PLANNING BOARDJanuary 13, 2016

Chairman Cunninghamcalled the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Cunningham read the following statement: “This is a regular meeting of the Tinton Falls Planning Board and is being held in compliance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act. Adequate notice of this meeting has been given by posting on the bulletin Board of the Municipal Building and by advertising in the Asbury Park Press and The Coaster.”


Present: Chairman Cunningham, Mayor Turning, Councilman Baldwin, Mr. Romanov,

Mr. Lodato, Mr. Collins, Mr. Morris, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Natter, Mr. Mirarchi

Absent:Ms. Guarino

Others:Dennis A. Collins, Esq.

Thomas Neff, T&M Engineering, Board Engineer

Colleen Connolly, Board Secretary

Mr. Clarkin, CME Associates

All present stood for a Salute of the Flag.


CITIZEN SERVICE ACT COMPLIANCE –Chairman Cunningham stated that Ms. Guarino has advised the Board Secretary prior to this evening that she is ill and is unable to attend this meeting. Chairman Cunningham asks if there is a motion for non-acceptance of these absences. Hearing none, Chairman Cunningham states that we can accept this absence.



Approval of Minutes

Chairman Cunningham indicated that the Minutes of December 9, 2015 have been previously circulated and any comments have been incorporated.

Mr. Morris offered a motion to approve the minutes of December 9, 2015 seconded by Councilman Baldwin.


AYES:Chairman Cunningham, Mayor Turning, Councilman Baldwin, Mr. Romanov, Mr. Lodato, Mr. Morris, Mr. Clayton


ABSENT:Ms. Guarino

INELIGIBLE: Mr. Collins, Mr. Natter, Mr. Mirarchi


Chairman Cunningham states that Mr. Romanoff has been reappointed as a Class II member. Councilman Baldwin has been selected by Council as the Class III member. Mr. Clayton has been reappointed as a Class IV member. Mr. Mirarchi has been reappointed as Alternate No. 2 member. Also, Mr. Cunningham states that he has been reappointed as a Class IV member. Chairman Cunningham states that all reappointed members have been sworn in by Mr. Collins.

Chairman Cunningham offers that in 2015, the Planning Board had 24 meetings scheduled. Seven meetings were ultimately held and the total length of time that these seven meetings required was five hours and thirty-nine minutes.

Chairman Cunningham turns the meeting over to the Board Attorney, Mr. Collins for the election portion of the meeting.

Mr. Collins asks for a nomination from a Class IV board member for the nomination of Chairman. Mr. Morris nominates Mr. Cunningham. Mr. Collins asks if there are any other nominations. Hearing none, nominations are closed. Mr. Collins asks for a roll call vote. Yes is to elect Mr. Cunningham.

Mr. Morris offers a motion to re-elect Mr. Cunningham as Chairman, seconded by Mr. Clayton.

Roll Call:

AYES: Mayor Turning, Councilman Baldwin, Mr. Romanov, Mr Lodato, Mr. Collins, Mr. Morris, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Natter, Mr. Mirarchi


ABSENT:Ms. Guarino,


Chairman Cunningham asks for a nomination for Vice-Chairman.

Mayor Turning offers a motion to re-elect Mr. Morris as Vice-Chairman, seconded by Mr. Lodato.

Roll Call:

AYES: Chairman Cunningham, Mayor Turning, Councilman Baldwin, Mr. Romanov, Mr Lodato, Mr. Collins, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Natter, Mr. Mirarchi


ABSENT:Ms. Guarino,


Chairman Cunningham offers a motion appointing Colleen Connolly as Board Secretary, seconded by Mr. Collins.

Roll Call:

AYES: Chairman Cunningham, Mayor Turning, Councilman Baldwin, Mr. Romanov, Mr Lodato, Mr. Collins, Mr. Morris, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Natter, Mr. Mirarchi


ABSENT:Ms. Guarino,


Chairman Cunningham states he has before him a Resolution designating meetings of the Planning Board for the year 2016. There is one correction which is for the 2017 reorganization meeting the correct date should be January 11, 2017.

Mr. Lodato offers a motion to adopt the Resolution Designating Meetings of the Planning Board for the Year 2016 with a correction under 2017 to read January 11, 2017 as the reorganization meeting date, seconded by Mr. Collins.

Roll Call:

AYES: Chairman Cunningham, Mayor Turning, Councilman Baldwin, Mr. Romanov, Mr Lodato, Mr. Collins, Mr. Morris, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Natter, Mr. Mirarchi


ABSENT:Ms. Guarino,


Chairman Cunningham states that the next matter is the appointing of the official newspapers for the year 2016.

Mr. Morris moves to accept the Resolution of the Planning Board of the Borough of Tinton Falls Designating the Official Newspapers for the year 2016 of the Asbury Park Press and the New Coaster, seconded by Mr. Collins.

Roll Call:

AYES: Chairman Cunningham, Mayor Turning, Councilman Baldwin, Mr. Romanov, Mr Lodato, Mr. Collins, Mr. Morris, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Natter, Mr. Mirarchi


ABSENT:Ms. Guarino,


Chairman Cunningham states that the next Resolutions are for the Board Professionals. The Board has tried in the past to pick the same Planner and Engineer as the Borough Council.

Mr Lodato moves to accept the Resolution Authorizing Agreement for Professional Services of Dennis A. Collins, Esq., of the firm of Collins, Vella & Casello, seconded by Mr. Collins.

Roll Call:

AYES: Chairman Cunningham, Mayor Turning, Councilman Baldwin, Mr. Romanov, Mr Lodato, Mr. Collins, Mr. Morris, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Natter, Mr. Mirarchi


ABSENT:Ms. Guarino,


Mr. Clayton moves to accept the Resolution Authorizing Agreement for Professional Services of T&M Associates, seconded by Mr. Morris.

Roll Call:

AYES: Chairman Cunningham, Mayor Turning, Councilman Baldwin, Mr. Romanov, Mr Lodato, Mr. Collins, Mr. Morris, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Natter, Mr. Mirarchi


ABSENT:Ms. Guarino,


Mr. Collins moves to accept the Resolution Authorizing Agreement for Professional Services of CME Associates, seconded by Mr. Clayton

Roll Call:

AYES: Chairman Cunningham, Mayor Turning, Councilman Baldwin, Mr. Romanov, Mr Lodato, Mr. Collins, Mr. Morris, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Natter, Mr. Mirarchi


ABSENT:Ms. Guarino,


Chairman Cunningham asks if there is anyone from the public wishes to address the Board on any matter. Hearing none, the public portion is closed.

Chairman Cunningham states that he will not be in the State of New Jersey for the next meeting. As of now, there are no matters on the Agenda.


Mr. Morris offers a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m., seconded by Mr. Collins.


AYES: Chairman Cunningham, Mayor Turning, Councilman Baldwin, Mr. Romanov, Mr. Lodato, Mr. Collins, Mr. Morris, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Natter, Mr. Mirarchi


ABSENT:Ms. Guarino


Respectfully Submitted,

Colleen Connolly

Colleen Connolly

Board Secretary

Approved at a meeting held on:

March 23, 2016

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