TCf 4 Pages 45 to 54

As was established in the first study the page numbers are Terry’s. That will make for ease of reference and will help our forthcoming discussions.

With this TCF/TCf we will be concluding the introductory remarks. These remarks dealt with three subjects:

I.  Fire in the Macrocosm

II.  Fire in the Microcosm

III.  Fire in Manifestation

In our previous TCF/TCf we dealt with fire in the macrocosm and in the current one we will be dealing with fire in the microcosm from page 45, and fire in manifestation from page 48.

We have an almost identical repeat of the sentence given in the study of fire in the macrocosm, with the changing of only one or two words.

Five in the microcosm is likewise threefold in essence and fivefold in manifestation.”

In the first part of this study we will deal with the threefold fire in the microcosm and in the second with the fivefold fire in manifestation.

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Fire in the Microcosm

1. The internal Vitalising fire in the microcosm corresponds to fire by friction in the macrocosm. This fire animates the corporeal form and demonstrates as a duality:

i)  Latent heat, which is the basis of life of the spheroidal cell, or atom, and of its rotary adjustment to all other cells.

ii)  Active heat or Prana; this animates all, and is the driving force of the evolving form. It is found in the four ethers and in the gaseous state. A correspondence will be found in connection with man to the Akasha and the fivefold manifestation will be found on the plane of the solar system.

At this point Terry makes a very useful esoteric observation regarding the letter D in the word demonstration. This type of observation should be encouraged and it takes us deeper into the meaning conveyed to us in the teaching. The fourth letter has very many meanings especially in the fourth grade solar system and when manifesting in the fourth scheme in the fourth chain and on the fourth globe and within the fourth kingdom of nature among the many other meanings hidden in the number four.

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At the foot of page 45 we are given a further correspondence between the macrocosm and the microcosm. The monad the macrocosm of his own little system and the way it controls its second and third aspects by means of the threefold energy expressed for us by the third ray of intelligent activity and controlled by the law of economy. Thus allowing the spiritual unit to contact the plane of densest matter.

2. We have the fire of mind corresponding to solar fire, this constitute the thinking self-conscious unit or soul. This fire is governed by the law of attraction in spiral cyclic activity. It is that activity which leads to expansion and to the eventual return of the unit to the centre of the system, the Monad. This fire working in the microcosm manifests in a twofold manner.

a.  Intelligent will linking the monad to the personality functioning through a physical vehicle.

b.  As a vitalising factor in the thoughtform produced by the thinker however imperfectly at the present stage of human evolution.

These dualities of expression are:

1.  Active fire or Prana. Latent fire or bodily heat.

2.  Mental, in the mental body. Part of the sphere, or system of control of the Monad.

These form an esoteric quaternary which with the fifth factor, the spark of intelligent will, make the five monadic manifestations – connotating a purely subjective manifestation neither altogether spiritual nor altogether material.

The expression neither purely spiritual nor altogether material is a reference to the evolution of the monad within the cosmic physical plane. Which can be neither purely spiritual from one point of vision, (because of its place in evolution on the cosmic physical plane) and nor altogether material, as seen from another angle (because of its place in the higher ridges of the cosmic physical plane and of its potential to progress outward to other cosmic planes)

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3. Finally we have the monadic flame divine, embodying the highest vibration of which the monad is capable, governed by the law of synthesis and which is the cause of progressive movement of the evolving Jiva.

We discover that in the same way that macrocosmic attainment is determined by the blending of the three fires; so the apotheosis of human attainment in the present cycle is likewise dependent upon the blending of the three essential fires of the microcosm.

Fire in Manifestation

Para 2

We need to recall here the last part of the famous sentence give to us in the beginning of the explanations of the fire manifesting both in the macrocosm and the microcosm.

Here is that sentence again to aid our memory:

Fire in the macrocosm is likewise threefold in essence and fivefold in manifestation”.

So we see we are dealing here with the threefold fire when it demonstrates in manifestation in its fivefold expression within the visible solar system.

a)  We have therefore the first fire dealing entirely with activity of matter, the rotary motion of matter and the development of matter by the means of friction under the law of economy.

b)  The second fire from the cosmic mental plane dealing with the expression of the evolution of mind; the vitality of the soul; the evolutionary expression of the soul as it show forth as that which brings about synthesis of matter, as the two fires merge consciousness appears; the fire begins to operate under the law of attraction. The result of the spiral cyclic movement termed within the system as solar evolution and which is the approximation of our system to its central point.

We need to note the fivefold expression of this second fire.

c)  The third fire deals with the evolution of spirit. The development of spirit can be only expressed in terms of the evolution of matter; that demonstrates only through the adequacy of the vehicle and the suitability of the available sheath.

This third fire deals also with the working of the flame divine under the law of synthesis and with the

consequent result of forward progressive motion.

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The whole matter dealt with in this treatise concerns the subjective essence of the solar system”. We are given in this paragraph the reason for the writing of this treatise. We will need to bear this thought in mind as we penetrate deeper and deeper into this study. This treatise concerns itself with those entities who indwell the form, and who demonstrate as animating factors through the medium of etheric matter. That entity who are also evolving the fire of mind and who are themselves points of fire. Who are cast off through cosmic friction, produced by the turning of the cosmic wheel and swept into temporary limited manifestation. They are those who are due to return to their central cosmic centre, embodying the evolutionary growth and having intensified their fundamental nature, they will then become spiritual plus manasic fire.

Para 2

We now briefly turn our attention to the internal fire of matter. We are told that those internal fires are both latent and active and show themselves as the synthesis of the acknowledged fires of the system and demonstrate as inter planetary combustion. These fires are the basis of life of the three lower kingdoms of nature and the two lower vehicles of the fourth kingdom. The fire of mind when blended with the internal fires is the basis of life in the fourth kingdom and gradually controls the threefold lower man.

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The internal fires of the solar system, the planet and of man are likewise threefold:

1. Interior fire at the centre of the sphere producing warmth. This is latent fire.

2. Radiatory fire. Physical plane electricity light rays and etheric energy. This is active fire.

3. Essential fire, the fire elementals who are themselves the essence of fire, divided mainly into two groups:

a. Fire Devas or evolutionary entities.

b. Fire elementals or involutionary entities.

Latent fire causes the active growth of that in which it is embedded and causes that active pushing which brings all that is found in the kingdoms of nature into manifestation. Radiatory fire causes the continued growth of that which has progressed, under the influence of latent fire.

We are now given the sources of these fires:

The solar Logos

Latent fire produces the internal heat making the solar system productive of all forms of life.

Active fire retains in life and causes the evolution of all that has evolved by means of latent fire.

The planetary logos

Follow the example of His superior.


Latent fire heat the interior of the human frame and causes production of all physical body cells; all organism which are nourished by latent heat; the reproduction of itself by means of the sex function.

Human Radiatory heat is related and demonstrates as the health aura and etheric radiation enabling him to transmit active heat.

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Terry asks for the reason to the use of the many and varied names for the same apparently divine expression.

The great number of terms and names given to the actors in this treatise is deliberate and serves to emphasise the great number of simultaneous parts played by those actors and to demonstrate the interrelated activities between all the great numbers of actors in this fascinating life drama.

The distinction between radiation and magnetism is emphasised in order to make the point that although energy is one it will demonstrate differently when in manifestation, and when spirit interacts with matter.

We have radiation from the etheric, which is radiation of Prana.

We have magnetism, an emanation from the astral plane and which has to do with the manifestation of the divine flame within the material sheaths. Abraham