Unit 5: The Roman Republic
Please take time to use this study guide as you prepare for the assessment. Review class materials!
Know the following terms: -Veto, Legionaries, Legion, Consuls, Patricians, Plebeians, Twelve Tables, Triumvirate, Dictator, Latifundias, and Republic
Know the following concepts: -The Roman Republic: What is a republic? What were the Twelve Tables? -The American government is based on the contributions of the Roman Republic. -Romans set up a republic after overthrowing their Etruscan King (Tarquin the Proud) in 509 B.C. –Describe the attempts made to save the Roman Republic.
Structure of Roman Government: -The Consuls: 2 leaders selected each year to lead the government and military. -The Senate: 300 Senators chosen for ______in charge of developing laws, handling daily problems, and advising the ______. -Judges, Assemblies, and Tribunes: Tribunes protected the rights of ______and all citizens belonged to the assemblies, which could declare war/agree on peace terms.
The Punic Wars: -What were the Punic Wars? How did Hannibal surprise the Romans during the Second Punic War? -Review problems caused by the Punic Wars in Rome. -Describe the results of the Punic Wars. -The Third Punic War involved a Roman attack and the destruction of Carthage.
Important People to Know: -Julius Caesar, Octavian, Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony), Sulla, Gaius Marius, and Hannibal Barca
Unit 5: The Roman Republic
Please take time to use this study guide as you prepare for the assessment. Review class materials!
Know the following terms: -Veto, Legionaries, Legion, Consuls, Patricians, Plebeians, Twelve Tables, Triumvirate, Dictator, Latifundias, and Republic
Know the following concepts: -The Roman Republic: What is a republic? What were the Twelve Tables? -The American government is based on the contributions of the Roman Republic. -Romans set up a republic after overthrowing their Etruscan King (Tarquin the Proud) in 509 B.C. –Describe the attempts made to save the Roman Republic.
Structure of Roman Government: -The Consuls: 2 leaders selected each year to lead the government and military. -The Senate: 300 Senators chosen for ______in charge of developing laws, handling daily problems, and advising the ______. -Judges, Assemblies, and Tribunes: Tribunes protected the rights of ______and all citizens belonged to the assemblies, which could declare war/agree on peace terms.
The Punic Wars: -What were the Punic Wars? How did Hannibal surprise the Romans during the Second Punic War? -Review problems caused by the Punic Wars in Rome. -Describe the results of the Punic Wars. -The Third Punic War involved a Roman attack and the destruction of Carthage.
Important People to Know: -Julius Caesar, Octavian, Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony), Sulla, Gaius Marius, and Hannibal Barca