WRD/PTC.37/Doc. 8
WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones
Thirty-seventh session
Phuket, Thailand
15 to 19 February 2010 ENGLISH ONLY
(Submitted by the WMO Secretariat)
8.1 The WMO Technical Cooperation Programme (TCO) activities are being implemented with funding from the WMO Voluntary Cooperation Programme (VCP), Trust Fund arrangements (TF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and a modest Regular Budget contribution, mainly for fellowship and training purposes to ensure successful implementation of WMO programmes, as well as the WMO Programme for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Technical cooperation activities are also being implemented through bilateral and multilateral arrangements and through funding provided by financial institutions such as the World Bank and regional development banks and other partners.
Voluntary Cooperation Programme
8.2 In 2009, Maldives made a cash contribution to the Voluntary Cooperation Fund (VCP(F)). No new VCP project requests were submitted by Members of the Panel. One project for Myanmar is under implementation, and nine projects have not received full support as of 31 December 2009.
8.3 A VCP project for Bangladesh for the establishment of connectivity between GTS Message Switching System and domestic meteorological information network system was completed in December 2009. In connection with WMO assistance to Myanmar following Cyclone Nargis, an Automatic Weather Station (AWS) was installed in NayPyTaw, Myanmar in January 2009 with the support of MEISEI Electric Co. Ltd, Japan. Sri Lanka has received support from Japan; MEISEI Electric Co. Ltd, Japan; TOTEX Corporation, Japan; and the VCP(F) for the replacement of an upper-air system and provision of radiosondes and balloons in 2007-2008. The provision of a Meteorological Information Comprehensive Analysis Process System (MICAPS) to Bangladesh, Maldives and Myanmar is being implemented with the support of China. China also supported Myanmar and Sri Lanka for the provision of FengYunCast receiving systems for use of satellite imagery for better weather forecast in 2007-2008. China indicated its plan to provide further support for upgrading FengYunCast receiving systems for Myanamr and Sri Lanka. A list of VCP projects related to individual countries is attached as an appendix to this document.
Trust Fund arrangements
8.4 Within the Trust Fund project “Installation of a Doppler radar system in Sri Lanka”, the selection of the supplier was made in June 2009 after an international tender for supply, delivery and installation of an S-band Doppler weather radar. A kick-off meeting of the project was held in September 2009 in Colombo with the participation of the Department of Meteorology, WMO and the supplier. The installation of the radar and relevant training are scheduled for the first half of 2010.
8.5 A Trust Fund project for Oman entitled "Data Collection/Processing Systems and Training" has been successfully implemented with the development and implementation of the Oman Regional Model (ORM) Model Output Statistics (MOS), development of the numerical wave model, and maintenance of the message switching system including relevant training. A Training Course on Forecaster Visualization Data Processing System was conducted in October 2008 in Muscat. Follow-up activities are being discussed between the Department of Meteorology and WMO.
Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC)
8.6 It is recalled that the basic objective of the Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC) was to promote and strengthen collective self-reliance among developing countries through the exchange of expertise, pooling of resources, sharing of technical capabilities and development of complimentary capacities. Expert missions, familiarization visits, study tours and training were also implemented under the TCDC. The Member countries are invited to utilize such a scheme to promote the technical cooperation activities.
WRD/PTC.37/Doc. 8, p. 2
8.7 China organized the WMO Symposium on Meteorological Services in support of
Decision-making followed by the 2009 Study Tour in China, from 13 to 22 October 2009, for
22 participants from 16 Members of WMO. One member of the Panel (Bangladesh) participated in the Symposium and Study Tour in 2009. The 2010 China Study Tour is planned for May 2010 to coincide with the opening of the MeteoWorld Pavilion in Shanghai Expo 2010.
8.8 Pakistan has conducted a six-month preliminary meteorology course each year since 2008 for junior meteorological personnel from neighbouring countries, including Bangladesh, Maldives and Sri Lanka. The second training course was conducted from 20 March to
23 July 2009 for 11 meteorological officials from five countries (two each from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka). For the year 2010, the third training course for 18 weeks commencing from 15 March 2010 was offered to Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Sri Lanka and Yemen.
Emergency assistance for disasters
8.9 The WMO "Emergency Assistance Fund" (officially entitled "WMO Disaster Assistance Fund for Meteorological and Hydrological Services"), established in 1991, is an existing WMO emergency assistance mechanism to assist Members affected by disasters in the rehabilitation and restoration of observing network, data collection and processing facilities and in international data exchange, in cases where disasters have destroyed or severely disabled the meteorological and/or hydrological infrastructure. In recent years (2005-2009), Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan and
Sri Lanka were assisted by this scheme. Affected Members who need emergency assistance are advised to utilize this scheme, and all Members are requested to consider possible support to the affected NMHSs.
8.10 In Bangladesh, some meteorological equipment was damaged by floods during the severe Cyclone Sidr in November 2007. Three SSB transceivers and two sets of Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs) are being provided with the support of France, UK, VCP(F) and the WMO Emergency Assistance Fund.
8.11 Following Cyclone Nargis in May 2008, a WMO emergency appeal was made for assistance to re-establish essential meteorological infrastructure and services in Myanmar.
China and Japan offered to provide in-kind and cash contributions to the WMO Emergency Assistance Fund. Hydrometeorological instruments including an AWS, an electric generator, PCs for storm surge modeling as well as short-term training and a long-term fellowship, were provided in 2008-2009. More reliable Internet connectivity is to be provided to the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology, Myanmar, with the Emergency Assistance Fund and the VCP(F).
(To be provided at the session)
Panel on Tropical Cyclones Trust Fund (PTCTF)
(To be provided at the session)
Appendix: VCP Statement related to the WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones Members
WRD/PTC.37/Doc. 8, APPENDIX, p. 2