Date: Friday, October 16th–Sunday, October 18th
Place: White Tiger TKD, 135 Main Street, Manchester CT 06042
Fees before October 8th:
Non ITF-USA $80: ITF-USA members $60, Includes Sat. BBQ Dinner
Fees after October 9th:
Non ITF-USA $100: ITF-USA members $70, Includes BBQ Dinner
Amount $ ______Cash / Credit Card / Check #______
The cardholder agrees to pay above amount according to card issuer agreement. Make Checks Payable to White Tiger LLC.
I hereby submit my application for registration in the 2015 ITF-USA NATIONAL SEMINAR. In consideration of acceptance of my application. For participation requested, I do hereby, for my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive, release and forever discharge any and all rights and claims for damages which I may hereafter accrue to me against White Tiger TKD, LLC Instructors and of their officers, instructors, agents, representatives, successors, and or assignees event officials, and participants for any and all damages which may be sustained and suffered by me in connection with, association with, or entry in the event or which may arise out of my traveling to, participating in or returning from said Martial Arts event. Please note that due to space restrictions there will be NO refunds. I understand that any pictures of me participating in said seminar may be used for publicity without compensation.
SIGNATURE:______DATE:______(Parent or Guardian if participant is under 18 years of age.)
The only Organization the can say: “Created by the ITF in the USA for the USA”
5:00 pm –7:00 pm : High Black Degree Testing with GM Van Binh
7:00 pm – 8:30pm :IV Dan above Self-Defense with GM Van Binh
9:00 am – 11:00 am : Self-Defense with GM Van Binh
11:00am – 12:00 pm : How to Build a Team of Leaders with Mr. Ferwerda
12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch (Also ITF-USA Meeting)
1:00pm – 2:30 pm : Patterns & Techniques with Master Marcello Cancelliere
Mr. Seth Rattet and Mr. Jason Morris
2:30 pm – 3:30pm: “Utilizing Social Media” Your way to a Successful Business withMr. Simon
3:30pm –5:00 pm: Sparring Drills and Tactics withMaster Cancelliere and Mr.
Seth Rattet.
5:15pm to 7:30pm: Umpire Updates & Practical Training with Mr. Rattet andMr. Morris
7:30 pm : BBQ/Grill Dinner at school.
9:00 am – 10:00 am :Nutrition & Supplementation with Mr. Foley
10:00am–12:00pm : Pattern Training & Techniques with Master Cancelliere, Mr. Seth Rattet and Mr. Morris
12:00pm – 1:00pm:Lunch and break time
1:00 pm – 2:30pm: Power Breaking, Special Techniques with Mr. Kenneth Rattet and Mr. Foley
2:30pm – 4:00pm: Sparring Drills Training with Mr. Seth Rattet and Mr. Carlos Resende
Check the boxes for the workshops that you will attend. Mail applications and checks to:
White Tiger TKD, 135 Main Street, Manchester CT 06042
Emailed applications will not be accepted unless accompanied by a credit card