Spelling Pattern: Long /o/ and short /o/ sounds.
Lesson 4 Spelling Words: block, shown, oatmeal, wrote, fellow, scold, coast, odd, locate, slope, throat, host, online, shock, solve, known, remote, stock, boast, globe, bonus, approach, motion, continent, accomplish.
Lesson 4 Test Date: Tuesday, September 19
Standards / RF4.3aL4.1
L 4.2a
L4.5 / RF4.3 a
L 4.2a
L4.2d / RF4.3a
L4.1 L4.2
L 4.2a
L4.1g / RF4.3a
L4.1 L4.2
L 4.2a
Classwork / ABC order due today.
Analogies Lesson and complete RN40
Proofreading for spelling, RN42 / Spelling Test Lesson 4 words today! See Lesson 4 words Above
/ Spelling Lesson 5 Words begin tomorrow. See Lesson 5 words below / Intro homophones
Sorting words by vowel sounds
Complete RN52 &
ABC order / Continue sorting words by vowel sounds
Sorting homophone pairs
Complete RN53
Homework / Study for your spelling test tomorrow! / No homework tonight. Wednesday is church and family night. / Finish RN52 and ABC order use challenge words in ABC order! 25 words total. / Have a peaceful weekend!
Lesson 5 Pattern: homophones- wait, *weight, *heard, herd, *days, daze, heel, heal, peak, peek, sent, cent, scent, *feet, feat, vain, vane, *vein, miner, minor, raise, raze, rays, principal, principle. *Forms of these words appear in Lesson 5’s story. Review words: it’s, its, their, there, they’re (no excuse words)
Lesson 5 spelling test is next Thursday.
Grammar:Lesson 4 Fragments and Run-on Sentences/subject and predicates Begin Lesson 5 : proper nouns
Standards / L4.1fL4.2a,b,c,d / L4.1f
L4.2a,b,c,d / L4.1f
L4.2a,b,c,d / L4.1f
L4.2a,b,c,d / L4.1f
Classwork / Daily Practice Sentence (SB)
textbook page 130 Try This exercise.
Review Fragments
Run-ons, subject, predicate.
Spiral Review: How to write titles RN46
Conjunction Junction Video and RN47 / Daily Practice Sentence (SB)
Cumulative Review Smartboard lesson and practice / Test Today!Know
your fragments and run-ons; subject and predicates; and writing titles
/ Daily Practice Sentence (SB)
Review terms: common noun, proper noun, and capital letter;
Projectable 5.4 together
Independent practice RN55 / Daily Practice Sentence (SB)
Projectable 5.5 together
Independent practice RN56
Homework / RN47 if needed / Test Wednesday / No homework tonight. Wednesday is church and family night / Finish RN56 if needed
Writing: Planning and Writinga Fictional Narrative – characters, setting, plot, climax Writing Focus: Organization and Conventions
Standards / W4.3a,b,c,d,eW4.4
W4.5 / W4.3a,b,c,d,e
W4.5 / W4.3a,b,c,d,e
W4.5 / W4.3a,b,c,d,e
W4.5 / W4.3a,b,c,d,e
Classwork / Planning: focus on the purpose and events that move the story, using W.O.W story examples; Projectable 4.8 together;
Graphic organizer story map students will complete using ideas from their brainstorming / Planning: textbook pages 132 and 133
Discuss the Reading as a Writer questions on 133
Provide proofreading handout and have students review and revise story maps / Continue to work on revising their narrative story maps / Drafting. Students will begin drafts of the fictional narratives.
Review elements of a fictional narrative and use examples from text book page 140
Use completed story maps to write the draft. / Using proper writing conventions: spelling, grammar, and punctuation, descriptive words.
Use examples from text page 140 about how characters and the problem are introduced.
Homework / Review Story map ideas with parents or friends / None. Reading and language test tomorrow. / No homework tonight. Wednesday is church and family night. / No homework / Finish RN60 if needed
Reading: Comprehension and Fluency Lesson 5Genre: Tall Tales
Standards / W4.10 RL4.1RL4.2 RL4.3 RL4.4
RF4.3 RF4.3A RF4.4 / W4.10 RI4.1
RI4.2 RI4.3 RI4.4 RL4.5 RI4.7 RF4.4 / W4.10 RL4.1
RL4.2 RL4.3 RL4.4
RF4.3 RF4.3A RF4.4 / RL4.1 RL4.2 RL4.3 RL4.4 RL4.6 RF4.3 RF4.4 W4.1 / RL4.1 RL4.2 RL4.3 RL4.4 RL4.6 RF4.3 RF4.4
Classwork / Re read 110-121 complete RN37-38
Rough draft answers to the essential question from yesterday’s brainstorming
Complete prefix handout page 12
Complete decoding vcv-vccv handout / Informational text- Charts
Read text pages 126-128 together
Follow the steps and create your own budget
Write the final copy of your answer to the essential question to turn I n. / Lesson 4 Test today: Comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and decoding skills.
Tomorrow we begin Lesson 5 “Stormalong” and “Hoderi the Fisherman” / Intro Lesson 5 vocab pgs 134-135
text pgs.136/137: characterization, inference and prediction; traditional tales;
Genre: Tall Tales
Preview story, essential question, and write a paragraph predicting what the story will be about.
Begin story pg139 / Continue First Read of “Stormalong” pages 139-153
Homework / Edit your rough draft of the essential question
Be ready to publish tomorrow / Re read “The Power of W.O.W”
Test Wednesday / No homework tonight. Wednesday is church and family night. / Finish Vocabulary cards / Read “Stormalong” with your family You can use Think Central!
Target Vocabulary Lesson 5: seafaring, tidal, foaming, outcast, yearning, memorable, betrayed, condition, shortage, horrified. Test on these words next Thursday!