Curriculum Vitae
Areas of Interest
Food Studies
Economic Development of Socialist Romania
Romanian Peasantry in the 20th Century and Beyond (Major in Peasant Studies)
History of Medical Theories of Pellagra
PhD Central European University (CEU), Budapest, Hungary
Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative History of Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe (2009 - 2015)
Thesis title: ‘From Mămăligă to Bread as the “Core” Food of Romanian Villagers: A consumer-centered interpretation of a dietary change (1900-1980)’
Graduation date:May 2015
Qualification: Summa cum Laude
Master of ArtsCentral European University, Budapest, Hungary
History Department (2008-2009)
Thesis title: ‘Diet Changes and Society: The shift from mămăligă to wheaten bread in the case of the 19th century Romanian peasantry’
Bachelor of ArtsBabes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Faculty of History (2004-2008)
Specialization in Modern History
Thesis title: ‘Sugar Trade in the British Colonial Empire, 1730-1800’
Honors and Awards
2014 - 2015Write-Up Grant from CEU
2012-2013Doctoral Research Support Grant from CEU
2011PhD Short Research Grant from CEU
2009-presentFull Scholarship for PhD studies from CEU
2009Recipient of Péter Hanák Prize for best MA thesis of the year, CEU
2008-2009Partial Scholarship for MA studies at CEU
Professional Experience
Jul 2013 – Nov 2013Field Work, Arges, County, Romania
Conducted interviews with 90 rural residents from 14 villages on past and present dietary practices and on current preferences for bread and mămăligă with six commonly served side dishes
Dec 2012 - Apr 2013Vrije Universiteit, Brussels, Belgium
Visiting Researcher
Jan – Apr 2012Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Teaching Assistant for the Course ‘Issues in the Modern Social and Cultural History of Eastern Europe’
Aug 2011 - Sep 2011Local archives, Iaşi, Constanţa, Romania
Gathered information on dietary changes from the records of Public Health Institutions
May 2011 - Aug 2011Field work in rural areas, Romania
Gathered data on present and past patterns of consumption by conducting interviews with villagers
Nov 2010 - May 2011National Archives of Romania, Bucharest, Romania
Gathered information on changes in dietary patterns from the archives of the National Institute of Public Health
Gathered data on bread production and commercialization and on economic developments in the rural areas between 1900 and 1980 from the archives housed in the National Archives of Romania
Activities and Publications
Bucharest, 2015: ‘Reevaluating Consumers’ Experiences during Socialism: Proposal for an anthropological approach based on a case-study analysis of a dietary change,’ Fourth Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Totalitarianism for PhDStudents
Tours, 2015: ‘Debating the Transition from Non-Bread to Bread ‘‘Core’’ Foods in Europe: The Contribution of the Romanian case-study,’First International Conference on Food History and Food Studies
Budapest, 2014: ‘From Mămăligă to Bread as the ‘‘Core’’ Food of Romanian Peasants: A consumer-centered interpretation of the dietary change from a standard of living perspective,’ Fifth History Department Research Seminar
Prato, 2014: ‘The Influence of Early Socialization into a Food Culture on Lifelong Food Preferences: Evidence from a Romanian case-study,’ The Fourth International Conference on Food Studies
Lisbon, 2014: ‘Why not a Romanian or Italian Goldberger? Centre and (Semi)Periphery in Pellagra Research’ in the Panel ‘Centres and Peripheries in the Changing Understanding of Pellagra, 1850-1915,’ 9th Meeting of the Science and Technology in the European Periphery Research Group
Bologna, 2011: “‘Give us this day our daily bread”: the role of bakeries in generalizing bread consumption among Romanian peasants: 1890-1990,’ The Twelfth Symposium of The International Commission for the Research into European Food History on the History of the European Food Industry in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Scrob,Lucian.“The Growth of Bread Consumption among Romanian Peasants, 1950-1980.” In The Food Industries of Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Europe, edited by Derek J. Oddy and Alain Drouard,213-229.Farnham: Ashgate, 2013.
Scrob, Lucian. "Reevaluating Consumers’ Experiences during Socialism: Proposal for an Anthropological Approach based on a Case-Study Analysis of a Dietary Change." In New Perspectives in Romanian Studies (working title). Budapest: Central European University, Forthcoming.
Scrob, Lucian. "Understanding the Influence of Early Socialization into a Food Culture on Lifelong Food Preferences: Can Historical Case-Studies Help?," article submittedfor review to the Journal Appetite
Nov 2011SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences)
Training organized by the Computer and Statistics Center of Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Oct - Dec 2011 Courses for Professional Development - Teaching in Higher Education: Scholarship, Reflection, Innovation
Training organized by the Curriculum Research Center of Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Languages Romanian - native; English -fluent, French - basic
Computer skillsMicrosoft Office, SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences)
Data analysis skillsDescriptive and Inferential Statistics
Mircea-LucianSCROB | 2015