Professors: Aaron Meraz, PhD, DMin
Bobby Worthington, DMin
THS610 L02.A Theology of Leadership
Fall 2015
A.Course Description
An advanced spiritual formation study of the theological aspects of leadership, including relevant material from the Old and New Testaments reflecting biblical perspectives on God’s call to leadership, how to become, and what it means to be, a godly servant-leader particularly in the home, church, and public settings, as well as anticipated hindrances to the development and exercising of such biblically appropriate leadership. (Prerequisite may be taken concurrently: THS 504)
B. Course Objectives
At the end of this course, the student should demonstrate the ability to satisfy the following course outcomes:
1. Biblical Studies: tointerpret Scripture in light of leadership principles.
2. Theology: to develop a theology of leadership that emulates Jesus.
3. Integration: to improve one’s own leadership style in light of the leadership style of Jesus.
4. Integration: to apply principles of leadership to one’s ownfield of ministry.
C. Required Textbooks
Banks, Robert & Bernice Ledbetter. Reviewing Leadership. Grand Rapids: Baker,
2004. ISBN: 9780801026904
Baxter, Richard, William Brown, James Packer. The Reformed Pastor. Carlisle, PA:
Banner of Truth, 1974. ISBN: 9780851511917
Howell, Don. Servants of the Servant. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2003. ISBN:
Youssef, Michael. The Leadership Style of Jesus. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 2013.
ISBN: 9780736952309
D. Course Requirements
1. Class Discussion Threads: Each student is required to participate in 4 class discussion threads during the semester. In order to receive full credit for the 4 class discussion threads, each student must read the article assigned and respond by Wednesday at 11:55 P.M. of that week. Next, the student must respond to at leasttwo other students' posts by Friday at 11:55 P.M. of that same week. Finally, the student must answer any questions that are asked ofhim/her by other students by Sunday at 11:55 P.M. in your time zoneat the end of that week.Please be courteous to other classmates by not waiting until the last minute each week to post on the Discussion Board.Counts 10% of final grade.
Additional Discussion Board Guidelines:
An acceptable post to the Discussion Board would contain accurate, original, and relevant comments. The comments should stimulate additional thought about the issue being discussed. A simple "I agree" or "I disagree" will not be counted as an adequate comment.
Your postings should reflect a) facts, b) logical reasoning, c) be related to the topic, d) be written well (no spelling errors, etc.), and e) be on time. Try to avoid sharing your personal opinions if you cannot back them up with facts and/or statistics.
You may certainly express your views and beliefs in the context of the discussion topic, but DO NOT use your views to attack others. Simply use your best judgment and treat others with respect. This will be important to bear in mind as we discuss very sensitive and controversial issues.
Read the assigned article for discussion before you post your response so that you can tie in the main ideas and facts to your postings.
You will be evaluated on the quality and thoughtfulness of how you present your point of view. A quality response is well thought out, clearly presented, and well-formulated.
When posting, be sure to present your thoughts and point of view in an unbiased way. You can and should cite evidence for your assertions where appropriate. Use your textbooks, and other selected web resources as educational aids.
Your postings should be clear, yet concise. Please do not feel as though you have to write a lot. Think quality over quantity.
Please try to keep responses to one paragraph (150-200 words), if possible.
Once you have posted, check back frequently to see if anybody has responded to you.
2. Quizzes. Weeks 2-7, students will have quizzes over Servants of the Servant due by Sunday 11:59pm. Each quiz will be worth 5% of the final grade.
3. Book Reviews. Each student will have two book reviews to write during the semester. The first will be over Reviewing Leadership, which will be due Sunday 11:59m of Week 2. The second will be over The Reformed Pastor, which will be due Sunday 11:59pm of Week 4. Both book reviews will be formatted according to the “Book Reviews” section of the Criswell Manual of Style.
Each book review is worth 15% of the final grade.
4. Final Paper. Each student will write a 10-12 page research paper comparing and contrasting the student’s leadership style with the leadership style of Jesus as defined in Michael Youssef’s book The Leadership Style of Jesus. The paper should be double-spaced and formatted according to the Criswell Manual of Style. The paper should be in your own words with less than 30% quotations from other materials. At least 5 sources should be cited.
The following outline should be observed for the body of the paper:
I. Intro with thesis statement (1/2 page)
II. Overview of the Leadership Style of Jesus (3-4 pages)
III. Overview of the Student’s Leadership Style (3-4 pages)
IV. Comparisons & Contrasts (3 pages)
V. Conclusion (1/2 page)
The paper will be due Sunday by 11:59pm of Week 8. Upload to Blackboard. 30% of final grade.
Students are expected to attend all class sessions (Criswell College Catalog, 2015-2016).
Absences: Since class participation is vital to learning, absences should be taken only when absolutely necessary. Absences of class sessions for more than seven (7) classes for two-days-per week classes and three (3) for block classes will result in an “F” in the course. The professor and the Executive Vice President and Provost must approve all exceptions to this policy. Proportionate absences apply to all other terms (J-Term, summer classes, language term, etc.). Students are responsible for all absences due to illness or any other reason. Granting of excused absences is permitted at the discretion of the professor.
Tardiness: Being at least fifteen minutes (15) minutes tardy to class, or departing fifteen (15) minutes prior the end of class is considered one absence. Three instances of tardiness of fifteen minutes or less equals one absence. The tardy student is responsible for notifying the professor of his/her presence in writing at the end of class. Students who wish to depart early should clear it with the professor prior to departure.
A97-100 4.0 grade points per semester hour
A- 93-96 3.7 grade points per semester hour
B+ 91-92 3.3 grade points per semester hour
B 88-90 3.0 grade points per semester hour
B- 86-87 2.7 grade points per semester hour
C+ 83-85 2.3 grade points per semester hour
C 80-82 2.0 grade points per semester hour
C- 78-79 1.7 grade points per semester hour
D+ 75-77 1.3 grade points per semester hour
D 72-74 1.0 grade point per semester hour
D- 70-71 0.7 grade points per semester hour
F 0-69 0.0 grade points per semester hour
Absolute truth is an essential belief and the basis of behavior for those who believe in a God
who cannot lie and forbids falsehood. Academic honesty includes the basic premise that all
work students submit must be their own and any ideas received from somewhere else must be
carefully documented.
If you have learning or other disabilities, please inform the professor at the beginning of the
course. Our intention is to help all students learn. We will try to accommodate your needs if at
all possible.
3. DRESS CODE (While on Campus)
All students are to follow the Criswell College dress code as noted in the Student Handbook.
Students not in compliance to the code may be asked to leave class. The dress code reflects
our intent of preparing students for leadership in ministry. Here are the basics of the dress
code. Jeans and casual wear are appropriate provided that the clothing is modest and in good
condition. Both men and women should avoid extremes in hairstyles and jewelry. No body
piercings are allowed except women’s earrings. All students are expected to maintain proper
hygiene and grooming. Shorts and tank-tops are not allowed on campus. Other inappropriate
wear would include torn clothing, skimpy dresses, bare midriffs and bare shoulders.
Any student may enroll in a course as an Auditor or Sit-in as long as the class is below
capacity. A student’s permanent transcript will reflect which courses have been completed as
audits. Sit-in students are not given grades by professors and their transcripts will not reflect
enrollment in the course. Taking tests and participation in course activities are afforded to
credit students in the syllabus and is at the discretion of the professor.
Late assignments will be accepted with a 5 point deduction per day late. Therefore, a
late assignment will not be accepted after 6 days from the due date.
Students participating in courses through Distance Education, whether with or without live interaction, must complete the academic requirements for those courses with the integrity and commitment necessary to participate in and benefit from all of the exercises provided by the professor for learning the subject matter of the course. Therefore credit for Distance Education courses is the same as credit for courses taken on campus.
Distance Education Students can access information about Criswell College’s Wallace Library at 214-818-1348 or The Wallace Library manual is available at
Students needing educational support or services should contact the Student Life Office (SLO) at 214-818-1332 or or the Registrar at 214-818-1303.
Video and Other Intellectual Property Rights: Unless otherwise specifically instructed in writing by the professor, students must neither materially nor digitally reproduce materials from any course offered by Criswell College for or with the significant possibility of distribution.
This syllabus is intended to reflect accurately the learning objectives, instructional format, readings, learning activities, evaluation criteria, policies on late assignments and absences, grading scale, course schedule, reference list, and other information necessary for students to appraise the course. However, during the course of the semester the professor reserves the right to modify any portion of this syllabus as may appear necessary because of events and circumstances that occur during the semester.
J. Course Calendar
Week / Topic / Reading / Powerpoints / Assignments1 / Deprivation to Dignity / Howell (H), Intro-Ch. 2
Reviewing Leadership / TBA / Discussion 1
2 / Refining & Persevering in Leadership
Leadership Succession
Women in Leadership / (H) Ch. 3-6
Reviewing Leadership / TBA / Quiz #1
Reviewing Leadership Book Review
3 / Weakness, Character Flaws, and Crossroads / (H) Ch. 7-9
Baxter / TBA / Discussion 2
Quiz #2
4 / After God’s Heart & Wisdom
Functioning in a Secular Setting
Motivation & Mobilizing / (H) Ch. 10-13
Baxter / TBA / Quiz #3
Reformed Pastor Book Review
5 / Jesus: Equipper of Equippers / (H) Ch. 14-16
Youseff / TBA / Discussion 3
Quiz #4
6 / Foundation Issues, Ambition, and Mentoring / (H) Ch. 17-19
Youseff / TBA / Discussion 4
Quiz #5
7 / Ordinary Leadership & Quality Assurance / (H) Ch. 20-21
Youseff / TBA / Quiz #6
8 / Building Faith Communities
The Servant Leader / (H) Ch. 22-Part 6
Youseff / TBA / Final Paper Due