From 14th to 21st June
The Organising Authority(OA) will be Finnish Defence Forces / Finnish Navy / Finnish Naval Academy and NyländskaJaktklubbenr.f
The venue will be Helsinki, Finland.
The event has applied for World Sailing Grade 2.
This grading is subject to review by World Sailing. The event may be re-graded when there is clear reason to do so.
(a)Race office open from 14th June at 0800.
(b)Registration from 14th June 0900 until 14th June 2100.
(c)Crew weighing from 14th June 0900 until 14th June 2100.
(d)Practice from 14th June 0900 until 1800 and 15th June 0900 until 1800.
(e)CSCS Preliminary meeting 15th June 0800.
(f)First briefing at 16th June 0800.
(g)First meeting with umpires 16th June 0830.
(h)Opening Ceremony on 15th June 2000.
(i)Racing days from 16th June to 20th June.
(j)Time of the first race each day will be 0930.
(k)The latest time for an attention signal on the last day of racing will be 1730.
(l)Daily press conference 45 minutes after the last race of each day.
(m)Prize giving on date at 20th June 2000.
4.2Unless excused by the OA, attendance at the following is mandatory:
(a)Initial briefing for skippers.
(b)Daily briefing, for skippers.
(c)Daily press conferences, for skippers sailing that day.
(d)Opening Ceremony for the skippers and crews.
(e)Closing Ceremony for the skippers and crews.
(f)Prize giving for the skippers and crews.
(g)Closing dinner for skippers and crews.
(h)CISM official meetings; Preliminary meeting and CSCS Enlarged Technical meeting as per separate invitation.
5.1Only skippers invited by the OA will be eligible to enter this event.
5.2The registered skipper shall helm the boat at all times while racing, except in an emergency.
5.3To remain eligible a skipper shall confirm acceptance of the invitation in writing to be received by the date specified on the letter of invitation.
5.5All competitors shall meet the eligibility requirements of World Sailing regulation 19.2.
5.6All competitors shall obtain aWorld Sailing Sailor ID by registering online at ID’s shall be informed to the OA in Final Entry Form.
(a)The skipper/team shall be entered on completion of registration and crew weighing.
6.2Entry Fee
(a)No entry fee.
(a)When a skipper accepts an invitation and later withdraws within two months of the event or leaves the event before the end without written approval from the OA, a zero score may be applied to their Ranking points for that event by World Sailing. (World Sailing Regulation 27.2)
(b)If a mission which submits a preliminary agreement and/or final entry is absent without notifying the host nation in time, will be sanctioned according to CISM regulations Art 1.12.
6.4Damage deposit
(a)An initialdamage guarantee commitment for 1800 € is applicable in WMSC2018.Sailing Contract shall be signed and sent to the OA NLT with the Final Entry. Thisamountis the maximum payable by the skipper as a result of any one incident.
7.1Applicable rules
(a)The event will be governed by the rules as defined in the RRS, including Appendix C.
(b)The rules for the handling of boats will apply, and will also apply to any practice sailing and sponsor races. Class rules will not apply.
(c)Any prescriptions of the national authority that will apply will be posted on the official notice board.
7.2Major Alterations to the RRS
(a)Add to RRS 41: (e) help to recover from the water and return on board a crew member, provided the return on board is at the approximate location of the recovery.
(b)RRS C8.6 and C6.3 will be changed in the sailing instructions.
7.3International Jury
(a)An International Jury will be appointedin accordance with RRS Appendix N.
8.1The event will be sailed in J80 class keelboats modified for Match Racing.
8.27boats will be provided.
8.3The following sails will be provided for each boat: Mainsail, Genoa, Jib and SymmetricalSpinnaker.
8.4Boats will be allocated by draw, either daily or for each round as decided by the race committee.
9.1The number of crew (including the skipper) shall be 4 or 5. All registered crew shall sail all races.
9.2The total weight of the crew, including the skipper, dressed in at least shorts and shirts shall not exceed 350 kg, determined at the time of registration or such time as required by the RC.
9.3When a registered skipper is unable to continue in the event the International Jury may authorise an original crew member to substitute.
9.4When a registered crew member is unable to continue in the event the International Jury may authorise a substitute, a temporary substitute or other adjustment.
10.1Skippers will be seeded into a round robin or divided into two or three groups based on World Sailing ranking list 30 days prior to the event.
10.2The event will consist of the following stages:
Stage 1 -a single round robin, a double round robin or a double round robin in groups.
Stage 2 - Semi Finals
Stage 3 - Finals
10.3The RC may change the format, terminate any stage or the event when, in its opinion, it is impractical to attempt to hold the remainder of matches under the existing conditions or in the remaining time scheduled. Early stages may be terminated in favour of later stages.
11.1The course will be windward/leeward with starboard rounding, finishing downwind.
11.2The intended course area will be in front of City centre of Helsinki (KruunuvuorenSelkä or Hernesaarenranta).
12.1As boats and equipment will be supplied by the Organising Authority, World Sailing regulation 20.4 applies. Each boat will be required to display advertising as supplied by the OA.
12.4Boats shall not be permitted the right to protest for breaches of any rules regarding advertising (amends RRS 60.1).
13.1Official CISM medals will be awarded for the crews according final results 1st 2nd and 3rd.
13.2Fair Play Trophy will be awarded for the chosen crew as stated in CISM Sailing Regulations.
13.3All participants will receive a diploma.
13.4There might be additional prizes.
14.1If required by the OA:
(a)Television personnel and equipment (or dummies) supplied by the OA shall be carried on board while racing.
(b)Competitors shall wear microphones supplied by the OA during racing and be available for interviews when advised by the OA or RC.
(c)Registered skippers shall wear communications equipment supplied by the OA that will allow commentators to communicate with them whilst racing.
14.2Competitors shall not interfere with the normal working of the OA supplied media equipment.
14.3The OA have the right to use any images and sound recorded during the event free of any charge.
15.2The OA will provide boats from which Chief of Missions, Team Captains and coaches may observe racing and communicate with their teams between matches. Individual coach boats will not be permitted.
15.3OA provided boats will be marked as per CISM Sailing Regulations.
15.5Any interference bythese boats with the racing boats or event organisation may result in a penalty applied at the discretion of the IJ to the associated skipper or team.
16.1Each team is requested to provide a national flag min 400mm x 400mm for display from the stern of the boat.
16.2Each team is requested to bring own sailing gear including personal floating device.
All those taking any part in the event do so at their own risk. The OA, its associates and appointees accept no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury or inconvenience incurred, howsoever caused.
Entries will only be accepted from invited nations.
WMSC2018Notice of Race
Annex to Invitation FileOctober 2017 Page 1