BC Hydro Bioenergy Phase 2 Call – Project Information (Form 4)
Revised Date: October 8, 2010
General Instructions
- Words and phrases used in this document and defined in the RFP, and/or the Specimen EPA, have the meanings given in the RFP, and/or Specimen EPA, unless otherwise defined herein.
- The Project Information form should not contain general corporate brochures or other promotional material of a general nature.
- The Project Information form should be organized to follow the numbering system and the headings set out in these instructions. Proponents should include the information request with the response below each request. If a particular heading is inapplicable, retain the number, heading and information request, and insert “Not applicable”.
- If an instruction calls for the submission of applications, reports, agreements, plans, schedules, resumes, studies or other documents, those documents should be referenced in the text as an Attachment and numbered sequentially.
- The Project Information form should include a Table of Contents with page numbering references, following the numbering system and headings in these instructions, and include a listing of Attachments.
- A Proponent should be fully responsive to each instruction, as applicable to the Proponent and its Project. If a Proponent is in any doubt as to the requirements contained in these instructions, it should seek clarification using the Q&A process
- When completed, name the Project Information form “Form 4” and save in PDF format for inclusion in the electronic copy of your Proposal, and print the Project Information form for inclusion in the hard copy of your Proposal.
Name the Attachments according to the labeling of Attachments in the Project Information form and save the Attachments in PDF, MS Excel or MS Word format for inclusion with the electronic copy of “Form 4”. Print the Attachments and tab at the end of the Project Information form.
Revised October 8, 20101
BC Hydro Bioenergy Phase 2 Call – Project Information (Form 4)
1.1Seller’s Plant Description
a)Attach a site layout, showing the location and orientation on the site of significant access roads, structures, equipment and other facilities.
b)Provide an outline technical description of the plant, including all systems, one line electrical diagrams, etc.
c)Attach a drawing showing distribution/transmission lines (indicating capacities) on the Proponent’s side of the POI, and the interconnection point(s) with the Transmission System or Distribution System (together, the “System”).
d)Attach a list and outline of specifications of major equipment, including as applicable all generators, turbines and other major equipment, including key specifications (e.g., nameplate capacity of generators), make and model, and whether equipment is new or used.
e)Provide an outline specification of all significant structures (e.g., buildings), including approximate dimensions.
f)Provide such other technical description and data as the Proponent believes will give BC Hydro a clear understanding of the plant specifications and technical configuration.
g)Provide if applicable, such other information as the Proponent believes will give BC Hydro a clear understanding of the plant design to mitigate technical, financial or fuel risk, increase System efficiency, and/or take advantage of local resources and infrastructure.
h)Provide an itemized list of any existing equipment, structures and/or facilities that are currently on or in the vicinity of the Project site that will be utilized for the Project.
1.2Generation Technology
a)Provide a brief description of the Project’s generation technology. Identify the principal manufacturers or suppliers of this technology.
b)Describe not more than 3 other existing generation plants (which need not be owned or operated by the Proponent) generating electrical energy to a standard of reliability generally required by Good Utility Practice (as defined below). Include, at a minimum, the name and location of the plant, the name of the plant owner, the date when the generation technology was installed, and the plant capacity.
For the purposes of this paragraph, “Good Utility Practice” means any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electric utility industry during the relevant time period, or any of the practices, methods and acts which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in light of the facts known at the time the decision was made, could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at a reasonable cost consistent with good business practices, reliability, safety and expedition. Good Utility Practice is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be acceptable practices, methods or acts generally accepted in the region of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council or any successor organization of which BC Hydro is a member.
c)If the Project’s generation technology is not in commercial operation at other plants, provide a detailed description of the core technology being proposed and what is required for the technology to advance to a commercial stage.
1.3Fuel Usage and Conversion Factors
a)State whether fuel preparation and/or processing (e.g. chipping, drying, etc.) will be required, and if so, describe the process to ready the fuel for combustion.
b)Describe the thermal efficiency (in percent) and/or heat rate (in GJ/month) by fuel type for plant operations. Reference the categories and types selected in the Fuel Plan. Describe the methodology used in determining these figures.
c)Describe the handling and disposal of any waste (e.g. ash) from the combustion process and how much waste is produced per tonne of fuel consumed.
1.4Fuel Storage and Infrastructure
a)Describe any equipment and facilities necessary to receive, prepare, process, store and handle biomass required for the Project.
b)Describe the volume, in operating days, of on-site, or local, storage for biomass that is included in the Project design.
1.5Site Acquisition / Control
1.5.1Site Description
a)Describe the location of the site, and identify any municipal, regional, or other local government area in which the site is located, and the nearest city or town and proximity thereto.
b)Provide the site legal description, if any.
c)Attach a regional map showing site location, access and transmission line corridors, POI, and nearest community.
d)State the current zoning and required zoning for Project development and operation.
1.5.2Titled Land
a)Attach a copy of the Certificate of Title, and of each lien, charge and encumbrance (“charges”) registered on title, and confirmation that such charges will not prevent or delay construction and operation of the Project, or alternatively the Proponent’s plan and schedule for the discharge or amendment of such charges to avoid any such prevention or delay. Attach a copy of the survey plan.
b)State whether the site is or will be owned, leased or held under another form of tenure, which other form should be specified.
c)State whether the site is currently owned or otherwise held by the Proponent, and if not owned, state the name of the current registered owner and provide a copy of the lease or other instrument under which the Proponent holds the site or an interest therein. If not currently owned or held by the Proponent, provide a copy of any option or other agreement under which the Proponent has the right to acquire ownership or another appropriate interest in the site. Describe the Proponent’s plan for acquiring ownership of the right to use the site, and the status of execution of that plan.
d)If the site on which the Project will be located is part of a larger parcel, which has not been subdivided, provide details of any planned subdivision, including (i) the subdivision plan, (ii) the status, and schedule for completion, of the subdivision, and (iii) a list, and the status and schedule for, all approvals required to complete the subdivision. If applicable, provide copies of any subdivision and/or rezoning applications.
1.5.3Untitled Land
a)If the site is currently untitled (e.g., untitled Crown land), describe the status of the Proponent’s efforts to acquire an appropriate right of occupancy and use. Describe the Proponent’s plan for acquiring ownership or the right to use the site and the status of executing that plan. Provide copies of all applications for, or issued, license of occupation, lease or other tenure.
1.6Access and Transmission Corridors
a)If the site is currently accessible by public roadway, describe roadway improvements, if any, required to adequately service the Project’s access needs, and the status of planning and implementing any such improvements.
b)If the site is not currently accessible by public roadway, describe the Proponent’s plan for acquiring legal and physical access to the site, and the status of execution of that plan.
c)Describe the Proponent’s plan for obtaining any rights-of-way, easements or other land tenures required for the construction and operation of all transmission lines on the Proponent’s side of the POI, and the status of execution of that plan.
d)Attach copies of all rights-of-way, easements or other land tenures required for access and transmission line corridors and/or any agreement to obtain the foregoing.
e)Attach a plan showing alignment of all rights-of-way, easements or other land tenures required for access and transmission line corridors.
1.7Site Services
1.7.1Site Services Required
a)Describe all site utilities and services required to support construction and operation of the Project, and a description of the status and schedule for securing each utility or service.
1.7.2Site Service Agreements
a)Attach a copy of any executed letter of intent or similar preliminary commitment and any executed final agreement for provision of any required utility or service.
1.8Scheduled and Unscheduled Maintenance
a)Provide the expected annual down-time (hours per year) for the Project (including scheduled and unscheduled maintenance).
b)If there is an annual scheduled shutdown period, provide the expected dates and duration of the annual shutdown period.
1.9Dispatch Off and Turn-Down Capabilities
For the purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:
- “Dispatch Off” refers to the ability to shut down electrical generation from the Project.
- “Turn-Down” refers to the ability to reduce electrical generation to a specified level of output that is less than Plant Capacity.
- “Avoidable Costs” refers to the operating costs that can be avoided when electrical generation is Dispatched Off or Turned-Down, when compared to the operating costs that would have been incurred had the Project not been Dispatched Off or Turned Down.
1.9.1Dispatch Off
a)Describe any limitations on the ability to Dispatch Off the Project (e.g., fuel storage, fuel supply contracts, technical limitations, etc.).
b)If the Project can be Dispatched Off, please provide the following information:
- The number of hours required to completely Dispatch Off the Project from full load.
- The number of hours required to restart the Project and bring it up to full load after it has been Dispatched Off for: (i) an extended period (i.e., cold start); and (ii) a period of less than a week (i.e., warm start).
- The notice period that would be required in advance of any request to Dispatch Off the Project.
- The maximum and minimum durations of a Dispatch Off period (measured in hours).
- The minimum period (hours) between Dispatch Off periods.
- Describe the nature of Avoidable Costs when the Project is Dispatched Off.
a)If the Project has Turned-Down capabilities, provide the following information:
- The minimum feasible Turn-Down rate, expressed as a percentage of total Plant Capacity.
- The maximum feasible Turn-Down rate (where the Project has not been fully Dispatched Off),expressed as a percentage of total Plant Capacity.
- The notice period that would be required in advance of any request to Turn-Down the Project.
- The maximum and minimum durations of a Turn-Down period (measured in hours).
- The minimum period (hours) between Turn-Down periods.
b)Describe the relationship between operating efficiency and electrical generation output for the Project.
c)Describe any limitations that may impact the ability to Turn-Down the Project (e.g., fuel storage, fuel supply contracts, technical limitations, etc.).
d)Describe the nature of Avoidable Costs when the Project is in a Turn-Down.
Responses to this instruction should be consistent with the Proponent’s selection in its Commercial Proposal indicating whether the Project will be interconnected to the Transmission System or to the Distribution System.
a)State whether the Project is located in that part of British Columbia within which Projects may be interconnected directly to the System as determined by BC Hydro and BCTC (the “System Area”) and identify the nearest substation.
b)Describe how the Project will be metered and, if known, provide the expected physical location of the meter(s). The meter configuration must be such that the energy to be delivered under any awarded EPA can be accurately measured for billing and other contractual purposes.
c)For Projects within the System Area, state whether the Project will have:
- A direct interconnection to the System; or
- An indirect interconnection, including through the FortisBC transmission system.
d)If 2(c)(ii) applies, with respect to private transmission or distribution lines or substations, provide details of the proposed interconnection, including the identity, ownership and location. Provide evidence of supporting third party interconnection agreements and transmission agreements in respect of the projected output to the POI. Include plans or other drawings where necessary to describe any proposed indirect interconnection.
3.1.1List of Required Permits
a)Attach a complete list of all permits required for construction and operation of the Project. “Permit” means permits, licenses, rezoning or zoning variances, and all other approvals required of any federal, provincial or local government or governmental agency or authority required for the development and operation of the Project, including without limitation any environmental assessment certificate required under federal or provincial legislation.
3.1.2Issued Permits
a)Attach a copy of each issued permit.
3.1.3Unissued Permits
a)For each unissued permit, provide a permitting schedule showing the planned application, sequencing and issue date for each permit, which is consistent with the Proponent’s Project development schedule.
b)For each unissued permit, attach a copy of any pending permit application, any evidence or acknowledgement of receipt, a description of the status of the application, any known opposition or impediment to the issue of the permit and the expected impact thereof on the permitting schedule and any planned measures which the Proponent intends to implement to avoid or mitigate any anticipated delay in issue of the permit.
c)If any required permit has been refused, describe the reasons for refusal. If the issue of any permit is subject to conditions which would materially and adversely affect the ability of the Proponent to develop and/or operate the Project, fully describe the conditions, impacts and plan to accommodate the conditions.
3.1.4Land Use Plans
a)List all provincial, municipal or other land use plans and/or planning processes that are applicable to the area in which the Project is located.
b)State whether or not the Project is consistent with the use and any other applicable conditions in the land use plans and/or planning processes listed above. If the Project is not consistent with such land use plans and/or planning processes, describe the rationale for concluding that permits, licenses and approvals will be available at times required to maintain the Project schedule.
3.2Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Strategy
3.2.1Air Emissions and Liquid and Solid Waste Discharges
a)Provide a forecast of the Project’s annual air emissions and solid and liquid waste discharges for firm and non-firm energy.
b)Local Air Emissions: Provide calculations of PM10 emitted (expressed as tonnes PM10 per year) and total particulates in mg/m3. Calculations should indicate the type and quantity of fuels and appropriate emission factors for the quality of fuel to be used. Exclude emissions from Project-related transportation. Indicate reference source for the emission factors.
c)Air Shed Plans: List all air shed plans and/or planning processes that are applicable to the area in which the Project is located. State whether or not the Project is consistent with the use and any other applicable conditions in the air shed plans and/or planning processes listed above. If the Project is not consistent with such air shed plans and/or planning processes, describe the rationale for concluding that permits, licenses and approvals will be available at times required to maintain the Project schedule.
d)Liquid and Solid Waste Discharges: Provide calculations of all liquid and solid waste discharges. Calculations should indicate the type and quantity of fuels. Include reference source for calculating discharges.
e)Provide a description of the Proponent’s air emissions and liquid and solid waste discharges reporting requirements for the Project.
3.2.2Land Area Affected
a)Describe the land area (in hectares) directly occupied or altered by the plant (including rights-of-way to the POI). Identify areas and species of high importance or sensitivity that may be affected. Include existing land areas physically or legally occupied or altered by Project facilities, such as towers and foundations, power cables, and rights-of-way.
3.2.3Visual Impacts
a)Describe the visibility of the plant and/or new rights-of-way to the general public established as a result of the plant. For example, indicate whether the plant is near communities, scenic viewpoints, or along travelled land and marine transportation routes. Indicate the distance of the plant from the closest observation point and the potential number of viewers from such point or otherwise. Also, indicate whether there is any plan or opportunity at the plant site to screen views of the Project.