Communication Studies (Ph.D.) from the University of Wales, (UK), Master of Education in Journalism and media Studies (M.Ed.) University College Cardiff, Wales, UK. Political Science and Government, Addis Ababa University;Communication and Radio Broadcasting, All African Communication Training Institute, Nairobi; Other Short specialized courses and studies in media and communication : Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University,USA, UN Regional Population Communication Training Institute (Nairobi), International Health Programme IHP (Santa Cruz, Calif. USA), Haggai Advanced Leadership Institute, Maui, Hawaii andthe Steinhardt School of Education, New York University, New York, USA.
January 2000 - to date, Country Representative of Population Media Center, a USA based international NGO. Before that, September1989- April 1993 – Head of Foreign Affairs, Justice and Information Bureau in the Office of the Prime Minister (with the rank of Vice-Minister).April 1993 to January 2000 - Head, National Office of Population, Office of the Prime Minister, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Dr. Negussie was the Chairman of the National Committee which wrote the National Population Policy of Ethiopia. He was the Chairman of the Task Force which developed the first National Population Communication IEC and Advocacy Strategy for Ethiopia. He has also involved in the development of HIV/AIDS Communication Framework and National Health Education Strategy. He was the President of the Ethiopian Journalists’ Association for five years(1976-1980).
He had been Member of the Steering Committee of the Visionary Leadership Programme International and Advisory board Member of the Leadership Development Programme of the International Institute of Education.
Dr. Negussie Teffera is a professional trainer and faculty member of the Hawaii based (USA) Haggai Advanced Leadership Training Institute since 2005. He is the author of several research papers and articles on aspects of media communication strategy for behavior change communication. Since 2000 was responsible for the coordination of multi-media communication programmes funded by Packard Foundation, USAID, UNICEF, UN Women, CDC, UNFPA, Royal Norwegian Embassy, World Vision, Save the Children Norway, Save the Children USA, etc. He is very much involved in the training of young Ethiopians on aspects of development of effective media and communication strategy, Advocacy, youth development, leadership and combating HIV/AIDS and Harmful Traditional Practices. Dr. Negussie is author of the books “Communication for Social Development:An Overview and the Ethiopian Experience” and “The Ethiopian Media Profile”. He is also a co-author of an article in the book “Entertainment Education and Social Change: History, Research and Practice”, by Everett M. Rogers, et al (2004). He has extensive experience in media communication strategy development and communication for social change. His leadership in introducing and implementing the Sabido Methodology based entertainment-education programme in Ethiopia has been the foundation for the success of Social content radio serial dramas. He has been instrumental for guiding the writing of ten books of collection of best real life stories on various social and cultural aspects of the Ethiopian people. Dr. Negussie has participated in several international conferences in presenting papers and research findings.He has also served as a member of the international team of abstract reviewers for the annual International global Health Conference (Washington DC) from 2007-2010. The success stories of Population Media Center-Ethiopia are covered in the New York Times, The Economist, Johns Hopkins University, Population Report, the BBC and CBC, the Harper Magazine, the World Communication Magazine and other national and international papers.
Dr. Negussie Teffera is winner of The 2011 African Chairman’s Award for Excellence in Communication Strategy Development for Reproductive Health. The organization Dr. Negussie heads, Population Media Center-Ethiopia is also a winner of the 2011 Global Media Award for Excellence in Population Reporting.He is currently chairman of the advisory council of World Vision Ethiopia.