App Log:
000207.290|so |*|00| DRAM_SIZE: 224 MB
000207.290|so |*|00| NAND flash detected is 20
000207.291|key |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.317|httpd|*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.321|poll |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.321|push |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.322|poll |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.323|poll |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.324|rest |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.327|poll |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.327|poll |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.327|poll |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.327|rest |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.330|ht |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.330|ht |*|00|HTTP TA Initialized
000207.331|cap |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.332|vid |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.333|vid |5|00|init: Could not start display driver.
000207.340|dbuf |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.345|ssps |*|00|sspsMain: Set HDI mem to be 0, was 0
000207.361|ssps |*|00|Application, comp. 1: Label=PolyDSP Vino BCM11107 Mem1 FS1, Version= 31-Jul-2015 15:35
000207.361|ssps |*|00|Application, comp. 1: P/N=3150-11580-842.
000207.363|ice |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.363|afe |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 6
000207.470|pps |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.471|sip |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.472|sipt |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.473|sipp |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.496|ptt |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.501|xmpp |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.506|btoe |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000207.512|btoe |5|00|PpsBtoeC::ppsProcMsg thread launched
000207.574|so |5|00|soCoreAudio compiledOffsetsApply error: unrecognized verAudio 20 for bluetooth headset
000207.821|cap |4|00|[SoVidVideoCaptureManagerC::captureFrameAndProcessLoop][ERROR] No active camera channel found! noActiveCameraChanCt=1
000207.823|ssps |5|00|Failed to create 'SoVidDecoderFacadeC' object
000207.825|ssps |5|00|Failed to create 'SoVidDecoderFacadeC' object
000207.825|cap |4|00|[SoVidVideoCaptureManagerC::captureFrameAndProcessLoop][ERROR] No active camera channel found! noActiveCameraChanCt=3
000208.237|pwrsv|*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000208.259|so |*|00|Using TCP IP Media Port, configured initial RTP port 2222
000208.260|so |*|00|Using TCP IP Video Port, configured initial RTP port 2272
000208.279|cfg |5|00|Prm|Parameter dialplan.impossibleMatchHandling requested type 2 but is of type 0
000208.279|cfg |5|00|Prm|Parameter dialplan.impossibleMatchHandling requested type 2 but is of type 0
000208.310|usb |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000208.317|pwr |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000208.318|pwr |5|00|Initialising Power Manager - Polyapp
000208.318|sshc |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000208.318|gbLoc|*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000208.323|app1 |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000208.351|btoe |5|00|PpsBtoeC Callback is set
000208.367|pwr |5|00|Powering up USB ports from Power Manager usb0power 1 usb1power 1
000208.385|app1 |*|00|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() Number Of Line Keys = 48
000208.385|app1 |*|00|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() - new AppRegLineC, szUser = [***Username***]@[***Domain***]
000208.481|ldap |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000208.482|abs |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000208.515|bluet|*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000209.589|btapp|*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000209.709|efk |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000209.767|slog |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000209.767|cmp |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000209.769|wmgr |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000209.896|so |4|00|SoKeyC::procMsg unexpected message 4099
000209.923|so |*|00|Network initialized. Starting network tasks.
000210.018|clist|*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000210.019|cfg |5|00|Prm|Parameter dir.local.contacts.maxFavIx requested type 2 but is of type 0
000210.050|clist|4|00|dbCfg::getServerDir:UnknowndbCfg type
000210.051|clist|4|00|dbCfg::getServerDir:UnknowndbCfg type
000210.052|clist|4|00|dbCfg::getServerDir:UnknowndbCfg type
000210.053|clist|4|00|dbCfg::getServerDir:UnknowndbCfg type
000210.057|clist|4|00|dbCfg::getServerDir:UnknowndbCfg type
000210.057|clist|4|00|dbCfg::getServerDir:UnknowndbCfg type
000210.060|cfg |5|00|Prm|Parameter dir.local.contacts.maxFavIx requested type 2 but is of type 0
000210.074|clist|4|00|dbCfg::getServerDir:UnknowndbCfg type
000210.075|clist|4|00|dbCfg::getServerDir:UnknowndbCfg type
000210.084|clist|4|00|dbCfg::getServerDir:UnknowndbCfg type
000210.084|clist|4|00|dbCfg::getServerDir:UnknowndbCfg type
000210.155|tickt|*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000210.159|loc |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000210.182|log |*|00|Install file upload callback for 'so'
000210.187|btoe |5|00|MsgPpsNcasProcessStartStopCmnd: Starting Pairing
000210.427|utilm|4|00|uBLFUnCompressed: File /ffs0/Config/Local/WebTicket/0/ntlm.dom doesn't exist or is empty
000210.772|wdog |*|00|Failed to open Hw watchdog interface from polyapp, Error: Device or resource busy
1221095942|cfg |5|00|Prm|Parameter dir.local.contacts.maxNum requested type 2 but is of type 0
1221095942|copy |4|00|Configuration of URL failed
1221095942|cfg |5|00|Prm|Parameter dir.local.contacts.maxNum requested type 2 but is of type 0
1221095942|xml |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
1221095943|clist|4|00|dbIO::processResult:no host
1221095943|clist|4|00|dbSet::srv2mem:'0004f2c23911-directory.xml' File transfer failed, trying to get local file
1221095943|copy |4|00|Configuration of URL failed
1221095943|clist|4|00|dbIO::processResult:no host
1221095943|clist|4|00|dbSet::srv2mem:'000000000000-directory.xml' File transfer failed, trying to get local file
1221095943|app1 |5|00|[AppHybridC]: APP IS COMPLETELY INTIALIZED.
1221095943|sip |*|00|Sip Register Usr:[***Username***]@[***Domain***] Dsp:[***Username***] Auth:'Using Login Cred' Inx:0
1221095943|utilm|4|00|uBLFUnCompressed: File /ffs0/Config/Local/WebTicket/0/fedContactUrl.dom doesn't exist or is empty
1221095943|app1 |4|00|Corporate directory is not Enabled.
1221095943|clist|4|00|dbCfg::getServerDir:UnknowndbCfg type
1221095943|clist|4|00|dbCfg::getServerDir:UnknowndbCfg type
1221095943|moh |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
1221095943|moh |4|00|SoNcasMohC::soNcasMohFileDownload: MoH File provisioning is not supported for Config source=0
1221095944|copy |4|00|Configuration of URL failed
1221095944|log |4|00|UtilLogServerC::uploadFifoLog: upload error. protocol 0 result = 0
1221095944|log |4|00|Failed to upload boot log on start up.
1221095944|copy |4|00|Configuration of URL failed
1221095944|log |4|00|UtilLogServerC::uploadFifoLog: upload error. protocol 0 result = 0
1221095944|clist|4|00|dbSet::load:cleared load error state m_sync=<0x40>
1221095944|copy |4|00|Configuration of URL failed
1221095944|clist|4|00|dbIO::processResult:no host
1221095944|clist|4|00|dbSet::srv2mem:'000000000000-directory.xml' File transfer failed, trying to get local file
1221095948|cfg |4|00|Prov|CfgDhcpInformControl::ExtractOptions: DHCP ACK message failed initial validation. Skipping parsing of DHCP options.
1221095948|pgui |*|00|Qt Mouse driver created.
1221095948|so |5|00|SoCoreAudioC::videoWindowResizeMove: Requested yuvchan has not been activated yet.
1221095948|cap |4|00|[SoVidVideoCaptureManagerC::captureFrameAndProcessLoop][ERROR] No active camera channel found! noActiveCameraChanCt=5
1221095951|so |5|00|SoCoreAudioC::videoWindowResizeMove: Requested yuvchan has not been activated yet.
1221095951|so |5|00|SoCoreAudioC::videoWindowResizeMove: Requested yuvchan has not been activated yet.
1221095951|cap |4|00|[SoVidVideoCaptureManagerC::captureFrameAndProcessLoop][ERROR] No active camera channel found! noActiveCameraChanCt=9
1221095953|pgui |4|00|'Table Names' or 'Tabels Data' update is not required due to unavailablity of token (en) from the cached table list, notification ignored
1221095953|pgui |4|00|'Table Names' or 'Tabels Data' update is not required due to unavailablity of token (en) from the cached table list, notification ignored
1221095954|brow |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
1221095956|cfg |4|00|Prov|CfgDhcpInformControl::ExtractOptions: DHCP ACK message failed initial validation. Skipping parsing of DHCP options.
1221095959|sip |4|00|doDnsListLookup(tcp): doDnsSrvLookupForARecordList '[***Domain***]' found no records
1221095959|sip |4|00|doDnsListLookup(tcp): doDnsSrvLookupForARecordList '[***Domain***]' found no records
1221095959|sip |4|00|doDnsListLookup(tcp): doDnsSrvLookupForARecordList '[***Domain***]' found no records
1221095959|ec |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
1221095959|sip |4|00|doDnsListLookup(tls): doDnsSrvLookupForARecordList 'sipinternal.[***Domain***]' found no records
1221095959|sip |4|00|doDnsListLookup(tcp): doDnsSrvLookupForARecordList 'sipinternal.[***Domain***]' found no records
1221095959|sip |4|00|doDnsListLookup(tls): doDnsSrvLookupForARecordList 'sipexternal.[***Domain***]' found no records
1221095959|sip |4|00|doDnsListLookup(tcp): doDnsSrvLookupForARecordList 'sipexternal.[***Domain***]' found no records
1221095959|app1 |4|00|[AppExchangeUiC::populateAutoDiscoverUrl] Internal & External EWS url's are empty
1221095959|sip |*|00|Fast Boot Measurement Point: Ready for Call, uptime: 148.655 sec.
1221100000|sip |4|00|CTcpSocket::Abandon - TLS Listen Thread has not exited. No need to abandon this socket
1221100000|sip |4|00|CTcpSocket::Abandon - TLS Listen Thread has not exited. No need to abandon this socket
1221100000|sip |4|00|CTcpSocket::Abandon - TLS Listen Thread has not exited. No need to abandon this socket
1221100000|sip |4|00|CTcpSocket::Abandon - TLS Listen Thread has not exited. No need to abandon this socket
1221100000|sip |4|00|CTcpSocket::Abandon - TLS Listen Thread has not exited. No need to abandon this socket
1221100000|sip |4|00|CTcpSocket::Abandon - TLS Listen Thread has exited. Process further to abandon this socket
1221100000|sip |4|00|CTcpSocket::Abandon connected socket. Send Message 0x40e5de48
1221100000|sip |4|00|SSL_get_error Error code=5,rc(0)
1221100000|sip |4|00|TLS Listen Thread Exit
1221100001|utilm|4|00|uBLFUnCompressed: File /ffs0/Config/Local/WebTicket/0/ntlm.dom doesn't exist or is empty
1221100001|sip |5|00|m_nTLSDSKState = TLSDSK_INIT :pNtlmDomain or m_csAuthDomain is NULL
1221100001|cfg |4|00|RT|SIP is setting Login Credentials to valid
1221100001|sip |4|00|CTcpSocket::Abandon - TLS Listen Thread has exited. Process further to abandon this socket
1221100001|sip |4|00|CTcpSocket::Abandon connected socket. Send Message 0x40e607a8
1221100001|ec |4|00|Email id availability status is 1.
1221100002|sip |4|00|SSL_get_error Error code=1,rc(0)
1221100002|sip |4|00|TLS Listen Thread Exit
1221100002|utilm|4|00|uBLFUnCompressed: File /ffs0/Config/Local/WebTicket/0/ntlm.dom doesn't exist or is empty
1221100002|sip |5|00|m_nTLSDSKState = TLSDSK_INIT :pNtlmDomain or m_csAuthDomain is NULL
1221100003|cfg |4|00|RT|SIP is setting Login Credentials to valid
1221100003|sip |4|00|CUser::OnRegistered SA eXpiry Time=50321
1221100003|sip |4|00|CUser::OnRegistered MS TLS-DSK SA renew reduced to cause cert renewal. Waiting 13090
1221100003|tickt|4|00|[soWebTicketStoreContactUrlReq]: Slot[0] ContactUrl[;transport=tls]
1221100003|app1 |4|00|[AppExchangeUiC::populateAutoDiscoverUrl] Internal & External EWS url's are empty
1221100003|app1 |4|00|[AppExchangeUiC::populateAutoDiscoverUrl] Internal & External EWS url's are empty
1221100003|so |*|00|Using TCP IP Media Port, configured initial RTP port 50000
1221100003|so |*|00|Using TCP IP Video Port, configured initial RTP port 50020
1221100003|ec |4|00|Email id availability status is 0.
1221100003|ec |4|00|Exchange Client: invalid configuration for the Exchange Web Services
1221100003|ec |4|00|Exchange Client: invalid configuration for the Exchange Web Services
1221100003|ec |4|00|Exchange Client: invalid configuration for the Exchange Web Services
1221100003|ec |4|00|Exchange Client: invalid configuration for the Exchange Web Services
1221100004|app1 |4|00|[AppExchangeUiC::populateAutoDiscoverUrl] Internal & External EWS url's are empty
1221100005|ec |4|00|Email id availability status is 1.
1221100006|tickt|4|00|[soWebTicketFetchWsFedBearerToken]:[6922] pSecurityTokenSamlAssertion[<saml:AssertionMajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1" AssertionID="SamlSecurityToken-a0acda4e-0c96-41b3-8ff9-e5c0dcc24405" Issuer=" IssueInstant="2015-12-21T17:00:06.871Z" xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion"<saml:Conditions NotBefore="2015-12-21T17:00:06.870Z" NotOnOrAfter="2015-12-22T00:35:12.870Z"<saml:AudienceRestrictionCondition<saml:Audience
1221100009|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221100009|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221100010|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221100010|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221100010|ec |4|00|Auto discovered EWS internal URL is '' and external URL is ''
1221100011|wdog |*|00|Hw Watchdog timer interface successfully opened from polyapp
1221100129|tickt|4|00|doXmlRequest curl rc not OK (28) respCode 0
1221100129|tickt|5|00|soWebTicketLocationQueryUsingWebTicket: soWebTicketLisMexDocGet Failed
1221100129|loc |4|00|Bad response code on location query: 24583
1221100314|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221100314|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221100316|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221100316|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221100619|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221100619|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221100620|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221100620|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221100905|ares |4|00|aresDnsLookup: select time-out 1 on A lookup for '' after 0 sec
1221100905|app1 |4|00|[AppExchangeUiC::populateAutoDiscoverUrl] Internal & External EWS url's are empty
1221100905|ec |4|00|Removing 'autodisc' service
1221100905|ec |4|00|'autodisc' service removed
1221100905|ec |4|00|Email id availability status is 1.
1221100908|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221100908|copy |4|00|Configuration of URL failed
1221100908|log |4|00|UtilLogServerC::uploadFifoLog: upload error. protocol 0 result = 0
1221100908|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221100910|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221100910|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221100910|ec |4|00|Auto discovered EWS internal URL is '' and external URL is ''
1221101213|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221101213|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221101215|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221101215|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221101518|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221101518|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221101520|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221101520|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221101805|app1 |4|00|[AppExchangeUiC::populateAutoDiscoverUrl] Internal & External EWS url's are empty
1221101805|ec |4|00|Removing 'autodisc' service
1221101805|ec |4|00|'autodisc' service removed
1221101805|ec |4|00|Email id availability status is 1.
1221101808|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221101808|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221101810|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221101810|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221101810|ec |4|00|Auto discovered EWS internal URL is '' and external URL is ''
1221102113|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221102113|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221102115|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221102115|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221102418|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221102418|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221102419|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221102419|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221102705|app1 |4|00|[AppExchangeUiC::populateAutoDiscoverUrl] Internal & External EWS url's are empty
1221102705|ec |4|00|Removing 'autodisc' service
1221102705|ec |4|00|'autodisc' service removed
1221102705|ec |4|00|Email id availability status is 1.
1221102708|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221102708|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221102710|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221102710|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221102710|ec |4|00|Auto discovered EWS internal URL is '' and external URL is ''
1221103013|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221103013|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221103015|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221103015|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221103132|app1 |4|00|Event: Unrecognizable key - appKeyFunc = 327, scan code 0
1221103132|cfg |5|00|Prm|Parameter voIpProt.SIP.allowTransferOnProceeding requested type 2 but is of type 0
1221103133|sip |5|00|CUser::CallNew Call SubscribeDialogBla absent
1221103133|app1 |4|00|Event: Unrecognizable key - appKeyFunc = 327, scan code 0
1221103133|cfg |5|00|Prm|Parameter voIpProt.SIP.allowTransferOnProceeding requested type 2 but is of type 0
1221103134|sip |5|00|CUser::CallNew Call SubscribeDialogBla absent
1221103137|app1 |4|00|Event: Unrecognizable key - appKeyFunc = 327, scan code 0
1221103138|app1 |*|00|Event: Multiple Key Combo 12
1221103138|app1 |*|00|MKC_Phone_Info: Multi Key Combo.
1221103141|sip |5|00|CUser::CallNew Call SubscribeDialogBla absent
1221103141|copy |4|00|Configuration of URL failed
1221103141|clist|4|00|dbIO::processResult:no host
1221103230|app1 |*|00|Event: Multiple Key Combo 12
1221103230|app1 |*|00|MKC_Phone_Info: Multi Key Combo.
1221103318|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221103318|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221103320|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221103320|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221103605|app1 |4|00|[AppExchangeUiC::populateAutoDiscoverUrl] Internal & External EWS url's are empty
1221103605|ec |4|00|Removing 'autodisc' service
1221103605|ec |4|00|'autodisc' service removed
1221103605|ec |4|00|Email id availability status is 1.
1221103608|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221103608|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221103610|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221103610|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221103610|ec |4|00|Auto discovered EWS internal URL is '' and external URL is ''
1221103913|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221103913|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221103915|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221103915|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221104219|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221104219|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221104220|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221104220|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221104505|app1 |4|00|[AppExchangeUiC::populateAutoDiscoverUrl] Internal & External EWS url's are empty
1221104505|ec |4|00|Removing 'autodisc' service
1221104505|ec |4|00|'autodisc' service removed
1221104505|ec |4|00|Email id availability status is 1.
1221104508|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221104508|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221104510|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221104510|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221104510|ec |4|00|Auto discovered EWS internal URL is '' and external URL is ''
1221104813|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221104813|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221104815|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221104815|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221105118|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221105118|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=
1221105119|ec |4|00|CSoapTransaction network error = Error downloading [***Autodiscover URL***] - server replied: Not Found (203)
1221105119|ec |4|00|[EWS Autodiscover] WSSecurity header X-WSSecurity-Enabled= and X-WSSecurity-For=