Jackson Boys and Girls

Basketball Golf Scramble


September 10, 2016 Franklin Valley Golf Club

WHEN: September 10, 2016

WHERE: Franklin Valley Golf Club

COST: $50 Per Player-includes cart, food, and 1 mulligan. Checks payable to “Jackson Girls Roundball”

TIME: 7:30 am Check-in/8:30 am Shotgun Start

·  1st Place: $400 / TEAM HANDICAP RULE:
Each team can only have 1 person below a 10 handicap and must have a total of 40 for the team.
·  2nd Place: $200
·  50/50 Raffle
·  $5 “Hit the Green” Raffle
·  $20 Per Team “Ladies Tee” Shots

2016 Jackson Basketball Golf Scramble Registration

Team Captain:______/ Handicap:______/ To Register
Team Members: / Fill out form and mail to:
______/ Handicap:______/ Jackson High School
Matt Walburn/Max Morrow
______/ Handicap:______/ 500 Vaughn Street
______/ Handicap:______/ Jackson, OH 45640
Contact Information
Home Phone:______/ Cell #______/ Or by phone:
Email:______/ Matt Walburn (740)418-4039
Max Morrow (740)710-0318
Email Contact to Register: