Minutes of the Ascension Parish Tourism Commission

Regular Board Meeting

January 19, 2016

Agenda Item #1 - Call To Order/Pledge/Roll Call

Meeting called to order by Board Chairman, Anita Cann

Present: Anita B. Cann, Glenda Shaheen, Randall LeJeune, Wally Taillon and Jason Pitre

Absent: Rae Milano

Also present: Tracy Browning and Michael Calabro

Agenda Item #2 Approval Agenda

Motion by Wally Taillon

Second by Randall LeJeune

(0) NAYS

Motion passed

Agenda Item #3 Public Sign in Period

No Sign-In’s

Agenda Item #4 2014 Computer Training

Laptops were issued to all Board Members on loan to use for tourism communications and shared drive for resource information for the commission to work more efficient and effective and paperless. The Executive Director explained how to navigate and each person signed a consent to take care of the equipment.

Agenda Item #5 Approval of Special Board Meeting Minutes 12-1-15

The minutes from the Special Board Meeting on December 1, 2015 were reviewed by the board and a motion was made to approve the minutes.

Motion by Glenda Shaheen

Second by Jason Pitre

(0) NAYS

Motion passed

Agenda Item # 6 (a) Finance Committee-Review and Discuss Financial Reports

The Finance Chairman reviewed Financial Statements including the Occupancy Tax collected, Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual, Bank Statement and Balance Sheet with the Board.

Agenda Item # 7 Executive Director’s Report

The Executive Director reviewed a list of items to update the board on and some upcoming events.

·  Sorrento Beautification

·  Lamar Dixon Sign

·  Film Commission

·  HD Commercials

·  Coloring Book

·  LTPA Leadership Academy

·  Taste of Ascension

·  IPW

·  Canada Sales Mission

·  Upcoming Events

Agenda Items #8 Election of Officers

The Chairman opened the floor for nominations for Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer. A unanimous vote was taken for Anita Cann for Chairman, Glenda Shaheen for Vice Chairman and Randall LeJeune for Secretary/Treasurer for officers for 2016. Jason Pitre will be removed as a check signer and the 2016 check signers will be Anita Cann, Glenda Shaheen and Randall LeJeune. A motion was made to accept the officers for 2016.

Motion by Wally Taillon

Second by Jason Pitre

(0) NAYS

Motion passed


Motion by Glenda Shaheen

Second by Randall LeJeune

(0) NAYS

Motion passed

Anita Cann, Chairman Randall LeJeune, Secretary/Treasurer

Date ______Date

Action Items:

1.  The Administrative Services Manager will make the necessary adjustments for the new check signer.

Regular Board Meeting 2

January 19, 2016