
One of the things I enjoy most about my role as an ID here in the e-team is that I get to work collaboratively with people both within the team and outside of it. Sometimes, before an e-learning resource development project begins, I will:

-  liaise with the client (internal or external) to find out about the needs of the target audience, in particular the learners that will be using the resource

-  assist in the development of the project proposal and/or scope, helping the project manager work out what resources and skills will be required to develop the resource

-  liaise with management to determine whether the project is viable, and meets business needs

-  assist in planning for the development process, identifying the key milestones based on the production schedule.


Then, in addition to the actual instructional design of the resource, my role during the development process involves collaborating with the design and development team and others to:

-  ensure that the content expert is providing the required content to support the competencies in the course or qualification that the e-learning resource will support

-  coordinate the various production activities such as writing, design, development, user testing, evaluation and quality assurance

-  ensure that the technology used in the resource is user-friendly and appropriate to the target audience

-  manage the intellectual property (IP) issues such as copyright requirements

-  solve problems as they arise, ensuring that the priority remains educationally sound learner focused design.


I also have an important role in user trailing and evaluation of the e-learning prototype and/or resource. I collaborate with:

-  the design and development team to ensure that the prototype or resource is ready on time for user trailing/evaluation

-  trainers and assessors who will be using the e-learning resource, to ensure that it meets their needs and expectations

-  learners who will be using the e-learning resource, to ensure that it meets their needs and expectations

-  user trial sites, such as workplaces or RTOs, to select users for the trailing process and ensure that they are set up and prepared prior to trailing and supporting during the process

-  the design and development team to communicate the results of user testing and make decisions on what changes and/or improvements we will make as a result of the feedback received.