Laboratory Information Systems
LIS Container Dictionary
To define collection and aliquot containers used in LAB, MIC and BBK.
See Count vs. Volume below.
Ensure that analyzers can accommodate long bar codes if “Use Long Bar Codes” is set to Y.
Dictionary Prompts:
Mnemonic: (Free Text) Standard Definition
Appears on specimen and collection labels.
Active: (Y/N/E) Standard Definition
Name: (Free Text) Standard Definition
Volume (ml): (Free Text Numeric)
If using the volume method to determine the number of labels to generate, enter the usable sample volume of the container being defined.
For example, if RED7 will be used for serum, then enter 3 at the volume field (estimated serum volume based on a normal HCT). If the container will be used for whole blood, enter the total volume of the container.
Container Type: (Free Text/LIS Container Type Lookup)
This field must be defined if a Volume is entered. Perform a lookup and enter the container type for the container being defined. If the required entry does not exist, enter free text to define the container type. The entry will be added to the lookup upon filing the container entry.
To allow the Volume method of label generation to work like Count, enter the mnemonic of the container as the Container Type.
Sample Type: (Lookup LIS Sample Type Dictionary)
If using Sample Types, perform a lookup and select the correct sample type for this container.
6.0 LIS Container Dictionary (continued)
Use Long Barcodes: (Y/N)
This field is accessible if the LIS System Parameter “Allow Long Barcodes” is set to Y.
If this container should use a permanent nine digit bar code number, enter Y.
Send to Handheld: (Y/N) – DTS 7540 available 6.0 PP5, 6.1 PP1
If this container should be sent to the Wireless Phlebotomy Handheld, enter Y.
Sort Number: (Free Text Numeric – N.NN) – DTS 7540 available 6.0 PP5, 6.1 PP1
If containers on the Wireless Phlebotomy Handheld should be sorted based on draw order, define a sort order for the container.
Containers will appear on the wireless handheld in sort order number. Containers with no sort number will appear at the end of the list in alphabetic order by mnemonic.
If using the wireless handheld and sample types, ensure that all containers for a particular department have sample types.
Count Method vs. Volume Container Definition:
Count Method
If using the Count method, the number of labels generated is determined by the mnemonic of the container and the count (percentage of tube) defined in the Test or Procedure Dictionary.
The percentage of container required will appear on collection and specimen labels.
Example 1: Tests defined with the same container. (Note sample types and barcode sets are the same.)
Test / Prefix / Container / Sample Type / Count / Barcode SetGLU / C / RED7 / SST / 0.01 / C39
K / C / RED7 / SST / 0.01 / C39
Lipid Profile / C / RED7 / SST / 1 / C39
CK / C / RED7 / SST / 0.5 / C39
CKMB / C / RED7 / SST / 0.5 / C39
If all the tests above are ordered, MEDITECH will generate 3 RED7 labels.
RED7 total count is 2.02 indicating that two full containers plus .02 percent of the third container are required.
6.0 LIS Container Dictionary (continued)
Example 2: Tests defined with different containers. (Note sample types and barcode sets are the same.)
Test / Prefix / Container / Sample Type / Count / Barcode SetGLU / C / RED3 / SST / 0.01 / C39
K / C / RED3 / SST / 0.01 / C39
Lipid Profile / C / RED7 / SST / 1 / C39
CK / C / RED7 / SST / 0.5 / C39
CKMB / C / RED7 / SST / 0.5 / C39
If all the tests above are ordered, MEDITECH will generate 1 RED3 label and 2 RED7 labels. RED3 total is 0.02 and RED7 total is 2.0 indicating that three labels are required.
Volume Method
If using the Volume method, the number of labels generated is determined by the container type and total volume of sample needed. MEDITECH determines what combination of containers will provide sufficient sample volume with the least overdraw.
The total milliliters of the container needed will appear on specimen and collection labels.
Example 1: Tests defined with multiple containers with the same container type. (Note the sample type and bar code sets are the same.)
Test / Prefix / Container/Sample Type / Type / Volume / Barcode SetGLU / C / RED7/SST Vol =7ml / SST / 0.01 / C39
K / C / RED1/SST Vol =1ml / SST / 0.01 / C39
Lipid Profile / C / RED7/SST Vol =7ml / SST / 1 / C39
CK / C / RED7/SST Vol=7ml / SST / 0.5 / C39
CKMB / C / RED7/SST Vol=7ml / SST / 0.5 / C39
The total volume for the SST container type is 2.02 mls (0.01 + 0.01 + 1 +0.5 + 0.5)
If all tests above are ordered, MEDITECH will generate 3 RED1 labels since this combination of containers leaves 0.08 ml unused sample. A single RED7 container leaves 4.08 ml unused sample.
6.0 LIS Container Dictionary (continued)
Example 2: Setup to allow Volume to work like Count. (Note that sample type and bar code sets are the same, container type is the same as the container mnemonic.)
Test / Prefix / Container/Sample Type / Type / Volume / Barcode SetGLU / C / RED7/SST Vol =7ml / RED7 / 0.01 / C39
K / C / RED1/SST Vol =1ml / RED1 / 0.01 / C39
Lipid Profile / C / RED7/SST Vol =7ml / RED7 / 1 / C39
CK / C / RED7/SST Vol=7ml / RED7 / 0.5 / C39
CKMB / C / RED7/SST Vol=7ml / RED7 / 0.5 / C39
The total volume for the RED7 container type is 2.01 and the total volume for the RED1 container type is 0.01.
If all the tests above are ordered, MEDITECH will generate 3 RED7 label and 1 RED1 label.