Student Success Committee Minutes

September 30, 2014, 9:00-10:30 am

Committee Members present:

Beth Armstead, David Bishop, Brian Johnson, Olivia Rael , Gaylyn Yanke, Joe Aragon, Ambrosia Knighton, Sascha Larrabee , Katie O’Connor

Absent: Cecilia Stafford , Steve Stockdale (AL)

Beth welcomed all members to the start of our academic year and SS meeting. She provided a visual of the primary committees at NMSU Grants and who participates in them. All of these entities, including faculty, staff, and students, play a part in improving Student Success.

1.  Approve Minutes – Olivia made the motion to approve, Brian seconded; motion passed

2.  Approve Agenda: Brian made some additions; Brian motioned to approve, Kati seconded, motion passed.

Old Business:

1.  Campus Kudos’ Gratitude Board – develop process for what we do with the Kudo cards – how to share with the campus, etc. THANK YOU to Cecilia for creating the Board; to Earl Prewett for the wooden boxes. TABLED since we would like Cecilia to a part of this.

2.  Review of Bienvenidos y Helado – Welcome Back – we will plan to do this again in January, tentatively Tues, Jan. 13, 2-4. We will focus on getting more current students to attend. A suggestions to have hot cocoa and marshmallows was made.

3.  Review of summer New Student Orientation format – Student Services will be scheduling the SP15 NSO’s. Brian recommended we have students sign up right away for the Workshops that we have scheduled; perhaps they will be more likely to attend.

New Business:

1.  Student Success Forum Oct 15, Noon – Brian & Sascha and hopefully ASG. We will serve pizza for students. We do not want too many admin, staff, or faculty present as it can affect the students’ willingness to be open.

2.  Kati has a suggestion which she will raise at the Oct Faculty meeting: offer numerous CANVASS trainings for students early in the semester. Student Success, certain faculty/classrooms, perhaps IT and the interns can also offer some.

3.  Update on proposal for early intervention of developmental courses and some other identified course – Brian. TABLED until new Title V staff are hired, primarily the Director and MATH Lab Staff.

4.  Update from SS Strategic Plan: Fall Schedule of Activities magnet; Fun’ding Fridays and other Career related workshops ongoing as well as Student Success workshops (Olivia)

5.  COLL 101 – SS requesting a day or two of class in each section for financial management/financial aid; request Campus Save Act be reviewed in class too. Brian will invite Connie Lyons, COLL Program Manager to attend our meetings.

6.  Joe and David brought up the model of Freshman Orientation, a weekly, 1 hour, credit bearing class for new students. David will raise this at the October Faculty meeting, as we will need Faculty support and Dr. Sheski’s approval. Questions: how will this vary from COLL 101? Will it be required, as COLL 101 is in most degrees. The committee is open to this model; perhaps we could use the newly remodeled Theater. We discussed incorporating the new Ipads for students to use in class, as well as how to incorporate some of our new technology.

7.  Ideas/Goals for 14-15 – ideas: campus culture/communication – event, increase students’ accessing of electronic news; Brainstorm

Ideas: Technology: once the interactive monitors are working, how can we provide info on the various degrees? For example, can we have short videos of the PM’s, or students in the program? How can we increase the use of the 3 Media Sites?

Transfer: Sascha requested we focus on this initiative. She shared about UNM Gallup’s Nursing School visiting today, Dr. LaConto from the Dept of SOC at NMSU; NMSU will organize a small Transfer Fair on campus with some Colleges from NMSU. Margo Trevino, advisor from the College of EDUC was here in September as well as the Director of Elementary EDUC. The Nursing Advisors from NMSU LC will be here for students, Nov. 5-6.

Recruiting – we discussed faculty helping to recruit students. The annual Career and Job Fair, Nov. 13, 9-noon is a good time for faculty and Program Managers to speak with students and promote their programs. Kati agreed to speak with 40 students on Monday, Oct. 6, at 11:05 in Fidel. This is after our NM College Days and one school has asked for tour and info.

Textbooks – we briefly discussed how some students still do not have books and how this is often related to their FAFSA and incomplete verification (official tax transcripts).

Other topics: Student Debt – we did not discuss this but will raise it on the next agenda.

Student Internships – work based learning; table to Oct. agenda

Student Ambassadors – David brought this model up; we attempted to engage students in this program a few years ago but did not get participants. We can revisit it as colleges across the U.S. have had success with Student Ambassadors.

We did not decide on this year’s goals or “threads”. The committee is asked to think about it and we will discuss it again in October.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, Oct. 28, 9-10:30; Nov. 18, 9-10:30 (the last week is Fall Break for students and faculty).


Beth Armstead