Balmoral Ridgeway Elementary School Intervention Plan
Action Steps / Timeline / Required Resources / Person(s) ResponsibleSelect members for school level support team; set and publish meeting dates (every 4.5 weeks). / August 2014 –
May 2015 / SCS RTI2 Manual / Carla Hinkle
LaWanda M. Clark
Sharonda Beard
Ensure that staff members receive professional development on universal screener and intervention programs, as needed. / August 2014 –
May 2015
(weekly) / District professional development schedule in MLP
Site-based fidelity check-weekly / District Level
LaWanda M. Clark
Celeste Fraser
Sharonda Beard
Develop and implement building procedures for fidelity monitoring to include data/usage review and classroom observations in Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III. / August 2014 –
May 2015
(weekly) / SCS RTI2 Manual
Checklists, electronic monitoring tools
Schedules with who/when/how often
Site-based fidelity check / Grade Level Leaders
LaWanda M. Clark
Celeste Fraser
Sharonda Beard
Administer universal screeners in Reading and Mathematics to all students; administer Writing on an “as needed” basis. / September 2014-
May 2015
(weekly, monthly and quarterly) / iReady, Mathematics
Istation, Reading
Data review, Writing / Linda DeVastey
LaWanda M. Clark
Celeste Fraser
Identify students in need of strategic Tier II and intensive Tier III intervention in Reading and/or Mathematics. / September 2014
December 2014
May 2015
(monthly progress monitoring and quarterly universal screening) / Data from universal screeners, report cards, teacher observation, other student assessment data as appropriate / Classroom Teachers
LaWanda M. Clark
Carla Hinkle
Sharonda Beard
Celeste Fraser
Communicate assignments to intervention programs to parents of students involved / September 2014-
May 2015
(weekly folders and monthly training) / Parent letters- See SCS RTI2 Manual for examples / LaWanda M. Clark
Set schedules for Tier II and Tier III interventions; realign staffing as needed. / September 2014-
May 2015
(weekly) / Computers/labs
Resources for small group intervention / LaWanda M. Clark
Sharonda Beard
Provide Tier II and Tier III interventions for all students in need of intervention. / September 2014-
May 2015
(daily) / iReady, Mathematics
Istation, Reading
School choice, Writing / Classroom Teachers
Establish progress monitoring for students receiving interventions—biweekly for Tier II and weekly for Tier III / September 2014-
May 2015
(monthly) / iReady, Mathematics
Istation, Reading
School choice, Writing / Classroom Teachers
Carla Hinkle
LaWanda M. Clark
School level support team meets every 4.5 weeks to review data and make recommendations for modification. / September 2014-
May 2015
(monthly) / Student assessment data
Attendance records
Completed fidelity checklists
Teacher observation / Carla Hinkle
Meredith Embree
LaWanda M. Clark
Sharonda Beard
Communicate progress and/or changes in intervention assignments to parents (e.g., moving between/among tiers, newly assigned, moving out of intervention). / September 2014-
May 2015
(weekly Wednesday folders) / Parent letters- See SCS RTI2 Manual for examples / Classroom Teachers
Provide Tier I academic support / September 2014-
May 2015
(daily) / Extended Learning Tutoring-before/after school
Extended Contract Tutoring –Saturday Academy
Wednesday Tutoring / LaWanda M. Clark
Sharonda Beard
Classroom Teachers
Building-level supports for Tier I; can include reinforcements for positive behaviors, exemplary attendance, academic achievement, before/after school tutoring, Saturday school, etc. / September 2014-
May 2015
(daily, weekly and monthly) / Monthly popcorn parties for students who earn E's in homeroom and ENCORE classes for the month
Monthly casual dress days for students who have perfect attendance, no tardies or early dismissals for the month
The Silver Spoon - for classes that exhibit positive behavior in the cafeteria - incentives to be determined as specific guidelines
Nine weeks ribbons for citizenship (all E's) and perfect attendance
IB Bucks
Adult mentoring
Boys to Men
GEMS / Marylyn Washington
Celeste Fraser
LaWanda M. Clark
Sharonda Beard
School level support team meets to review data and make adjustments to intervention schedules for the second semester, as indicated by the new data. / September 2014-
May 2015
(Weekly) / Student assessment data
Attendance records
Completed fidelity checklists
Teacher observation / Carla Hinkle
Meredith Embree
LaWanda M. Clark
Sharonda Beard
Revise schedules for Tier II and Tier III interventions, as needed, based on December universal screening / December 2014-
January 2015 / iReady, Mathematics
Istation, Reading
School choice, Writing / Team Leaders
LaWanda M. Clark
Sharonda Beard
Celeste Fraser
School level support team meets to review end-of-year data and make preliminary plans for next year. / May 2015 / Student assessment data
Attendance records
Completed fidelity checklists
Teacher observation / Team Leaders
Carla Hinkle
Meredith Embree
LaWanda M. Clark
Sharonda Beard