Volunteer Service Application and Agreement
Dwell Church (New York City),
ServiceLink, the volunteer services program of the Christian Reformed Church in N.A. (CRCNA), and
the VOLUNTEER GROUP , from CITY, STATE/ PROV, hereafter to be called “the volunteers,” and this document relates to an upcoming time of volunteer service, hereafter referred to as the “assignment”.
Church or Team Name :
Classis (if CRCNA church):
Primary Contact Name:
Primary Contact Phone #:
Primary Contact Email:
Volunteer Service Dates:
Team Details
# of Team Leaders:
# of Youth Members (18 or under):
Total # (incl. leaders, youth):
Any additional team instructions or requirements:
Standards of Conduct
At all times, while acting in an official or unofficial capacity, the Volunteers are expected to demonstrate mutual respect and love towards others:
· Speak with civility and kindness,
· Be respectful and courteous,
· Listen carefully,
· Seek other’s wellbeing,
· Follow directions.
The volunteer may direct any concerns, problems and suggestions to his/her team leader.
This volunteer experience may be expected to bring team members into relationships with many different people, both on a personal as well as professional level (ie: as a representative of the Christian Church). As such relationships are fostered, volunteers are expected to maintain a high level of integrity and avoid anything that may be construed as inappropriate.
If required by the host partner ministry, the volunteer will be expected to provide a current police records/background check, and should begin that process as soon as this application has been approved.
At no time may a Volunteer engage in:
· Any activity which is illegal under local, state/provincial or federal law,
· Any activities that pose a significant safety risk to themself or others,
· Any activity that is contradictory to the values and expectations of Dwell Church, or which may undermine the organization’s reputation or relationship with the community.
The Volunteer understands that the following acts also constitute a violation of the program's rules of conduct:
· Use of inappropriate language (i.e. profanity) at any time during the service assignment,
· Failure to wear appropriate clothing while on the project site,
· Smoking, consuming alcoholic beverages or being under the influence of alcohol or any illegal drugs while participating in any aspect of the assignment,
Please be advised that in some situations, volunteers may be asked to remove or cover body piercings or tattoos for the duration of their volunteer assignment.
Volunteer Service Agreement
The Condition s and Term s of this Agreement are as follows:
1. Submission of this Application and Agreement does not constitute confirmation of the volunteer assignment. Confirmation will be provided directly by DWELL CHURCH as soon as possible, following receipt of the Application and Agreement.
2. While serving with DWELL CHURCH, we (the volunteers) will be accountable to the designated representative of Dwell Church for day-to-day involvement as well as overall assignment.
3. We agree to provide DWELL CHURCH and ServiceLink with a list of team leaders and team members, not later than four weeks prior to the start of our time of volunteer service.
4. We understand that we are expected to carry out the terms of this agreement in a spirit of Christian co-operation with all other participants, workers and volunteers, in such a manner that will manifest the compassion of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, we have read the preceding ‘ Standards of Conduct ’ and agree to abide by those standards.
5. Upon our return home, our team understands and agrees to share our experiences with our local church community. We also agree to complete an evaluation of this assignment and submit it to DWELL CHURCH and ServiceLink.
6. We understand that we will be required to cover all of our expenses including travel, insurance, meals, and accommodation and that expenses directly related to this volunteer assignment are not eligible for taxable receipts from either DWELL CHURCH, ServiceLink or the CRCNA.
7. We agree to seek resolution according to Biblical principles, through or by a third party acceptable to Dwell Church, ServiceLink and our team leader, should any dispute arise. We understand that failure to abide by the ‘Standards of Conduct’ may result in immediate termination of the volunteer assignment for individual team member(s) or the entire team.
8. We understand the term of this agreement is for a period of approximately ONE week, beginning JULY 13, 2015.
This agreement can be terminated at any time, with a seven (7) day notice
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Authorized Representative of Voluntee r Group Date
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Authorized Representative of Volunteer Group Date