1) Sanford, Jr., R. L., J. Saldarriaga, K. Clark, C. Uhl, and R. Herrera. 1985. Amazon rain-forest fires. Science 227:53-55.
2) Sanford, Jr., R. L., H. E. Braker, and G. S. Hartshorn. 1986. Canopy openings in a primary neotropical lowland forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 2(3):247-251.
3) Vitousek, P., M. and R. L. Sanford, Jr. 1986. Nutrient cycling in moist tropical forests. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 17:137-168.
4) Hamburg, S., and R. L. Sanford, Jr. 1986. Homo sapiens and disturbance: Long-term consequences for ecological research. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 67(2):169-171.
5) Sanford, Jr., R. L. 1987. Apogeotropic roots in an Amazon rainforest. Science 235:1062-1064.
6) Sanford, Jr., R. L. 1989. Fine root biomass under a tropical forest light gap opening in Costa Rica. Journal of Tropical Ecology 5: 139-143.
7) Parton, W. J., R. L. Sanford, Jr., P. A. Sanchez and J. W. B. Stewart. 1989. Modeling soil organic matter dynamics in tropical soils. Pages 153-171, in B. Bohlool, D. Coleman and G. Uehara (eds.). Dynamics of Soil Organic Matter in Tropical Ecosystems. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu.
8) Sanford, Jr., R. L. 1989. Root systems in three adjacent, old growth Amazon forests and associated transition zones. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 1(3): 268-279
9) Sanford, Jr., R. L., W. J. Parton and C. V. Cole. 1989. Soil phosphorus interrelationships with carbon, nitrogen and sulphur: A modeling approach. Pages 30-41, in H. Tiessen (ed.). Phosphorus Cycling in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.
10) Cole, C. V., and R. L. Sanford, Jr. 1989. Biological aspects of the phosphorus cycle. Pages 10-16, in H. Tiessen (ed.). Phosphorus Cycling in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.
11) Sanford, Jr., R. L. 1990. Fine root biomass under light gap openings in an Amazon rain-forest. Oecologia 83: 541-545.
12) Zou, X., and R. L. Sanford, Jr. 1990. Agroforestry systems in China: a survey and classification. Agroforestry Systems 11(1): 85-94.
13) Sanford, Jr., R. L., W. J. Parton, D. S. Ojima and D. Jean Lodge. 1991. Hurricane effects on soil organic matter dynamics and forest production in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico: results of simulation modelling. Biotropica 23(4a): 364-372.
14) Zou, X., D. W. Valentine, R. L. Sanford, Jr., and D. Binkley. 1992. Resin-core and buried-bag estimates of nitrogen mineralization and immobilization in Costa Rican lowland rainforests. Plant and Soil 139: 275-283.
15) Horn, S.P. and R.L. Sanford, Jr. 1992. Holocene fires in Costa Rica. Biotropica 24:354-361.
16) Vitousek, P. M., S. W. Andariese, P. A. Matson, L. Morris, R. L. Sanford, Jr. 1992. Effects of harvest intensity, site preparation, and herbicide use on soil nitrogen transformations in a young loblolly pine plantation. Journal of Forest Ecology and Management 49: 277-292.
17) Kauffman, J. B., R. L. Sanford, Jr., D. L. Cummings, I.H. Salcedo, and E.Y.S.B. Sampaio. 1993. Biomass and nutrient dynamics associated with fires of varying intensity in slashed neotropical dry forest. Ecology 74(1): 140-151.
18) Kalkhan, M.A., R. M. Reich, and R. L. Sanford, Jr. 1993. Spatial analysis of canopy openings in primary lowland neotropical forest. American Society of Photogrametry and Remote Sensing, Proceedings 48: 322-330.
19) Sanford, Jr., R. L., J. Luvall, P. Paaby, and E. Phillips. 1994. The La Selva ecosystem: climate, geomorphology, and aquatic systems. Pages 19-33 in L. McDade, K. Bawa, G. Hartshorn, and H. Hespenheide (eds.). La Selva: The Ecology and Natural History of a Neotropical Rainforest. University of Chicago Press.
20) Sollins, P., F. Sancho, R. Mata and R. L. Sanford, Jr. 1994. Soils and soil Process. Pages 34-63 in L. McDade, K. Bawa, G. Hartshorn, and H. Hespenheide (eds.). La Selva: The Ecology and Natural History of a Neotropical Rainforest. University of Chicago Press.
21) Vitousek, P. M., D. R. Turner, W.J. Parton and R.L. Sanford, Jr. 1994. Litter decomposition on the Mauna Loa environmental matrix, Hawai'i: patterns, mechanisms and models. Ecology 75: 418-429.
22) Rhoades, C.C., R. L. Sanford, Jr., and D. B. Clark. 1994. Gender dependent influence on soil properties by Simarouba amara a dieocious, lowland tropical tree. Biotropica 26: 362-368.
23) Ryan, M.G., R.M. Hubbard, D.L. Clark and R.L. Sanford, Jr. 1994. Woody tissue respiration for a fast and slow growing tropical hardwood. Oecologia 100: 213-220.
24) Jaramillo, V. J. and R. L. Sanford, Jr. 1995. Nutrient cycling in tropical deciduous forests. Pages 346-361 In S.H. Bullock, E. Medina, and H.A. Mooney (eds). Tropical Deciduous Forest Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press.
25) Fernandes, D.P., and Sanford Jr., R.L. 1995 Effects of recent land use practices on soil nutrients and succession under tropical wet forest in Costa Rica. Conservation Biology 9:915-922.
26) Williams, M.W., J.S. Baron, N. Caine, R. Sommerfield, and R.L. Sanford, Jr. 1995. Nitrogen Saturation in the Rocky Mountains. Environmental Science and Technology 30:640-646.
27) Sanford, Jr., R. L. and E. Cuevas 1996. Root growth and rhizosphere interactions in tropical forests. Pages 268-300 In S.S. Mulkey, R. L. Chazdon, and A. P. Smith (eds.) Tropical Forest Plant Ecophysiology. Chapman and Hall, New York. USA.
28) Belnap, J., R.L. Sanford, Jr. and L. Lungu 1996. Biological Soil Crusts: ecological roles and response to fire in miombo woodlands of Zimbabwe. Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association 70: 14-20.
29) Kershaw, A.P., M.B. Bush, G.S. Hope, K.-F. Weiss, J.G. Goldammer, R. L. Sanford, Jr. 1997. The contribution of humans to past biomass burning in the tropics. Pages 413-442 In J.S. Clark, H. Cachier, J.G. Goldammer, and B. Stocks (eds.) Sediment Records of Biomass Burning and Global Change. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
30) Denslow, J.S., A.E. Ellison and R.L. Sanford, Jr. 1998. Treefall gap effects on above- and below-ground processes in a tropical wet forest. Journal of Ecology 86: 597-609.
31) Parker, E.R., and R.L.Sanford, Jr., 1999. The effects of mobile tree islands on soil phosphorus concentrations and distribution in an alpine ecosystem. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 31:16-20.
32) Garcia-Oliva, F., R.L. Sanford, Jr. and E. Kelly. 1999a. Effects of slash-and-burn agriculture on soil aggregate organic C and N in a tropical deciduous forest. Geoderma 88:1-12.
33) Garcia-Oliva, F., R.L. Sanford, Jr. and E. Kelly. 1999b. Effect of burning of tropical deciduous forest soil in Mexico on the microbial degradation of organic matter. forest. Plant and Soil 206:29-36.
34) Dockersmith, I.C., C.G. Giardina and R.L. Sanford, Jr. 1999 Persistence of tree related patterns in soil nutrients following slash and burn agriculture in the tropics. Plant and Soil 209:137-156.
35) Giardina, C.P., R.L. Sanford, Jr., and I.C. Dockersmith 2000. Changes in soil phosphorus, carbon and nitrogen during slash and burn disturbance of a tropical dry forest. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64(1):399-405.
36) Raich, J.W., W.J. Parton, A.E. Russell, R.L. Sanford, Jr. and P.M. Vitousek. 2000. Analysis of factors regulating ecosystem development on Mauna Loa using the Century model. Biogeochemistry 51:161-191.
37) Giardina, C.G., R.L. Sanford, Jr., I.C. Dockersmith, and V.J. Jaramillo. 2000. Effects of slash burning on ecosystem nutrients during the land preparation phase of shifting cultivation. Plant and Soil 220:247-260.
38) Ellingson, L.J., J.B. Kauffman, D.L. Cummings, R.L. Sanford Jr., V.J. Jaramillo. 2000. Soil N dynamics associated with deforestation, biomass burning, and pasture conversion in a Mexican tropical dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management 137:41-51.
39) Sanford Jr., Robert L.; Horn, Sally P. 2000. Holocene rain-forest wilderness: A neotropical perspective on humans as an exotic, invasive species. Pages 168-173 IN McCool, Stephen, F. et al. Wilderness science in a time of change Volume 3: Wilderness as a place for scientific inquiry; 1999 May 23-27; Missoula, MT. Proceedings RMRS-P-15-VOL3 . Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.
40) Castellanos, J., V.J. Jaramillo, R.L. Sanford, Jr., and J. B. Kauffman 2001. Slash-and-burn effects on fine root biomass and productivity in a tropical dry forest ecosystem in México. Forest Ecology and Management 148(1-3):41-50.
41) Shiels, A.B. and R.L. Sanford, Jr. 2001. Soil nutrient differences between two krummholz-form tree species and adjacent alpine tundra. Geoderma 102:205-217.
42) Horn, S.P., R.L. Sanford, Jr., D. Dilcher, T. A. Lott , P.R. Renne, M.C. Wiemann, D. Cozadd and O. Vargas 2003. Pleistocene plant fossils in and near La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Biotropica 35(3):434-441.
43) Schwinning, S., B.I. Starr, N.J. Wojcik, M.E. Miller, J.E. Ehleringer, and R.L. Sanford Jr., 2005. Effects of nitrogen deposition on an arid grassland in the Colorado Plateau cold desert. Rangeland Ecology & Management 58(6):565-574.
44) Boyce, R., J. Larson and R.L. Sanford, Jr. 2006. Nitrogen and phosphorus photosynthetic co-limitation in Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata). Tree Physiology 26:1477-1486.
45) Neff, J.C., R. Reynolds, R.L. Sanford, Jr., D. Fernandez and P. Lamothe. 2006 Geologic controls over soil and plant chemistry in Southeastern Utah. Ecosystems 9:879-893.
46) Withington, C. L., and R.L. Sanford, Jr. 2007. Decomposition rates increase with altitude in the forest-alpine tundra ecotone. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39:68-75.
47) Titiz, B and R.L. Sanford, Jr., 2007. Soil charcoal in tropical old-growth forest from the Continental Divide to sea level. Biotropica 39(6):673-682.
48) Housman, D.C., C.M. Yeager, B.J. Darby, R.L. Sanford, Jr., C.R. Kuske, D.A. Neher, and J. Belnap. 2007. Heterogeneity of soil nutrients and subsurface biota in dryland ecosystems: the role of vascular plants and biological soil crusts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39(8):2138-2149.
49) Jaramillo, V.J., A. Martínez-Yrízar, and R.L. Sanford Jr. 2010. Primary Productivity and Biogeochemistry of Primary and Secondary Tropical Dry Forests IN Tropical Dry Forest Ecosystems. R. Dirzo and H.A. Mooney Eds. In Press: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
50) Helmig, D., B Seok, J. Hueber, M. Williams R.L.Sanford, Jr., 2009 Fluxes and Chemistry of Nitrogen Oxides in the Niwot Ridge, Colorado, Snowpack. Biogeochemistry 95(1):115-130.
51) Lott, T. A., D.L. Dilcher, S. P. Horn, O. Vargas, R. L. Sanford Jr., 2011. Pleistocene flora of Rio Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica. Palaeontologia Electronica
52) Licata, C. and R. L. Sanford, Jr. 2012 Charcoal and Total Carbon in Soils from Foothills Shrublands to Subalpine Forests in the Colorado Front Range. Forests 3(4):944-958. doi:10.3390/f3040944
53) Liptzin, D., R.L. Sanford, Jr. and T.R. Seastedt. 2013 Soil N:P ratios as indicators on nutrient limitation at treeline. Plant and Soil 365: 127-140
doi 10.1007/s11104-012-1379-0
52) Titiz, B., R.L. Sanford, Jr. and N. Wojcik. Soil phosphorus forms and amount change with elevation in old-growth rainforest. In revision for Catena.
Non-peer-reviewed publications
1) Sanford, Jr., R. L. 1978. Root diversity and abundance. In Tropical Biology: an Ecological Approach 78-1, G. S. Hartshorn (ed.), Pages 445-446. Organization for Tropical Studies, San Jose, Costa Rica.
2) Uhl, C., and R. L. Sanford, Jr. 1978. Root packing; a hypothetico-deductive approach. In Tropical Biology: an Ecological Approach 78-1, G. S. Hartshorn (ed.), Pages 452-460. Organization for Tropical Studies, San Jose, Costa Rica.
3) Sanford, Jr., R. L. 1985. Root ecology of mature and successional Amazon forests. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, CA., 122 p.
4) Sanford, Jr., R. L., and A. Anderson. 1986. Site Productivity Project Annual Report. Southern Forest Research Center, School of Forest Resources, North Carolina State University. Raleigh, North Carolina. 49 p.
5) Mayne, J., N. Drake, S.Kolb, R. Cave, F. Rosado-May, and R.L. Sanford, Jr. 1986. Root apogeotropism. In Tropical Agricultural Ecology 86-4, M. Swisher (ed.), Pages 41-44. Organization for Tropical Studies, San Jose, Costa Rica.
6) Meier, R., S. Hoffman, B. Gartner, D. Bennett, B. Wolfe, and R.L. Sanford, Jr. 1986. Earthworm distribution in two soil types at La Selva. In Tropical Agricultural Ecology 86-4, M. Swisher (ed.), Pages 16 -19. Organization for Tropical Studies, San Jose, CR.
7) Sanford, Jr., R. L., R. C. McNeil, A. B. Anderson, J. Everett, and T. Fredericksen. 1987. Nutrient Cycling and Site Productivity Project, Eighth Annual Report. Forest Biology Research Center, School of Forest Resources, North Carolina State University. Raleigh, North Carolina. 94p.
8) Sanford, Jr., R.L. 1987. Recommendations for Agroforestry Research at Yurimaguas, Peru. Report submitted to Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Promocion Agraria, Lima, Peru. 8 p.
9) Sanford, Jr., R. L. 1989. Some Amazonian Rain Forests (Book Review). Ecology 70:526-527.
10) Sanford, Jr., R. L. and D. L. Peterson 1990. Leaf and root litter production and nutrient turnover in lowland tropical moist forests in northeast Costa Rica. Final Report for NASA - Ames University Consortium for Joint Research. NASA-Ames, Moffatt Field, California. 29 p.
11) Sanford, Jr., R. L. 1990. Synthesis of current knowledge and recommendations for future research on phosphorus cycling in the Amazon. Report to the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, South America Phosphorus Cycling Workshop Participants. Maracay, Venezuela. 25 p.
12) Horn, S.P. and R.L. Sanford, Jr. 1998. Ancient fires and fields: reconstructing the long-term biotic history of Las Cruces Research Station, San Vito, Costa Rica. Organization for Tropical Studies, Amigos Newsletter 50:12-15.
13) Boland, J., C. Stieha, E. Burton, K. Hurme, J. Riddell, E. Wheat, and R. Sanford. 2006. Association and abundance of the parasitic plant Castilleja talamancensis in burned and unburned areas of a Costa Rican Paramo. In Tropical Biology: an ecological approach 2006-1, E. Deinert, K. Poveda, D. Salazar (eds.), Pages 143-149. Organization for Tropical Studies, San Jose, CR.
14) Marx, L., D. Palow, J. Costanza, K. Hurme, Q. Long, A. Savage, and R. Sanford. 2006. Apogeotropic roots on stems of Welfia georgii: Is apogeotropism a response to phosphorus limitation? In Tropical Biology: an ecological approach 2006-1, E. Deinert, K. Poveda, D. Salazar (eds.), Pages 143-149. Organization for Tropical Studies, San Jose, CR.
15) Cummings, J., C. Zambell, S. Kauppinen, A. Rugenski, R. Sanford, and T. Stoepler. 2009. Reaching into the basket: assessing variations in apogeotropism on Asterogyne maritiana across different soil types in a lowland tropical forest. In Tropical Biology: an ecological approach 2009-3, A. Bravo, J. Deichmann, O.Sylvester (eds.), Pages 143-149. Organization for Tropical Studies, San Jose, CR.