South Redford School District Board of Education p. 5 of 6
Minutes of the Regular Meeting, March 24, 2014
South Redford School District
Board of Education
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
March 24, 2014 6:30 p.m.
The Board of Education will create and monitor implementation of policies, through
the delegation of authority to the superintendent, to maximize every student’s
academic achievement and personal growth to create responsible citizens
for effective participation in a global society.
1. – 3. A regular meeting of the South Redford Board of Education was held on Monday,
March 24, 2014, at the Jan W. Jacobs Educational Services Center. The meeting was called to order by the President at 6:30 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the President asked the Secretary to call the roll.
All Present:
Bruce Mazurowski, President Tom Dowdy, Trustee
Laurie Hicks, Vice President Elizabeth Kangas, Trustee
Stephen Baker, Secretary Patricia Thomas, Trustee
Cheryl Flesher, Treasurer
Brian Galdes, Superintendent
Dr. Kristina Harmon, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Mario Gallegos, Director of Human Resources/School Improvement/Technology
Nick Griswold, Director of Finance
4. The President asked if there were any corrections or changes to the agenda of the regular meeting of March 24, 2014. Agenda item #10 was changed to a discussion item. The agenda was approved as follows.
1. Call Meeting to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Roll Call.
4. Approval of Agenda.
5. Recognition of People and Programs.
6. Board/Superintendent Communications.
7. Plus/Delta Plan for Improvement.
8. Comments from the Audience.* (topics not related to the agenda)
9. Presentation by Shear Early Childhood Center.
10. Consider Discuss Resolution in Support of the “Classrooms for Kids” Budget Proposal.
11. Discuss Policy Update Process.
12. Consider the SOAR Academic Institute.
13. Consent Agenda.
· Consider Approval of Minutes.
· Consider Approval of Warrants.
· Consider Treasurer’s Report.
· Acknowledge Staff Resignation.
· Consider Professional Staff Leave of Absence.
14. Comments from the Audience.* (topics related to the agenda)
15. Plus/Delta.
16. Adjourn.
5. Recognition of People and Programs.
The Vandenberg PTO sponsored a BINGO for Books event. Winners were able to pick out a book for their prize.
6. Board/Superintendent Communications.
· Senator Glenn Anderson will be visiting the meeting tonight. (Galdes)
· Board policy manuals are available for Board members. (Galdes)
· A special meeting needs to be planned for a disciplinary hearing. (Galdes)
· Laurie Hicks is replacing Cheryl Flesher on the Sex Ed. Advisory Board. (Mazurowski)
· The Board will work on the Board survey at the workshop on April 7. (Mazurowski)
· The Wayne County School Board Association general session meeting is on May 15. (Hicks)
· Events in the district last week–Pierce Patriot Idol, a Team Nutrition meeting with the “Chicken Man” and the Fisher hockey game–were a lot of fun. (Flesher)
· Wayne RESA has reimbursed the district $1,250 to help defray the expense of Cheryl Flesher’s attendance at the National School Board 2014 Federal Relations Network conference. (Flesher)
7. Plus/Delta Plan for Improvement. BE 7101
The following is a Plus/Delta Chart from the Board of Education meeting held on March 10, 2014. Plans for improvement follow each delta.
+ ∆
· Presentations were very well thought out and well presented. (Mazurowski)· I like the discussions both presentations brought to the table. (Hicks)
· District Data Coordinator included a lot of good information in a compact, easy to understand format. (Dowdy)
· Mary Ruth Bird added the plus/delta to her presentation for immediate feedback. (Mazurowski) / · Presenters were wonderful and information good, however, too much to digest for one night. (Thomas)
The Superintendent and Board President will consider time required for each agenda item when developing the agenda.
8. Comments from the Audience. None
9. Presentation by Shear Early Childhood Center.
Student Services Director Sheila Horbatch along with Barb Wyler and Michelle DiLorenzo from the South Redford Preschool Program, Jennelle Kesteloot and Sandy Valla from Employee Child Care, Jennifer Kolbus from the Early Childhood Special Education Program and District Social Worker Sarah Jacobsen provided the Board with updates on each of the District's early childhood programs in the Shear Early Childhood Center.
Senator Glenn Anderson presented books to the Board in honor of National Reading Month.
The Board recessed for refreshments at 7:37 p.m. and resumed the meeting at 7:50 p.m.
10. Discuss Resolution in Support of the “Classrooms for Kids” Budget Proposal. BE 7102
The Board discussed a resolution in support of the “Classrooms and Kids” budget proposal. The “Classroom and Kids” proposal would increase the foundation by between $250 and $291/student. The Governor’s proposal was promising in that it raised the foundation allowance, but the education community feels the new proposal is much stronger and gives public schools stability in their funding. It also restores more local control, increases at-risk funding and continues the state’s commitment to paying down the MPSERS liability. The resolution was approved and will be sent to local and state government officials.
Member, Laurie Hicks, moved adoption of the following resolution.
WHEREAS, Michigan public schools and the children we serve continue to face difficult economic and budget challenges; and
WHEREAS, these challenges today have resulted in circumstances that directly and negatively affect our children’s education, learning and ability to compete for 21st century jobs; and
WHEREAS, these negative circumstances range from more crowded classrooms, the elimination of critical programs and reductions in basic supplies, among others; and
WHEREAS, these school cuts are directly impacting children, parents, teachers, school staff, administrators and the local community at large; and
WHEREAS, we recognize that the best way to fix our local schools and help our children learn is to restore full funding for our classrooms; and
WHEREAS, statewide and regional educational organizations, including the Michigan Association of School Boards, working in partnership with parents, frontline educators, teachers and others have now proposed a “Classrooms and Kids” budget that will restore full funds to kids in classrooms as a response to this challenge we face in education; and
WHEREAS, the “Classrooms and Kids” proposal includes providing $250 to $291 per pupil by eliminating certain categoricals, including programs that do not help our kids learn and that undermine local control; and
WHEREAS, the “Classrooms and Kids” proposal provides stronger funding for kids in their classrooms without raising taxes and redeploying existing funds;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the South Redford School District supports the “Classrooms and Kids” budget proposal because we strongly believe in restoring funds to our classrooms so all children have an opportunity to learn and compete for 21st century jobs, and that local communities can maintain their voice in local issues affecting our public schools; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the South Redford School District calls on the Michigan Legislature and the Honorable Governor Rick Snyder to support and approve the “Classrooms and Kids” budget.
Supported by member, Cheryl Flesher. Vote: All Ayes (7) – Mazurowski, Hicks, Baker, Flesher, Dowdy, Kangas and Thomas. Nay (0). Abstain (0). Resolution adopted.
11. Discuss Policy Update Process. BE 7103
The Board discussed the process for handling updates to the Board Policy. The Board Policy Committee will be reconvened to address updates and report back to the Board. The committee will consist of five district administrators and Board members Cheryl Flesher, Laurie Hicks and Patricia Thomas. Members will be reassigned to the committee annually at the organizational meeting in January.
12. Consider the SOAR Academic Institute. BE 7104
The Superintendent recommended that the Board approve Soar Academic Institute as a means of servicing students who would benefit by an alternative educational setting. The Board heard a presentation at the meeting on March 10, 2014, outlining the proposed implementation of the program.
Soar Academic Institute is a public online school which provides a full online educational program for students in 6th through 12th grades. Soar Academic Institute is a school for any 6th – 12th grade student in Wayne and Oakland Counties who is seeking an alternative to the traditional school experience. Students experience a full online educational experience, encompassing both core and elective courses aligned with the Common Core and State Standards. Students have access to highly qualified teachers and are assigned a mentor to ensure that each student is successful. The program includes mandatory lab time. Students use a laptop computer equipped with Broadband internet access and are able to access the curriculum and complete school work anywhere 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Superintendent recommended that SOAR Academic Institute be instituted as a Schools of Choice program pursuant to Sections 105 and 105c of the State School Aid Act (MCL 388.1705 and 388.1705c) which will allow South Redford School District to enroll an unlimited number of out of district students from both Wayne County and contiguous intermediate school districts.
Member, Laurie Hicks, moved adoption of the following resolution.
WHEREAS, an alternative online educational setting would benefit certain students who are seeking an alternative to the traditional school experience; and
WHEREAS, the Superintendent recommends the Soar Academic Institute which is a public online school providing a full online educational program for students in 6th through 12th grades;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the South Redford School District approves the SOAR Academic Institute as an online learning school beginning the 2014-2015 school year for an online alternative education solution for students who are in need of such a program; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the South Redford School District approves this online learning school as a Schools of Choice program pursuant to Sections 105 and 105c of the State School Aid Act (MCL 388.1705 and 388.1705c) which will allow South Redford School District to enroll out of district students from both Wayne County and contiguous intermediate school districts; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Schools shall do all things necessary to implement the intent of this resolution.
Supported by member, Patricia Thomas. Vote: Ayes (6) – Mazurowski, Hicks, Flesher, Dowdy, Kangas and Thomas. Nay (0). Abstain (0), Non-vote (1) ‒ Baker. Resolution adopted.
13. Consent Agenda. BE 7105
Member, Cheryl Flesher, moved adoption of the following resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached items of:
a. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 10, 2014
b. Warrants for the weeks ending March 14 and 21, 2014
c. Treasurer’s Report for February 2014
d. Staff Resignation: Angela Downs-Jackson, Media Assistant for Fisher and Vandenberg elementary schools effective February 23, 2014
e. Professional Staff Leave of Absence: Jennifer Baughman, half-time 3rd grade teacher for Addams Elementary School, effective for the 2014-2015 school year
contained on the Consent Agenda for March 24, 2014, are hereby approved.
Supported by member, Tom Dowdy. Vote: All Ayes (7) – Mazurowski, Hicks, Baker, Flesher, Dowdy, Kangas and Thomas. Nay (0). Abstain (0). Resolution adopted.
14. Comments from the Audience. None
15. Plus/Delta.
+ ∆
· We always like to see kids; that’s what we are about. Nice to see that the Shear presentation included kids through the use of technology. (Baker)· Item #10 on the agenda demonstrated our flexibility on moving on something important. (Mazurowski)
· The preschool artwork displayed reminds us of what we are doing and why we are doing it. (Flesher)
· Appreciate Bill Simms being here and available to answer our questions and concerns regarding the SOAR program. (Dowdy)
16. Adjourn: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:33 p.m.
Stephen Baker, Secretary
Board of Education
Audience Attendance List: Sarah Jacobsen, Sheila Horbatch, Sue Hunter, Jennifer Kolbus, Jennelle Kesteloot, Michelle DiLorenzo, Barb Wyler, Sandy Valla