Lompoc High School Cheer Contract


The goal for all students enrolled in cheer is to foster school spirit and to perform routines at Lompoc High School athletic events by appearing as a highly skilled performing unit. This demands self-control as demonstrated through prompt attendance, a positive attitude, and overall physical fitness leading to better performance, skill, and general participation.

In enrolling in the Lompoc High School Cheer class for the ensuing year, I understand I am expected to meet the following requirements.


1. Be on time for, present at, and in proper uniform or practice clothes for all class meetings and rehearsals. Absences from practices, team meetings, fundraising events, conditioning sessions, trips, or competitions for reasons other than emergency or illness, must be authorized in advance by the advisor, and then only for good reason. In the event of an “emergency” the excuse must justify the absence; the requirement for punctuality also applies to all practices, meetings, fundraising events, conditioning sessions, trips, or competitions.

2. All cheer members must attend at least 4 classes during the day of a sports event or performance in order to be eligible to participate.

3. Plan personal and family activities in conjunction with parents so that conflicts in attendance at cheer activities WILL NOT RESULT. Working on a job, vacations, and trips are not an excuse for missing any scheduled cheer activity. KNOW YOUR SCHEDULE! Inform parents of all games and activities throughout the entire year. This includes all sports activities, performances, and competitions.

4. If a cheerleader must leave class/practice early, a parent’s note or phone call is required. If the cheerleader must leave before 3 pm, an off-campus pass must also be obtained from the Attendance office.

5. If a student is absent on the day a new routine, cheer, or other material is taught, the student is responsible for learning the material (s)he has missed.

6. When learning routines for which a student has auditioned and only particular students are included, a student may only miss one day of practice or rehearsal for that routine. The advisor must be notified by a parent/guardian prior to the missed practice in order for the student to remain in the routine. If no such notification is given, the student may be removed from the routine.


1. All members will attend all performances, games, community events, service events, practices, rehearsals, etc. as required.

2. A student on cheer must travel on the bus with the entire group to all applicable events. If the student has turned in the proper paperwork prior to the event, the advisor MAY release a member to travel with a parent or guardian only. This rule is subject to school policies and permission may be revoked at any time.

3. Label and maintain in good, clean condition the Lompoc Cheer uniform. All members will maintain and wear the proper practice clothes daily. Lost uniforms or gear must be paid for before a student receives any awards or is eligible to compete in a subsequent sport.


1. Maintain a report card grade of “A” or “B” in cheer. A lower grade may place a member on probation. This means they do not perform publicly until the next grading period. If the grade is not improved at that time, the student may be dismissed from cheer. An “A” grade in cheer must be maintained in order to letter in Varsity Cheerleading.

2. Maintain a cumulative overall grade point average of 2.0. A student having a lower average will have the option of being placed on academic probation. The Lompoc Unified School District eligibility rules state that a student may only choose to be placed on probation twice in their high school career. If a student is ineligible a third time in their career, they will be dismissed from the team.

3. Do not smoke, drink, use or be in possession of drugs, or commit any act which will bring disgrace to the Cheerleaders while in uniform. Immediate dismissal may result if a student is observed to be under the influence of any of the above.

4. Students will at all times display behavior that is becoming to a member of the cheerleading team. If a student displays behavior that is inappropriate, disciplinary action may be taken. This includes excessive public displays of affection, obscene or abusive language, disrespectful behavior towards school employees or students, or any other behavior deemed inappropriate by the advisor.

5. Cooperate with student leaders, instructor, and class member in all class projects. Maintain a positive attitude and work for the good of the cheer team.


Dismissal means changed to regular physical education class, unless it is so late into the semester that a program change is impossible—in which case the student will be assigned specific tasks by the advisor—different from regular cheer activities.

Probation means a member must attend all functions and practices in appropriate uniform, but will not perform. Students who violate probationary status are then subject to dismissal.

A student will be dismissed from cheer or placed on probation for infractions of rules appearing in the contract. For any other offense deemed serious enough for such consideration, this will be effected by consideration with the advisor and member if not already covered by the contract.

The final decision on all cheer rules and regulations lies with the cheer advisor and with LHS administration. The advisor may, at her discretion, place a cheerleader on probation for a given time.

A student dismissed from the cheer team must try out again to return to the cheer team. Members must finish the season to be eligible for an award, including all performances, regularly scheduled contests, as well as CIF play-off contests.

If a member quits or is dismissed he/she forfeits all awards. A member who is on probation during the season may or may not receive awards depending upon meeting requirements for lettering, etc. An athlete who quits one sport is not eligible for practicing or participation in another sport until the sport he or she has quit has finished its entire season.


1. The Cheer advisor must approve of each uniform.

2. While in uniform, and thus representing the school, the member must maintain good behavior and sportsmanship at all times, as well as good general appearance and performance. At no time shall there be cutting of classes, fighting, suspensions, forgeries, or incidence of being under the influence of either alcohol or drugs, nor shall there be any smoking, use of vulgar or profane language, or any other conduct unbecoming of an LHS cheerleader.

3. Wearing uniforms decided upon by your squad and/or advisor is required by each member. Cheerleaders are to be in the correct uniform and accessories as listed on the calendar, decided in class, or confirmed by a phone call. Any violation of this rule may result in disciplinary action and may affect the member’s grade.

4. Any uniform pieces ordered by the student will be charged to them. If a student is dismissed or quits the cheer team, the student will still be obligated to pay for any uniform, show shirt, costume, etc. that was ordered for her/him.


1. Cheerleaders are not able to participate in fall sports. Cheerleaders may participate in EITHER a winter or a spring sport, but not both. In order to participate, the students must transfer out of the cheerleading class and into the class for the desired sport or another PE class for the duration of that season. Once the season is concluded, the student must transfer back into the cheerleading class and may resume the course to receive a semester grade. A student who does not transfer back to cheerleading will not be considered to have finished the year in cheer, will not letter, will not receive a grade, and will have to try out again for next year’s team.


1. Daily Participation: Students earn five points per day for participation. Deductions will be made for the following:

a. Unexcused non-participation (sitting out): -15

b. Unexcused non-dress (day uniform or practice clothing): -10

c. Unexcused absence/uncleared absence/cut: -15

d. Tardy: -2

2. Games: Students earn points for every game/match they cheer. Students must cheer all games they are assigned. Students who miss a game will receive zero points. These points must be made up by cheering an unassigned or “make-up” game. Extra points may be earned by cheering extra games up to a total grade of 110%. Students who miss a game must find a replacement to cheer for her in order to be able to make up points. Failure to find a replacement may result in loss of points and/or disciplinary action.

3. Performances: Students earn points for performances in which they participate. These may include dance shows, competitions, assemblies, etc. Points are variable depending on the longevity and commitment level of the activity.


1. All funds raised by a student are deposited into the general Spiritleader or Spirit Uniform accounts. Some money may be “earmarked” for that student’s personal use at the advisor’s discretion. All money in student “accounts” is property of the general Spiritleader account and will no longer be available to the student upon a student’s dismissal/departure from the team. Money must be spent only on authorized purchases for team uses only and are at the discretion of the advisor. The privilege of a student’s “account” may be revoked at any time.


I have read the Lompoc High School Cheer Contract and agree to abide by the regulations and conditions therein during my involvement with the Lompoc High School Cheer team.

______________________________________ ______________________________

Student Signature Advisor Signature

______________________________________ ______________________________

Parent Signature Date

______________________________________ ______________________________

Principal Signature Date


Signature of this notice gives permission to your student to attend all cheer activities for the year including sports events, parades, competitions, visitations, and other events voted by the team or scheduled by the advisor.

Transportation will be by district vehicle and under the supervision of the advisor or appointed adult. In some cases, travel will be by private car (you will be notified accordingly). This consent will allow the member to travel.

_____________________________________ ______________________________

Parent Signature Date


Signature of this notice gives permission to your student to be photographed or videotaped in public performances/games/practices/etc. These images may be used for publicity and/or other public uses on the internet, printed publications, and other media. If I do not give permission to my student to be photographed, I understand her photo or video may still be taken but her image will be obscured from published media.

_____________________________________ ______________________________

Parent Signature Date