Making Sense of University Education: A Practical Approach
(Click the mark end of references to read the text)
ITEM / DESCRIPTION / REFERENCEAim / Help learner develop Life Long Learning roadmap / Inelmen, E. “A Roadmap for an Integrated Undergraduate Industrial Electronics Design Program”, IECON’01, 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Denver, Colorado (USA), 29 November-2 December 2001, pp. 1746-1749. doc
Content / Find relevant a cutting-edge area for the learner / Inelmen E. “Appropriate technologies research (ATR): A new approach to engineering education” In: Information-Communication-Knowledge Engineering Education Today (32th International Engineering Education Symposium, 15-18 September 2003), ISBN 3-00 012081-5, Fachhochschule Karslruhe Press, Karlsruhe (Germany) pp. 416-422. doc
Method / Engage ther learner in the learning process / Inelmen, E. “Encouraging Learners to Prepare Oral Presentations Using Computers”, 7th World Conference on Computers in Education, Copenhagen, (Denmark), 29 July- 3 August 2001 In: Networking the Learner, Computers in Education, (D.Watson and J.Andersen (eds.)). IFIP, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (USA), ISBN 1-4020-7133-7 199-205 2002 (2002) doc
Practice / Integrate extra-curriculum activities to main program / Egi, S.M. and Inelmen, E., “The Role of Extra-Curriculum Activities in the Life Long Education of Engineers”, Global Journal of Engineering Education, UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education, Vol 3, No 3, (1999), pp.199-202. pdf
Research / Reconcile research with education activities / Inelmen, E., “Reconciling Engineering Research and Educational Activities: A Case Study”, V. Yerlici - Engineering and Education (Ed. G. A. Altay), pp. 325-334, Istanbul, 1997.(indexed)doc
Development / Provide instructor with role models to develop / Inelmen, E. “Engineering educators as models for the new generations: a case study”, 2nd Global Congress on Engineering Education Wismar,(Germany), 2-7 July, 2000, pp.210-213. doc
Collaboration / Assure the support of employers in education / Inelmen, E., “The Role of the Third Sector in Enhancing University, Industry and Government Collaboration: A Case Study”, UnIG’96, International Conference on Technology Management: University/Industry/Government Collaboration, UNESCO Chair on Mechatronics, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 554-558, 1996. doc
Table 1. Roadmap for a control system curriculum
4th level / 1st levelMath / Problem Definition / Component Selection / System
Program Validation / System
Physics / Solution Proposal / Product
Development / Control
Table 2. Relevant cutting–edge disciplines
PHILOSOPHICAL / recognition / the / security / POLITICALSOCIAL / responsability / OCTAL / equality / LEGAL
CULTURAL / creativity / of / solidarity / ECONOMICAL
PSYCHOLOGICAL / integrity / humanity / productivity / TECHNOLOGICAL
Table 3. Outline of a course to engage learners
CET 201.01 Instruction Materials for Education ** Instructor EIPROJECT MUST BE COMPLETED AND PRESENTED >
Objective: Use computers to prepare oral presentations. See examplepublications& format
# / Date / Project / # / Date / Project / # / Date / Project
1 / 03.10.05 / Tour / 5 / 31.10.05 / Links / 9 / 28.11.05 / Layout
2 / 10.10.05 / Statements / 6 / 07.11.05 / Introduction / 10 / 05.12.05 / Show
3 / 17.10.05 / Conjunctions / 7 / 14.11.05 / Object / 11 / 12.12.05 / Script
4 / 24.10.05 / Key-words / 8 / 21.11.05 / Process / 12 / 19.12.05 / Roadmap
Table 4. Examples of Club activities to be integrated
Education and Research / Chess / CinemaOperations Research / Scuba Diving / Ballroom Dancing
Construction Club / Bridge / Aviation
Computer Engineering / Drama / Ethics
Electro-Technology / Environmental / Fine Arts
Management and Economics / Mountaineering / Music
Social Sciences / Speleology / Radio
Table 5. Classification of Publications on Engineering
Area / Example * / PeriodWater Pollution / Bacteria Filtering / 1967-82
Assimilation Model
Determination of T90
Soil Pollution / Anaerobic Digestion / 1983-96
Biological Treatment
Sanitary Landfill
Leachate Treatment
Table 6. Possible activities for instructors participation
Level / Measure to be taken:Global / organizing awareness conferences
Regional / encouraging economical cooperation
National / taxing polluters, giving awards to best practices
Community / promoting participation in local programs
Individual / developing norms that will be acceptable to all.
Table 7. Model for Enhancing University/Industry/Collaboration.
Agency / Centre / Office
+ / Foundation / | / Association / +
Enterprise / Chamber / Union
Figure 1. Learning roadmap metaphore
Figure 2. Finding relevant area of interest
Figure 3. Engaging the learner in the process
Figure 4. Extra-curriculum activity integration
Figure 5. Reconciling research with education
Figure 6. Educators as role models for learners
Figure 7. University/Industry/Goverment Collaboration
Having complete almost 45 years of teaching -in various circumstances and for learners of all ages- it is time to share the experiences gained. Our educational journey started when the late Prof.Adnan Halet Taşpınar made it possible for me to join the staff in the same institution (the then American Robert College) we had graduated and now still affiliated. After some years of experience in teaching in industry we rejoined our alma mater in the then Vocational School.
The experience gained from practice in industry was very valuable in enhancing the content of our courses and to encourage students to go beyong the requirements of the curriculum. The pressure to publish came after completing the doctoral program: it was then the late Prof.Osman Turkay that suggested that I should write about my teaching experiences. It is now ten years from the first publication on education. This work attempts to “make sense” of all the material published since.
Contacts with several educational institutions encouraged me to move from a teacher to a student orientedapproach. It was not always an easy task, so I remain in debt to all the students – from whom I received positive and negative feedback- that had to follow the strick regulations of the courses we offered. At the end of this journey we can conclude -following the UNESCO 1996 Delors report- that relevant and pratical education are main concepts to be remembered.
During all these years Dr.Gloria Rubiol has been very supportive in keeping the good mood, I owe her so much. Recently my sister Dr.Emine Inelmen has willing accepted to implement some of the ideas presented in this work, in an institution of long standing traditions. Finally I acknowledge the finacial support provided by my univeristy, that made it possible to visit many countries abroad and meet important educators and administrators.
Bebek, Istanbul - 2006
As can be seen while reading this work, we have always pointed at the importance of practice in education. We consider for this reason extra-curriculum activities –which we have always tried to encourage- are an important part of the educational process. Although some changes have been already been achieved, still there is along way to go in order if we aspire to make education a process were the learner and the instructors are self-regulated agents towards a life long learning horizon.
Finally we wish to stress the importance of inverted curriculum, on the job training and the cutting-edge of sciences in the education. These and many other practical issues are important to make the learning environment a place where maximum benefits are derived. No need to point at the importance of technology in enhancing the learning process. We are confident that the coming generations of instructors will make all these ideals a reality with the help of the employers.