Council notes – October 10, 2017
- Envision Counselling & Support Centre Inc. sent a thank you card for supporting the organization’s programs.
- Radville Emergency Measures Organization provided an emergency notification system chart.
- Radville Marian Health Care Auxiliary sent notice of 70th anniversary celebration to be held October 15 at the Community Centre.
- saskdocs provided notification that Dr. Abedi will be commencing practice in Radville.
- Southeast College provided notification of municipal management essentials workshops being held throughout the month of November. Council members are unable to attend the courses being offered.
- The Town of Radville will donate $50.00 to the Remembrance Day wreath and poppy fund of the Royal Canadian Legion Radville Branch #42.
- The CIBC and Radius Credit Union reconciliation’s, and Statements of Financial Activities for the period ending September 30, 2017, were accepted as presented.
- The accounts for approval, Cheques No. 116 to 144, and automatic withdrawal, totaling $450,123.96 were approved for payment.
- Human resources statistics were presented to Council.
- Requested and received permission from the New Building Canada Fund to defer planting trees and grass for the lagoon expansion project until the spring of 2018 due to the drought conditions.
- The new Town sign has been ordered. The kiosk, tree and old sign have been removed.
- Utility invoices were sent out on September 28.
- Amanda attended a grant-writing workshop on October 5.
- Tourism Radville Inc. purchased a cabinet, which has been set up at the Town Office to house copies of the Radville Star.
- The electronic speed sign has been moved to a new location.
- Conservation officer has been contacted with regard to a cougar sighting within the town limits.
- Sidewalk in front of the Pharmacy has been repaired.
- Xplornet sent a request to lease land to install an internet tower and equipment shelter. Council reviewed the request and asked the Administrator to obtain additional information before a decision could be made.
- The Town of Radville approved the new Asset Management Policy.
- The Town of Radville approved the permit to demolish a house on Lot 22, Block 17, Plan AX1974.
- The following list of lands in arrears be advertised for placement of tax liens:
Lots 30’ of 19, 20, Block 5, Plan AT1370
Lot 16, Block 7, Plan AT1370
Lots 6 and 7, Block 8, Plan AX1974
Lot 6, Block 12, Plan AX1974
Lots ½ of 6 7 and 10’ of 8, Block 17, Plan AX1974
Lots 12 and 13, Block 17, Plan AX1974
Lot 17, Block 17, Plan AX1974
Lot 10, Block 18, Plan AX1974
Lot 5, Block 20, Plan 102079380 ext 17
Lot 25 and 28’ of 26, Block 68, Plan 77R45453
Lots 9 and 10, Block 69, Plan 77R45453
Lot 2, Block 1, Plan EW4369
Lot 1, Block 51, Plan CF1012
Lots 12, 13, and 14, Block 62, Plan CF1012
Lot 5, Block 8, Plan FR1021
Lot 6, Block 8, Plan FR1021
Lot 7, Block 5 Plan 10207468
- Next regular meeting of Town Council will be held Monday, October 23, 7:00 p.m.