25th January 1581
WE, Johnne Mathew, Decan of the Curdunares, Duveid Wat, Decan of ye Flescheuris, William Walker, Decan of ye Skynneris, Patrik Gardyne, Decan of ye Bount Makeris, Johnne Gray, Decan of ye Brabenaris, Mathew Donaldsoun, Decan of ye Walkeris, Johnne Will, Decan of ye Tailzoris, and Thomis Buchard, Decan of ye Baxteris, within ye burgh of Dunde, with ane assent and consent, and with express assent, consent, adwyis, and counsall of the haill maisteris and craftismen of our saidis craftis within ye burghe forsaid, for ws and ekane of ws our awris and successoiris Decans, maisteris, and craftismen of our saidis craftis within ye burgh foirsaid;-
First, to ye glorie, honor, and pryis of ye eternal and everlasting God, and to ye fourtherance and furth setting of ye holy word and evangell of Jesu Christ, our Lord and maintenance yairof.
Secundlie, for trew faithful and continit all obedience with all humbnes and subjection to our sowerain Lord ye Kingis grace, majestie his airis and successoris. And alswa for ye co-moun weill of ye burgh.
Third, for the comoun weill of ws aud prais and maisteris and craftismen of our saidis craftis, our airis and successoris foirsaidis, And for amitie, friendlye a wiss tendre kyndness, singular fauor, commonwal, unitie, pace, and concord to be haid and perpetually to remane in all tyme to cum amang us, and ekane of us our airis and successoris foirsaidis, and comoun weill of our saidis craitis. And for extinction, expelling off-cutting and away putting of all debaitis, rancroris strills, pleyis, contemptionis actionis, and caussis in all tyme to cum.
We all in ane voice assent, consent with ane adwyis and counsall make statutis, and ordains yer articulis, and statutis particularlie underwretin. In all tyme to cum to be trewlie, faithfullie, and obedientlie obseruit, keipt, and fulfillit in all pointis, co-tenit in yame, to ws and ilk ane of ws decanis, maisters, and craftismen within ye said burgh. And be our and thair airis, successoris, decanis, maisteris, and craftsmen within ye burgh of Dunde foirsaid perpetuallye in all tyme cu-ing, without ony reductioun, receauatioun, contrauention, appellatioun, or agane calling whatsumeuir to be maid off quhilk statutes and ordinancis ye tenuriss followis, Thay ar to say :-
ITEM IN YE FIRST - WE DECANIS of ye craftis particularlie abune mentionit, with ane assent, and consent,and with express assent co-sent, adwyis and counsall of all and Sindrie the meisteris and craftismen of our saidis craftis wtin ye burgh abefoir expreinit. All in ane voice mandatis, statutis, and ordainis That all and sindrye our Collectoris of yis burgh foir said, and yair successoris Collectoris yairof, sall be in all tyme to cum Electit and chosen in yis maner following, That is to say, men of guid name, fame, bruce, lyiff, conursatioun, nocht ressenairis nor takuris of prophins buddis gainis sowines of guidis, nor geir for subuerting and ouerthrawing of Justice and lychte ensues.
ITEM SECUNDLYE - Our saidis Collectoris nor yair Sucassoris, nor nane of yame, sall nocht in ony tyme co-ing tak vpone hand to reasseue, intercomoun and write in ony notioun or caus quhatsumeuir, gryte or small, twiching ye comoun weill of ws decanis, maisteris, and craftsmen of our saidis craftis, and our successoris foirsaidis, Except yai haiffexpress assent, consent, adwyis, co-mand, and counsall of ws and our successoris foirsaidis expreslie gevin and granted to yame yairto, Except ye Kingis grace charges anent his majestie obedience, to Prouest, bailleis, and counsell of yis burghe, for the common weill yairof, to intercomone allanerlie wtout write. And gif the saidis Collectoris, yair successoris, or ony of yame in tyme co-ing intercomon reassone and writtis contrar ye samen of yis our act statut and ordinance, In yat case the said Collector, comittar and doer yairof, sall incontinent pay and delywer to ws and our sucessoris foir saidis the sowme of ten pundis money of yis realme, And his landis, guidis, and geir to be arrestit, compellit. Poyndit, and distringzeit for the said soume be our officars and inbrocht to ws and our sucessoris as ane lawesfull vnlaw, And anertaiment to be distributit be ws and our foirsaidis to ye puir, and at our plessour. And ye samen Collector sall thair incontinents sall de-facto tyne his said office of collectorie for ewer, And for thyne furth nevir to bruik nor joyis amang ws place nor honor, And his said wrettis, ye selff now as thair and yair as now be woid and null, and of na sterynthe, force, nor effect.
ITEM THRIDLYE - It is be ws statut and ordaint yat we, ye saidis decanis, nor our successoris decanis of our saidis craftis within the said burghe, nor nane of ws, nor our succesoris decanis foirsaidis in tyme to cum sall nocht haiff ony powritie abaissance befoir ws or ony of ws in reasson-g or writing in ony actioun or quhatsumeuir gryte or samll. Bot we to be all as brother equal ryt yairintill. And our said Collector and his successoris quha hapins to be for ye tyme sall haif in all tyme to cum full power to nominat and call vpoun ony of ws and our successoris foir saidis to writt or reasone in actions or causis, And yaire stir as the said Collector sall think expedient to ask of ws and ather of ws and our successoris foirsaids our writtis yairntill as he best thinkis.
ITEM FOIRDLYE - We manddtis, statutis and ordainis That nane of us decanis aboune wretin, nor our successoris decanis foirsaidis tast vpoun hand to reassone intercomon or wrett in ony particular or comon actioun or caus till yat ye common weill of ws and maisteris and craftismen of our saidis crafts, and of our successoris for saidis, Except he haiff expre assent, consent, adwyis, command, and counsall of ws decanis, In that cause he sall pay yfoir incontinent to ws and our successoris foir saidis The sowme of fywe pundis money of yis realme, to be vptane be our officar and delyuerit to ws tobe disponit to the puir, and at our foir saidis plessouris. And alsu to tyne his office de faco, And never yairafter to joyis nor bruik office ay and amang us nor our successoris.
ITEM FYFTLIE - It is be ws statut and ordaint yat giff our Collector or any of we decanis, or our successoris Collectoris or decanis of our saidis craftis for ye tyme subscrying ony letter, act, or wretting, or consentis to ye saymne, or to ony instrument of ony novatioun to ye hurt or agand ye co-moun weill of our saidis craftis or ony of yame, or contra our fredome or libertie in Jugement or without, In that case he sall pay for braking of yis our act statut and ordinance incontinent ye sowme of Ten pundis money foir said, to be tane vp be our said oficiar, and disponit be ws and our foir saidis to the effect oboune wretin, And he de facto sall tyne his office, and never to joyis nor bruik place place nor office amang ws, but secludit yairfra for ewir.
ITEM SAXTLIE - We statut, and be yir prest mandatis and ordanis That giff it hapins in tyme cu-ing ony actioun, caus, wariance, qusetioun, or discrepance to be betuix ws decanis, maisteris, and craftismen of our said craftis, or ony of ws or our successoris, In that caise they sall compeir to our said collector, and ask decanis bringing to him and craftismen of his craft for ministratioun of Justice, and bayithe the parties sall be personally warnit to compeir befoir yame, And the pairty absent beand personally warnit sall pay to ye collector for ye tyme fyve schillingis money foirsaid for his vnlaw, And sall satisfie his pairty adversar conform to yair Decreit. And giff ye pairty conwictit refuse to do ye saymne he sall pay to ye Collector incotinent ten shillingis money abune wrettin fo his inobedience, and alswa Sall satisfie ye said Decrit in all pointis articulis contenit yairntill.
ITEM FINALLIE - We amndatis, statutis, and ordinis And alswa bindis and oblisses ws decanis aboune mentionat, Collector, craftismen, maisteris of our saidis craftis, and our succussoris foirsaids faithfully and be thir prests, to mantane, forfittie, and defend evirilk and of ws the vther as offuld trew and leill brother in all our werkis, and tyne nan or Richtis quhilkis we possess, bruike, and joyse presently conforme to ns gift and angis confirmation past and to cum, And in speciall ye Decreit decernit be witlie of ye minister in ye name of ye kirk, Twiching ye stayinoris of ye sumondis of ye actioun betuixt ye Provest and Bailzies and counsall of or affoirsaid burt, on the one pairt, And ye Baxteris on ye uther pairt. And yir, our statutis, actis, andordinances maid and statute be ws in maneraboue mentionat with ane assent and consent to haiff ye strynthe, force, and effect as gin were made be ws in presce of lordis of counsall without ony reductioun, reclamatioun, or agane calling to be maid in ye con-trar, And we, all Decanis, maisteris, and craftismen of our saidis craftis, with ane assent and consent, grantis and consentis that thir our statutis, actis, and ordinance aboue mentiionat be insert and registerit in ye buiks of our sowerane Lordis counsall commissrs buikis of Sanct Andws, and common court buikis of ye burghe of Dundie, And yair to remane patent to ws, our airis, and successoris foir saidis. And the saidis Lordis commisrs, provest, and bailes of ye said burghe respectiue to interpone yair decreitis, and auchtorateis heirintill for preseruing, obseruing, and irrevocabill keping perpetually of ye premisis and everilk pointis aboue rehersit in so far as concernis ws decanis, Collector, maisteris, and craftismen of our saidis craftis, our airie and successoris foirsaidsAnd ather of ws for our awin part wnder ye pains of poinding, warding, and horning with executorials to be raisit herivpoun, and put to executioun als oft as neid beis in forme as efferis, And to that effect we all, with ane assent and consent, Be thir prests, makes, constitutis and ordains in vberiori forma constitionis honorabill men maisteris Robert Alexander, Johnne Rolland, and ilk ane of yame our procuatoris jointlie ans seueralie Havand grantit and And comittand to our saidis procuter co-untly and seweralie our full plane power, express bidding, mandat, and charge To compeir befoir ye daidis Lordis co-missrs provest and bailies quhatsomeuer day or dayes, place or places, And yaire to consent to insert and registrat yir prests in yair buikis respectiue, And to artitet ws, ye saidis craftis, and ilkane of ws, oue airis and successoris, in vberiori forma acti for fulfilling of ye premises, And everilk point aboue rehersit ilkane of our awin partis to vtheris vnder ye pains aboue specefeit, Promilt and prome ane stabill hold and band for to had all and quhatsomeuir thingis our saidis procuratoris jointlie and seueraalie in ye premisis vpoun ane warrant dois or leds Rycheouslie to be done vnder ye pain and oblissing of all our guidis meweabill and unmoweabill prestly and for to cum. And for ye mair roboration heiroft we, ye saidis decanis, wtexpress assent and consent of ye saidis maisteris and craftismen of our saidis craftis hes subscrybuit yir ous present actis, statutis and ordinances contenand co-stitution of proctoriewtour handis in maner as after followis, and having our proper selis to ye samyne.
At Dundee, ye fourt day of ye monethe of januy, the zeir of God jai vc tre scoir fyftene zeires, befoir yir witnesses, &c., &c.
At the Holf of Dunde ye xxv day of januar, ye zeir of God 1581, at aucht howrs or theirby none and of
Or souraine Lord King James ye Sexts Regane ye 15 zeir.
The quhilk day in presce of ane Notair Publict and witnesses vndwrettin p-sonalle comperit,James Gleg, Collector of ye craftis of ye said burt; vt Villame Mathew, Dakin of ye Cordeanars; Valter Peitt, Dakin of ye Halmerman; James Bower, Dakin of ye Skynners; Dauid Aberdeine, Dakin of ye Fleschors; Alexr. Bonar, Dakin of ye Tailzours; Andro Salmont, Dakin of ye Bonnetmackers; Barte Zoung, dakin of ye Valkers; and Dauid Reid, Dakin of ye Brabenars, burgesses of ye forsaid burt, vt ane assent and co-sent, vt expres co-sent, assent, aduyse, and counsall of or heill maisteris and craftismen yrof or saidis craftis forvs and ilk ane of vs or Mrs and successors, Collector, Dakins, maisteris, and craftismen prestand to cum vtin yesaid burt, be yis prest bindis and oblieiss vs and ilk and of vs, our airis and successoris.
First - to defend ye honor and glory of ye et-nall God, and furthsetting of Chryst Jesus ewangell, and mentinance of ye samen. And for auoyding of ye greit abuse and facillite yat is both vsit and actit amang or brither and Mrs of craftis quha hes borne ye publict offcis of Collectr and Daconis of craftis wtin this burt in tymes past, quhilk hes redundit to or greit hurt, skeith, and damnage, and now yt ye samn be and James Gleg, Collector forsaid, in presce of ye Dakins and rest of ye brither of craftis, band and obleist him self and ye Collectors qwhomesuer sal fortun to be chosin heir-efter to bruk ye said office in tyme cu-ing, sal nather in court, counsall, in Judgment nor out of Judgmenr, taik vpoun hand to assent nor co-sent befoir ye provest, balies, nor counsal to ony actioun, matr, or cause yt mat be preuiditiall or hurtfull to ye liberties and preuilegeis of ye maisteris and craftismen vtin yis burt, nor zit to ye commoun veill yairof. Bot yt salbe spoken be him or ony of his successrs in his office, salbe aduist, rasonit, and co-cluditbe ye saidis daikins and Mrs of craftis prest and to cum. And gif he or they beis fund doand ye contrair and obeyis nocht ye sadis Daikins and Mrs of craftis in prom-ting and furt schawing beith in counsal or in Judgment in yt caise so oft as he or thay beis tentit yair vt sal rexue ilk p-sonne berand ye said office ye sowme of four pounds of vsual money to be tane and vplifted be ye Collectors officiar for ye tyme, and to be dispoint and vzit at ye gud desretioun of ye Dakins for ye tyme for his and thair offencis.
Item, ve, ye foirnamit Dakins prest and to cum, bindis and oblieiss vs and or successors be ye faith and truth on or bodeis and theirs yt quhatso-euer matr,cause, or actioun ve haif aduysit, resonit, and concludit vt ye aduyse of or Collector, and hes gewin him charge, comissioun, and power to speik for vs in judgementor vtherwyse as occasioun may serve, yt we and they sal stand firme and stabill yat fortifie and mentein ye samyn to ye vtterneist of our and their powers, and not to speik to ye co-trair of it; and sa oft as us or ony of vs or or successors beis fund to do in ye co-trair ve bind and oblieiss vs or ony of vs yat may be fund contraveenier and braker of yis prest to pay ye sowme of fourte schillings vsual money vnforgewin, ye panes to be upliftit be ye Collectors officiar, and ye said money to be vsit and disponit be ye aduyse of ye said Collector and rest of ye Daikins.
Item. Vith ye aduyse, assent, and co-sent of ye Collector prest and ye heill foirnamit Daikins vt ye aduyse, assent, and co-sent of ye heill remanent Mrs and brither of craftis, to ye effect and end yt te heill premissis co-serning ye Collector and Dakins prestand to cum, and at yis ordour aboune specifeit may ye bettand efter observit and kepit in all poynts, hes bund and oblist yame and ilk ane of yame as ofbefoir yt qtsouer actioun matr, or cause yt at ony time heir eft may folloe to be resonie be thame and yair successors prest and to cum yt ye said mater, actioun, and cause sall pass and haif to be monyest voittis, and ye fewest woittis sal submit yame and pass vt ya menest vottis in all tymes cuming. And for fulfilling, irreuocabill keping and observing of all and heill ye premissis aboune expremit, and ewrilk poynt yairof, James Gleg, collector (and the other parties named above), Dakins foirsaids, askit and teuk instruments, &c.
Signed before the officer to the collecotr, and a great number of craftsmen, by a Notary Public.
27th December 1603
WE, the Collector, Deacons and Brethren of the Crafts of the burgh of Dundee, undersubscribing, taking consideration of the great burden which we bear and sustain, not only in the common affairs of he said burgh, and for the advancement of the commonweal thereof, but also in the aiding, supporting, and supplying of our poor and decayed Brethren, when it pleases God to visit them with poverty and inability of person; and being careful to provide some means whereby in a part of the foresaid burden and charge may be borne out to the Glory of God, advancement of the said commonweal, and the comfort of our said needy and distressed Brethren. WEE, therefore, statuted and ordained, and for us, and our successors, Collectors, Deacons, and Brethren of the said Crafts, concluded to uplift the subsidy and Contribution underwritten, of the persons undermentioned, at the times, and in manner underspecified, in all time coming – viz., of every apprentice that salbe admitted or received hereafter to any craft within the said burgh under Deaconry, ten shillings before he be booked or received.
Item from every person that salbe admitted master of any of the Crafts foresaid, before his admission if he be not a freeman’s son, six shillings and eightpence. Item, of each master of Craft, without exception, at his marriage, ten shillings. Item, of each Craftsman under Deaconry, as well master as apprentice or servant, if he commits adultery and ………………. enjoy the liberty of his craft and office…………………. Of that number, six shillings and eightpence, Which contribution and Subsidy we, by the tenor hereof, bind and oblige ourselves and our successors, to thankfully content and pay, each one of us, at the times and occasions foresaid, to the Deacon of Craft which we profess, or shall happen to profess hereafter within the sad burgh, without stop or impediment; likeas we, the said Deacons, by the tenor hereof bind and obliges us and our successorrs Deacons of the Said Crafts, faithfully and truly to collect, lift, and gather the said Subsidyes and Contributons, and each quarter of the year to make count, reckoning, and payment thereof to the Collector of the said Crafts for the time; and for that effect to give our oaths upon the true discharge of our said offices in that part, and to exhibit quarterly to the said Collector our common book for verifying thereof. And if we, or any of us, contravene these presents, that the contraveners shall pay to the said Collectors forty shillings unlaw for the contravention of ilk point of the premises –viz., as well for abstracting of the said contribution and delaying to pay the same, as for his refusal to exhibit his book for verification thereof. And such like, that each master or brother of Craft that shall refuse to pay the duties above written (being lawfully required thereto by the Deacon of his said Craft), shall pay to the said Deacon forty shillings fine for his refusal, besides the payment of the said duties; and notwithstanding that the brethren of the Baxter Craft of the said burgh are abandoned by a law made among themselves from the receiving of any apprentices…………….years, it is provided by the tenor hereof, with their own consent, that the Deacon of the said Craft shall be accountable yearly to the said Collector for the duty foresaid of each apprentice, extending to ten shillings for ilk apprentice, as if they were received by them, and for the duties foresaid appointed to be received of their masters, extending for the masters to forty shillings, by the duty above written, to be uptaken of their free masters sons. Further, in case it shall happen any controversy or pley to fall out betwixt any brethren of Crafts and their Deacons which shall happen to be decided by the said Collectors and remaining Deacons of crafts, according to their old privileges, it is agreed upon by all our consents, that the brother of craft shall be tried if he be found to have complained wrongously upon his Deacon, shall content and pay to the said Collector, to the use above mentioned, twenty shillings; and if the Deacon, be found to have done wrong to his said brother of Craft, he shall pay to the said Collector to the uses foresaid forty shillings money. And such like, when it pleases the brethren of the said Baxter Craft to receive apprentices in their said Craft, it is provided by the tenor hereof that they shall be subject to such order as the remaining apprentices of the said Craft; and thereafter that the Deacon of the said Baxter Craftshall not be astricetd to pay the the duty foresaid, but for so many apprentices and masters as they shall happen to receive to their said Craft. And, finally, we bind and oblige us, and our successors, to observe, keep and fulfil the whole premises under the pains and unlaws above specified, and this to be without prejudice to such other unlaws as we, the said Collector, Deacons, and our predecessors have been in use to uplift of disobedient persons ofbefore. And for the better securitie we all consent and assent these Acts be inserted in the common Council Books of the said burgh, and decerned to have the strength of a decreet of the Provost and Bailies thereof, and their authority to be interponed thereto, with execution of poinding, warding and horning each one without prejudice to the other, to pass theretofore, and the horning to pass upon a simple charge of six days only, and to that effect constitutes…………………..conjointly and severally our procuration promising de rato est. In witness whereof we, the said Collector and present Deacons of the said Crafts, with the Council of each of the said Crafts, representing the whole body hereof, have subscribed these present as follows, at Dundee, the twenty seventh day of December, the year of God jm six hundred and three(1603) years:-