

Residential group/residential associations (formed and active prior to the HS2 proposal)

Residents Associations/Action groups (formed in response to HS2)


Amenity and Business Associations/Charities/NGOs

Councils (parish, district, county}

Member of Parliament



Who you are
In what way you are affected. Make it personal / -Your petitioner is the {{freehold/leasehold/commonhold} owner} {occupier} of {insert address of property} (“your petitioner’s property”).
-{Part of} Your petitioner’s property is within the limits of land to be acquired and used as shown on the plans deposited with the Bill, and the property is therefore liable to compulsory acquisition under the Bill.
-Your petitioner’s property is {adjacent to} {in close proximity to} the {name of construction site} proposed to be used under the Bill.{Therefore your petitioner’s residential property will be subject to intolerable noise/dust/ visual impact/vibrations for {how long}. {If the Environmental Statement accompanying the Bill states that your property will be affected by noise, dust, vibrations etc- state this}.
-Your petitioner’s property is {located on} {in close proximity to} {name of road} which is proposed to be used under the Bill as a route for construction traffic {for how long/how many vehiclesetc.}. Your petitioner uses the {insert name of road} {twice daily when commuting to work/to drop children off at school/to access local services including shops, health services and the post office}.{Therefore closure of this road will result in your petitioner being isolated from shops and services/ use of this road by construction vehicles will increase delays, and increase the time and cost taken for your petitioner to access facilities}
-Your petitioner is a regular user of the {insert name of road} {which is within the limits of land to be acquired and used under the Bill/is liable to be used by construction traffic during the period of construction of the works authorised by the Bill/is liable to be interfered with for the purposes of works authorised by the Bill}.{See comments above}.
-Your petitioner is a regular user of the {name of PRoW/ construction route/ area of green space} for {recreational purposes/to access local facilities/ for exercise purposes}. {Name of PRoW/ construction route/ area of green space} is proposed under the Bill to be {diverted/stopped up/used for storage of materials etc. Explain what the Bill will authorise and for how long}. {Therefore your petitioner will lose a vital recreational facility which is used both for pleasure and as a sports facility}.
-From your petitioner’s property, your petitioner enjoys views of {describe} which will be spoilt during the construction phase {how long will this last} {and once the railway authorised by the Bill is operational}. The Environmental Statement accompanying the Bill states that {if the ES says that views will be adversely affected from your property or from near to it, say so}. {Your petitioner’s property lies within the Zone of Theoretical Visibility as shown in the maps that accompany the Environmental Statement*}.
- {If HS2 have engaged with you, explain when and how e.g. letter send to property}
-{Explain other ways in which you personally will be affected}
*The ZTV maps can be found in ES Volume 5 technical appendices and map books: Route wide appendix map books: Landscape and visual: Country South

Residential group/residential associations (formed and active prior to the HS2 proposal)

Who you are
In what way you are affected.
Make it personal* / -Your petitioners are residents of {number of properties} that are all located in {name of area/streets} and are members of {name of residential group}.
-The group was formed {when} to enable local residents to meet regularly and discuss issues {example of issues discussed} in the local area {any other details of what the residential group do}.
-Your petitioners are an association of local residents, established in {year}, who represent the interests of {hundreds/thousands} of residents in their area.
-The association is recognised by [name of local authority] as a consultee on planning applications, highway works and other matters affecting the area in which those whom it represents live.
-Your petitions include {freehold/ leasehold/owner/{occupier} of properties within the limits of land to be acquired and used as shown on the plans deposited with the Bill, and therefore a number of your petitioner’s properties {how many} are liable to compulsory acquisition under the Bill*.
- {If HS2 have engaged with you, explain when and how e.g. letter send to property}
- {X number} of your petitioners’members’ properties lie within the limits of land to be acquired and used as shown on the plans deposited with the Bill, and these properties are therefore liable to compulsory acquisition under the Bill.*
-{X number} of your petitioners’ members’ properties are {adjacent to} {in close proximity to} the {name of construction site} proposed to be used under the Bill. {Therefore your petitioners’ members’ residential property will be subject to intolerable noise/dust/ visual impact/vibrations for {how long}. {If the Environmental Statement accompanying the Bill states that your members’ property will be affected by noise, dust, vibrations etc- state this}.
-Many of your petitioners’ members’ are regular users of the {name of PRoW/ construction route/ area of green space} for {recreational purposes/to access local facilities/ for exercise purposes/commuting to work/to drop children off at school/accessing local services}. {Name of PRoW/ construction route/ area of green space} is proposed under the Bill to be {explain what the Bill will authorise and for how long e.g. closure/temporary diversion/use for construction}. This will result in {isolation from local services/loss of recreational facilities/loss of area used for sport activities}.
-Many of your petitioners’ members’ are regular user of the {name of PRoW/ construction route/ area of green space} for {recreational purposes/to access local facilities/ for exercise purposes}. {Name of PRoW/ construction route/ area of green space} is proposed under the Bill to be {explain what the Bill will authorise and for how long}. The loss of this important community asset/resource will {reduce the quality of life for residents in this area/ make the area less attractive to new residents/ reduce the tranquillity and therefore the quality of life in the area}
-Many of your petitioners’ members’ enjoys views of {describe} from their properties, which will be spoilt during the construction phase {how long will this last} {and once the railway authorised by the Bill is operational}. The Environmental Statement accompanying the Bill states that {if the ES says that views will be adversely affected from properties or from near to it, say so}. {Many of your petitioner’s members’properties lie within the Zone of Theoretical Visibility as shown in the maps that accompany the Environmental Statement}. **
-The Environmental Statement accompanying the Bill states that many of your petitioners’ members’properties will be affected by {noise, dust, traffic –describe how}.
-Many of your petitioners’ members’ properties will be isolated from local services such as shops and post offices. Those individuals will become dependent on using the car to access these facilities, which will further add to congestion on the local road network.
-{Explain other ways in which your petitioners’ members’ will be affected}
- {Use other relevant examples from above}
*Individuals whose property is within the Bill limits, are directly adjacent to construction sites, or are adjacent to construction routes should submit petitions as individuals also. Therefore if a group petition is not granted locus standi, these individuals would still have their say if they are granted locus standi.
** The ZTV maps can be found in ES Volume 5 technical appendices and map books: Route wide appendix map books: Landscape and visual: Country South

Residents Associations/Action groups (formed in response to HS2)

Who you are
In what way you are affected. Make it personal. / -Your petitioners are an association of local residents, established in {year}, who represent the interests of {hundreds/thousands} of residents {and business} in their area {describe the extent of the area covered}. {If HS2 have engaged with you, explain how and when}.
-The group was formed {when} to enable local residents affected by HS2 {amongst other things} to share resources and raise issues of common concern with the promoters of the Bill and in Parliament. {If HS2 have engaged with you as a group, explain when and how}
-See examples above.


Who you are
In what way you are affected. Make it personal / -Your petitioner is {explain the status of the body that is submitting the petition – this will depend on the nature of the school – for example the board of governors} of the {name of school} (“the School”) The School is a {primary/secondary/ grammar/academy} located at {address}. The School has {number of pupils} and employs {number of staff}. {Anything further details {before/ after school activities/ summer schools/ sports clubs/ school hours/ sports facilities etc}
-The School is {adjacent to} {in close proximity to} the {name of construction site} proposed to be used under the Bill} As a result the School will be subject to intolerable noise, dust, visual impact and vibrations for {how long}.
-The School is {located on} {in close proximity to} {name of road} which is proposed to be used under the Bill as a route for construction traffic.
-Due to the unusual layout of the village, with almost the whole of the village south of the {name of road}, and the school on the opposite side of the road, over 100 young children and their parents cross and re-cross the road each school day. This road {name of road} is proposed to be used under the Bill as route for construction traffic.
-The increased traffic on this already busy road will result in further delays, making it difficult for both staff and pupils to access the School. This will also cause problems for parents dropping off pupils who then need to get to work.
-The increase in HGVs will make the road unsuitable for staff walking and cycling to school, and is likely to increase the number of accidents.
-The adjacent construction site will result in the School being subject to intolerable noise, vibration and dust. This will disturb classes, and therefore impact upon the children’s education. It will also result in irritation and annoyance. In the case of {name of school} which provides boarding facilities, the noise associated with the construction site will cause sleep disturbance. The dust will make outdoor activities unpleasant and unsafe, meaning sports classes will have to take place indoors.

Amenity and Business Associations/Charities/NGOs

Who you are
In what way you are affected. Make it personal / -Your petitioner {name of amenity or business association/charity/NGO} was established in {year}, and {explain purpose of charity/NGOs}. Your petitioner has {number} members, many of whom live or work in the area that will be affected by the construction and operation of the railway authorised by the Bill and your petitioner’s responsibilities extend to that area. {Your petitioner owns properties at {location of properties if relevant to the Bill}}. Your petitioner has responsibilities over the whole of the {UK/ South East/ specific area}, and manages {land, area covered}. {Further information e.g. members, activities, responsibilities etc}
-The association/charity/NGO is recognised by [name of local authority} as a consultee on planning applications, highway works and other matters affecting the area in which those whom it represents live. {If HS2 have engaged with you, explain how and when}
-{Part of} Your petitioner’s property is within the limits of land to be acquired and used as shown on the plans deposited with the Bill, and the property is therefore liable to compulsory acquisition under the Bill {provide details on the use of the property}.
-Your petitioner’s objects include the {conservation/protection} of {bats/birds/heritage sites/others}{representing {trade}{business}{amenity}{educational},{travel}{recreational}{other}{interests, which will be injuriously affected by the Bill
-The {name of property/land owned by the petitioner} is {located on} {in close proximity} to the {name of road} which is proposed to be used under the Bill as a route for construction traffic. This will deter visitors from visiting the site due to the {increased time and therefore cost to access it} {increased isolation from main transport routes} {decreased accessibility}. {Visitors to the site provide a vital source of funding, and therefore a loss in visitors will reduce the viability of the site}.
-The construction and operation of the railway will result in loss of {woodland/vegetation/open space} at {specific location} and will therefore result in {loss of habitat/fragmentation} and have a serious impact on {bats/birds/others}
-The {name of specific construction route/site} will have negative impacts on the {property}{area} by increasing noise and dust in the previously tranquil area. This will result in a change in character of the area, and deter visitors who provide a vital source of funding.
-The {name of structure e.g. new bridge} will have negative impacts on the {building/open space} by altering the setting and aesthetics of the area. {The structure will be clearly visible from the land owned by the NGO/Charity, will intrude on the site etc}
-Many visitors come to the {name of area} to enjoy the views from the site. {These will be spoilt during the construction phase and once the railway authorised by the Bill is operational}. The Environmental Statement accompanying the Bill states that {if the ES states that views will be adversely affected from the site say so}.

Councils (parish, district, county}

Who you are
In what way you are affected. Make it personal / - {If within the limits}: Your petitioners are [Name] Council. {The Bill would authorise the compulsory acquisition of land belonging to your petitioners, to which they object. Furthermore, {part of} the area for which your petitioners are [a] local authority will be injuriously affected by the provisions of the Bill, and your petitioners accordingly object thereto for the reasons, amongst others, hereinafter appearing.]
-{If not within the limits}: [Your petitioners are [Name]]. The nearest part of the area for which your petitioners are the local authority is approximately [Number] metres from the area of land to be acquired and used under the Bill. A number of residents [and businesses] in your petitioners’ area will be injuriously affected by the provisions of the Bill. [Properties within your petitioners’ area are identified in the Environmental Statement that accompanies the Bill (“the ES”) as being affected by the Authorised Works.] [Your petitioners’ area includes roads which are liable, according to the Environmental Statement that accompanies the Bill (“the ES”) to be interfered with or used by construction traffic during the construction of the authorised Works.] The Bill contains wide ranging powers to enable the Secretary of State to acquire land compulsorily outside the limits of land to be acquired under the Bill for purposes including regeneration and because of the proximity of land within your petitioners’ area to the Authorised Works, those powers are more likely to be used in relation to those properties than other properties, causing unnecessary blight. [Your petitioners were consulted by High Speed 2 Limited about the proposals in the Bill [when]], [Existing rail services which serve the inhabitants of your petitioners’ residents are liable to be adversely affected as a consequence of the proposals in the Bill] [{Part of} the area for which your petitioner are a local authority will by injuriously affected by the provisions of the Bill]. Your petitioners accordingly object for the reasons, amongst others, hereinafter appearing.
-Your petitioner has responsibilities for much of the land in its area that will be affected by the Bill, and represents {number of residents}, many of whom will be affected by the works proposed under the bill. This includes {properties subject to compulsory acquisition/ highways that will be used as major construction routes/footpaths that will be removed/areas of green space that will be lost/ areas which will be converted into construction sites – give specific examples of works within the area that the Council covers}.

Member of Parliament

Who you are
In what way you are affected.
Make it personal / -Your petitioner is the Member of Parliament for {constituency} and {also resides within the area that will be affected by the Bill}. As an MP, your petitioner represents the views of local residents, tenants and businesses throughout the area. Your petitioner holds weekly surgeries which draw individuals from across the constituency to access the assistance and interventions of their elected MP. Your petitioner respectfully requests that {he/she} be heard by the select committee which considers the Bill, both as a private citizen and as a Member of Parliament representing the views of {his/her} constituents.
-Your petitioner’s constituents are in the immediate vicinity of the proposed works, and therefore your petitioner represents the views of residents and business that are affected by the Bill. This includes residents whose property is subject to compulsory acquisition; those adjacent or near to construction sites; those who use and live on major construction routes; and those who make use of public facilities which will be affected by the Bill {include specific examples in the local area}. {If your property is affected, explain how- see individuals section}.
