New Arrivals (April 2004)
Title The 21st century ambassador: plenipotentiary to chief executive
Author Kishan S Rana
Publication Detail DiploFoundation, Malta, 2004
Notes This book examines the ambassador as an institution, and considers the ways in which his functioning can be optimized. The book also explores the application of business management concepts and methods to diplomacy.
Keywords: Diplomacy, Ambassador, Management, Leadership
Title Inside Diplomacy
Author Kishan S Rana
Publication Detail Manas publication, 2002
Notes The book comprehensively surveys the way diplomacy actually works, as an instrument of international relations. It examines different facets of building external relationships: political, economic, cultural, and educational...
Keywords: Diplomacy , statesmanship , International relations
Title In defense of globalization
Author Jagdish Bhagwati
Publication Detail Oxford University Press, 2004
Notes In this book, Bhagwati takes on globalisation's critics, using sound economic principles and vivid examples rather than inflamed rhetoric, to show that globalisation is in fact the most powerful force for social good in the world today.
Keywords: Globalisation , Economic and Social aspects , Anti-globalisation movement
Title The waste land : Making of grass roots leaders
Author Nandita Roy
Publication Detail National Foundation for India, New Delhi, 2004
Notes Profiles of grassroots leaders put together by Nandita Roy provide a vivid picture of the life worlds of villagers in a remote and barren part of Rajasthan.
Keywords: Grassroots leaders , Leadership , India , Village leaders
Title The global information technology report 2003-2004
Publication Detail World Economic Forum & Oxford University Press, 2004
Notes This is the third in a very well-received series assessing the state of networked readiness of various countries around the world. The report is an assessment of 100 countries, which highlights on best practices and gleaning policy lessons from various country experiences. The report consists of three main parts: the first includes analytical chapters related to networked readiness, the second contains country profiles, and the third part consists of data tables that contain country rankings for every indicator.
Keywords: Information technology , Information society , ICT , Networked Readiness Index
Title The Global competitiveness report 2003-2004
Author Michael E Porter and others
Publication Detail World Economic Forum and Oxford University Press, 2004
Notes The annual Global Competitiveness Report is widely recognized as the world's leading cross-country comparison of data and information relating to economic competitiveness and growth. This provides the most updated and recent data, rankings, and analysis of industrialized and emerging economies, and the latest thinking and research from prominent academics and international institution leaders on global competitiveness. The report consists of three main parts: the first consists of analytical chapters related to competitiveness; the second contains country profiles; and the third part consists of the data tables which contains country rankings for every indicator.
Keywords: Competitiveness , World ranking , Business Competitiveness Index , National competitiveness , Country profiles , Statistics
Title Agenda for improving governance
Author Bibek Debroy (ed.)
Publication Detail Academic Foundation and RGICS, New Delhi, 2004
Notes The book is a collection of papers on improving governance in India
Keywords: Governance , Administrative reforms , India , State functioning , E-governance , Economic freedom , Reforms , Agriculture , Social sector , Education , Water management , Infrastructure , Health
Title Doing business in India
Publication Detail Ernst & Young, 2004
Notes Overview of the investment climate, taxation, forms of business organization, and business and accounting practices in India. This book reflects information current at 29 February 2004.
Keywords: Doing business , India , Investment , Taxation , Accounting practices , Economic indicators , Financial systems , Geography , Infrastructure , Economic climate , Investment climate , Foreign Direct Investment , Labour market , Financial system , Politics and Government , foreign trade , Industrial policy , Economic laws
Title Reducing the cost of doing business in Bangladesh
Publication Detail Bangladesh Enterprise Institute, 2004
Notes A project report on reducing the cost of doing business in Bangladesh.
Keywords: Doing business , Bangladesh , Investment climate , Cost reduction , Cost cutting
Title Teri energy data directory and yearbook 2002-03
Publication Detail TERI, 2003
Notes Standard and comprehensive source for information on energy and related issues for India.
Keywords: Energy , Energy conservation , Energy consumption , Energy sector , Electricity , Power projects , Coal and Ignite , Oil and gas , Power , Renewable energy sources and technologies , Wind power , Biomass , Hydro-electric , Agriculture , Industry , Transport , Domestic sector , Forests , Environment , Emission standards , Effluent standards , NAAQS , Waste , Pollution , Automobile pollution , India , Demand and supply , Global environment issues , Textile industry , Cement industry ,
Title Best practices in social dialogue
Author A Sivananthiran, C S Venkata Ratnam (ed.)
Publication Detail International Labour Organization, New Delhi 2003
Notes Social dialogue at the national level has become an important component of good governance in many countries. The articles in this volume are the result of a meeting on showcasing best practices of social dialogue, held in India from 24-26 September 2003.
Keywords: Social dialogue , Case studies , Industrial relations
Title Prevention and settlement of disputes in India
Author A Sivananthiran, C S Venkata Ratnam (ed.)
Publication Detail International Labour Organization, New Delhi 2003
Notes The papers presented in this volume deal with labour courts, conciliation, inspection, awards implementation as well as alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and Lok adalats.
Keywords: Industrial relations , Industrial disputes , Prevention and settlement , Labour disputes , Labour courts, conciliation, inspection, awards implementation , dispute resolution mechanisms and Lok adalats
Title The India mosaic: searching for an identity…
Author Bibek Debroy, D Shyam Babu (ed.)
Publication Detail Academic Foundation and RGICS, 2004
Notes Collection of individual thoughts on the ‘idea’ of India. There is no single ‘idea’ of India but there is plenty of food for thought in these papers about what India stands for and about what it should stand for.
Keywords: India , Vision , Economy , Challenges and opportunities , Communalism
Title Gates to Japan: its people and society
Author Gen Itasaka
Publication Detail Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship, Japan
Notes The book describes the everyday life of modern Japanese people, the background factors in their life: politics, economics, culture, industry and technology.
Keywords: Life and society , Japan , Japanese life , Japanese economy , Political system , Culture , Education , Map
1. Infomedia yellow pages, Delhi 2004
2. Directory of members 2004 / All India Airconditioning & Refrigeratiion Association
3. Directory of HIV/AIDS services in India, 2003 / SAATHII
4. Directory of power operated textile processing units in India / Ministry of Textile, GOI
5. Plastic World directory 2003 / All India Plastic Industries Association
1. Regionalism in ASEAN 1997-2003: a lession for developing countries
2. Enablers to global competitiveness (Annual Regional Meeting, 17 April 2004) / CII-Southern Region
3. Enhancing competitiveness of processed food sector in Kerala: a report / CII-Kerala
4. Souvenir of the Conferrence on Enhancing competitiveness of the rubber industry & thought leadership in development of rubber sector in Kerala, 19-20 December 2003, Kochi
5. Building global champions in Indian Manufacturing / McKinsey & Company
6. Proceedings of the seminars held during DEFEXPO 2004 [5-6 February 2004: New Delhi]
7. Modernising retail in India [A CII-KSA Technopak Study]
1. Measuring Productivity in Manufacturing Sector (Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 39 No 14-15 April 3-10, 2004)
Conventional wisdom and current practice in India appear to privilege total factor productivity (TFP), as a measure of productivity, rather than labour productivity. However, labour productivity is a measure of potential consumption and, as such, a leading claimant for the indicator of standard of living.
2. How good management raises productivity? (The McKinsey Quarterly, April 2004)
Competition tends to boost productivity in an economic sector. Does good management help, too? A new McKinsey study finds that it does. Managers who employ high-caliber people, reward performance, and minimize waste also raise productivity, especially in competitive environments.
3. India: growth model (Far Eastern Economic Review, 15 April 2004)
India’s unique approach to development is preparing it to overtake China in the economic-growth race.
4. WTO impact on SSIs in India / by M R Narayana (Margin, Vol.36 No. 2, Jan-Mar 2004)
The paper provides a review of the available studies on the impact of the WTO on SSI in India, to identify the policy research gaps to be filled in future studies.
5. [Overview of the construction sector in India] (Indian Infrastructure, Vol. 6 No. 8, March 2004)
6. Hardball: five killer strategies for trouncing the competition / by George Stalk and Rob Lachenauer (Harvard Business Review, April 2004)
Business has gone soft? It’s high time for companies to cut the whining about culture and empowerment, warm up the old pitching arm, and start throwing the hard stuff that’ll make competitors sweat.
7. Uncommon brilliance / by Aravind Adiga (Time, 19 April 2004)
How did India come to dominate the vastly lucrative global market for cutting and polishing diamonds?
8. The best and worst managers of the year (BusinessWeek, 12 January 2004)
BusinessWeek survey of the best and worst chief executives for the year 2003.
9. No wires, no rules (BusinessWeek, 26 April 2004)
A special report on how wireless technology is about to change manufacturing, home entertainment, the energy business and more.
10. Brand India / Ajay Khanna (Diplomatist, Vol. 9 No. 1, First Quarter 2004)
The article is an insight into how branding India has become an obvious necessity. It highlights some extraordinary achievements that have made Indian products globally competitive and attracted foreign investors. The author argues that this is the time to capitalize this opportunity. The foundation of ‘India Brand Equity Foundation’ (IBEF) is one such efforts in this direction and aims to create a strong Nation Brand for the country.