Hey Everyone,

This is part of an email Pastor Todd sent to me from a missionary and his family that we are supporting in Namibia, Africa. God is working! Remember Sunday I was telling you that God can use the youth today as a mighty witness for Him, this is a great example of Gods powerful move through the youth of Namibia!! This is a little long but PLEASE read it.


It was difficult, leaving Namibia for this time because of the awesome things that God is doing there amongst the kids that we're working with. We've been continuing to bring children together on Wednesdays to worship, pray, and seek the face of God and the Holy Spirit has been showing up and really blessing us with divine manifestations and impartations. Ohhhh, the grace of God :-)
The kids are certainly fired up and sharing the gospel. Just a couple Sundays ago before we left I brought a group of kids out to Henties Bay to help in an outreach there, and there were more kids wanting to go than I had room in my pick-up. I told a group of about 6 of them that they would just have to stay in Swakopmund and the next week we would take them with us to Henties Bay. Well, these kids were not to be disappointed. They felt that if they couldn't go with me to the next town over, well, they would just walk to the nearest hospital and go and pray for the sick.
Can you imagine the surprise of the doctor on duty when all these kids showed up? When asked what they were doing there they told the doctor that they had come to pray for the sick. Because they were not accompanied by an adult, they were turned away. The hospital staff were really bewildered that a group of children would show up to pray for the sick.
The kids were so disappointed. They waited 4 hours for me to return to tell me about how they were turned away from the hospital. We had to do something, so when we prayed, God opened some doors for us.
1) The hospital called me later that week and asked me and Kiko to come and do a special visit for about 30 children who had been in the pediatric ward.
2) One of the ladies from the church volunteered to go to the hospital and allow the children to accompany her so that they would not be turned away again.
3) Before I left, we had a children's church service where we commissioned the kids and laid hands on them to go and pray for the sick - we told them to go to the sick person's side, close their eyes, imagine themselves in heaven (to get their minds off their surroundings), and when they see Jesus, to start praying!
I'm really looking forward to getting back to Namibia and hearing the testimonies upon our return as to what is happening this December there!!!
We were approached by TBN Namibia and they asked us if we would be willing to do a 30 minute weekly children's program for them.
I've had opportunities in the past to be on radio and tv but normally I don't jump at them because honestly, I just ummmm....(trying to think of a wholesome way to put this).... I'm not good with radio and tv.
I remember when I started preaching. I was horrible. And I hated it. Why would God call someone to do something they stunk at? It was only because of the love for souls that God had placed in me that caused me to genuinely care so that a persistence was produced to continue to the point where I've improved to where now people are touched and I'm actually somewhat bearable now in my preaching.
I'm looking at this the same way. It's going to be a loooooooooot of work, and a serious stretching for us to do this; but I believe it will really be pleasing to God because -1- We're doing something we aren't used to; we're getting out of our box and having to walk holding His hand; and -2- This is going to an unbelievably huge impact on tens of thousands of children's lives. So many tens of thousands of children leave their villages and go to live in hostels in the cities to attend schools and receive very little discipleship. This endeavor (and I'll fill you in more in subsequent Dynabytes) is going to be able to take the gospel into the schools and hostels and penetrate darkness on so, so very many different levels.
3...... The partnership opportunity......
I'm not hitting anyone up for money, by the grace of God, This thing is already a "go." So relax : - )
* The airtime for this has been already completely financially sponsored 100%
* TBN is already allowing us to use their studio as well as their personnel for post production help.
* Calvary A/G in Pennsauken, NJ has already donated a portable digital audio recording device
and computer for us to do production with. (yayyy - bless them Lord!)
* I do have a camcorder and some halogen work lamps.
What we need is this - Prayer. Prayer. Prayer. Please start praying for this endeavor. Without prayer so many of the visions that God has given have just ended up as good intentions. This is an egg and without the warmth of prayer the beautiful thing that God wants to bring forth will not happen. Of course we are going to need more than just one camera, and of course we could really use some youth groups and kids, and missions teams to come over and help us in this, but without prayer it's just going to be another show. Aren't there enough of those?
So, this moment, would you please pray for Mark, Kiko, and the Kidz Show? That in the simplicity and the humbleness of our meager beginnings that the Holy Spirit would take pleasure in coming alongside of us and make us shine. And that the Father would continue to extend and open His gracious hand to us. And that something awesome would come out of this that we never could have thought or imagined.
And that people would look to Jesus and see how lovely and beautiful He really is.
Because He really, really is.
Christmas ((HUGS)) to you from us all,
Mark, Kim, and Breanna