Political and economic systems
- Capitalism = people are allowed to buy and sell, and try to make as much profit as possible
- Communism = all people are equal and make sensible choices so there is no need for government. All people share what they need and so there is no money or trading
- Democracy = political system where voters choose which group (political party) will lead their country.
- Anarchy = there are no rules
- Theocracy = the most holy and religious people are the leaders of the country
- Autocracy = the country is led by one person, who has total power
- Dictatorship = the country is led by one person at the head of a small group. The leader uses a secret police, violence and propaganda to keep control
- Monarchy = a king or queen runs the country
- Liberal = laws about personal freedom are relaxed. People have a great deal of freedom of action
- Military dictatorship = the army rule the country. People have very few freedoms.
- Utopia = a perfect society
- Hierarchy = the idea that there are different levels in society, with the leader(s) at the top and the people at the bottom
Political and economic systems
- Capitalism = people are allowed to buy and sell, and try to make as much profit as possible
- Communism = all people are equal and make sensible choices so there is no need for government. All people share what they need and so there is no money or trading
- Democracy = political system where voters choose which group (political party) will lead their country.
- Anarchy = there are no rules
- Theocracy = the most holy and religious people are the leaders of the country
- Autocracy = the country is led by one person, who has total power
- Dictatorship = the country is led by one person at the head of a small group. The leader uses a secret police, violence and propaganda to keep control
- Monarchy = a king or queen runs the country
- Liberal = laws about personal freedom are relaxed. People have a great deal of freedom of action
- Military dictatorship = the army rule the country. People have very few freedoms.
- Utopia = a perfect society
- Hierarchy = the idea that there are different levels in society, with the leader(s) at the top and the people at the bottom
Definitions bingo !
To recap political / economic systems
Call out the definitions and the pupils have to identify the word and cross it off !
Definitions Bingo cards
Utopia / Capitalism / TheocracyCommunism / Liberal / Hierarchy
Anarchy / Monarchy / Democracy
Capitalism / Theocracy / Military dictatorship
Liberal / Hierarchy / Autocracy
Monarchy / Democracy / Dictatorship
Military dictatorship / Utopia / Theocracy
Autocracy / Communism / Hierarchy
Dictatorship / Anarchy / Democracy
Theocracy / Hierarchy / Anarchy
Monarchy / Utopia / Capitalism
Communism / Democracy / Dictatorship