
Jose Enriquez, Jr.

Assistant Principals

Ivette Diaz-Rubio

Sofia Buttacavoli

August 19, 2013

Dear Students,

Welcome to the 2013-2014 School Year at Jose Marti MAST 6-12 Academy, Where Learning Means More Doing. That’s the Power of MAST! As the principal of our school, I feel it is important for each and every student to understand that “students” are the center of our attention around here. Everything we do as a school is centered on the idea that student achievement is the number one priority. The purpose of my letter is to make sure that you know that you must take responsibility for your own learning by;

1.  Keeping a constant watch on everything that you do in your classes on a daily basis.

2.  Knowing your grades in every class all of the time and making sure that you are completing every task assigned to you.

Together we will all be successful at the end of the school year and most importantly have you ready for college upon graduation in 12th grade. I strongly encourage you to participate in extracurricular activities such as joining a club, participating in our Educational Excellence School Advisory Council (EESAC) and getting involved with our Student Council. Below, I have outlined our basic school rules and some key “tips” to help you improve your performance in school.

·  School Rules

o  Be Punctual!

o  Be Respectful!

o  Have a Positive Attitude!

o  Complete all Assignments!

o  Take Responsibility for your Own Learning!

·  Tips

o  Keep up with your daily assignments

o  Organize your papers by subject and always come to class prepared

o  Develop a schedule/Calendar to complete long-range projects/assignments

o  Ask questions when you don’t understand

o  Write assignments down

o  Take notes in class and put dates on all papers

On behalf of the entire faculty and staff, we are looking forward to working hand in hand with all students to make this school year one of the best.


Jose Enriquez
