Monopoly Speed Game
Goal: To become the wealthiest player through buying, renting, and selling property.
· In our game, whoever has the most money (including property values) when there is seven minutes left in the class period will be the winner of your group.
Money Distribution - $2200 (extra $ because we have limited time)
3 - $500
5 - $100
2 - $50
2 - $20
4 - $10
3 - $5
5 - $1
Property (speed version)
· To start the game, the Banker shuffles and deals three property cards to each player. Players must immediately pay the Bank the price of the properties dealt to them.
Adding Houses and Hotels
· When you own all the properties in a color-group you may buy houses from the Bank to improve the value of your property. The price you must pay for each house is on your property card
· For the purposes of our game, we are not going to worry about building your properties evenly. you can distribute your houses as you see fit and as you can afford.
· However, you cannot put a hotel on a property until you have at least two houses on each property in a complete color-group.
· If you end up having to sell your houses or hotels because you need money, they are worth 1/2 of the purchase price.
Miscellaneous Speed Game Rules
· If you land in Jail you must exit on your next turn by (1) using a "Get Out of Jail Free" card if you have (or can buy) one; (2) rolling doubles; or (3) paying $50. Unlike the standard game, if you fail to roll doubles, you pay the $50 on the same turn. You can conduct all business from jail (i.e. collecting rent).
· The penalty for landing on "Income Tax" is a flat $200.
· You do not need to wait until it's your turn before making transactions with the Bank or with other players. You can do this any time in between dice rolls.
· You may not borrow money from each other or the bank - once you are out of money and property, you are bankrupt.
· Collect $200 anytime you pass GO.
Fun Facts
· Charles Darrow, an unemployed heating engineer from Germantown, Pennsylvania, brought the MONOPOLY game to Parker Brothers in 1935.
· The MONOPOLY game was originally rejected by Parker Brothers for containing 52 fundamental errors.
· More than 200 million MONOPOLY game sets have been sold worldwide.
· The MONOPOLY game is marketed in 103 countries and is printed in 37 languages.
· The street names in the MONOPOLY game are taken from Atlantic City, New Jersey.