  The Equal Opportunities Committee’s most pertinent questions were directed at the FE rather than the HE sector.

§  It is unclear at this stage what the committee might recommend when the inquiry concludes as it is unrelated to legislation of any kind.

§  Universities Scotland to continue to monitor the inquiry and to report back to SIAG when the results of the inquiry are published.

11  AOB

There was no other business

12 Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting has been confirmed as Wednesday, 14th June at 10.30. This meeting will take place at Universities Scotland on Hanover Street, Edinburgh.

Sir Muir encouraged members to contact Universities Scotland if they wish to suggest items for the agenda of the next meeting. Action: SIAG members

SIAG Minute


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