pto meeting minutes

september 20, 2012



jenniferrafferty, andrea parker, patticreller, reneegramling, bonnie jarvis, taraliloia,

barbaracallahan, cindydemore, sarah peacock, toby peacock, sarah noble, jenny lee corrow.

election of officers

jenniferrafferty - president, bonnie jarvis - vice president, jenny lee corrow - treasurer,

andrea parker - secretary.


checkbook says we have $1765.00. jenny lee and jen are going to go to the bank to get statements,

and require that 2 signatures need to be on each check. also will look into getting more checks.

(we have 4 on hand).

mission statement

to enrich educational experiences for the the isle la motte school’s students, staff, and community by

raising funds to provide shcolarships for educational activities, programs and materials.

this is the mission statement provided...

currentpto would like to add that our objective is” to organize and encourage school community

involving students, teacher and parents.”

fundraiser ideas

wreaths - jenny lee is researching.

teacher tree - “shuttlecocks” needed. members of the pto are checking into who might have an

artifical tree. please let jen know. we have christmas bulbs we can donate.

believe - bonnie is following up with this fundraiser...more to come.

things we can do for community/school


donate 3 holiday meals to needy families...have kids help pack stuff up

new playground (possible grant)

community gift wrap

field trips (flynn, echo, montshire museum, plantarium)

mr. k (science)

family movie night featuring “the lorax”

friday, october 19th

pizza at 6:30pm, movie to begin at 7pm. (patticreller will provide the movie)

come in your pajamas and bring a sleeping bag

popcorn provided during the movie

bake sale from 6:30-9pm. all proceeds benefit the pto.

tara is coordinating all food.

walk and bike to school

school will be providing bagels and coffee after the walk/bike to school.

sarah noble is checking on coffee pot

barbara and jen will be at the school when students/parents arrive

october 1st, open house

sarah peacock is coordinating food/paper products.

sarah noble checking on apple cider donations for halls orchards. (4 gallons)

cindy making red velvet cupcakes, getting water.

bottle drive

possible dates... january after the holidays, and memorial day

jen will call betsy to see if we can put something at the town clerk to collect bottles and box tops

box tops

tara will process box tops

tara and jenny lee will get a box to collect box tops at the school

grocery store dollars

andrea will check on the hannaford dollars, price chopper school $, possible shaws...

nextpto meeting, tuesdayoctober 23rd, 6:30-7:30pm

all parents and staff invited and welcome to participate

pto contacts

jenniferrafferty (president) 802.233.2681

bonniejarvis (vice president) 802.309.8147

andrea parker (secretary) 802.233.6034

patticrellerwimpy@yahoo,com 802.372.1164

rennegramling 802.928.3073

taraliloia 802.928.3113

barbaracallahan 802.928.3248

cindydemore 802.324.6155

sarah peacock 802.928.3166

toby peacock 802.928.3166

sarah noble 802.372.1062