Criteria for Nursing Research (Master's Paper) Project and Thesis

The purpose of both the research project and thesis is to provide the student an opportunity to apply the research process to the problems in nursing. Both scholarly projects are rigorously evaluated and must conform to APA format. The master's paper or the master's thesis is the culminating academic requirement of the MSN degree program. Either approach is considered a rigorous experience facilitating the synthesis of nursing theory, practice and research. The completion of the thesis awards six credits (NUR 6970/6971) and completion of the master's paper awards three credits (NUR 6970).

  • The purpose is for the student to use the research process to investigate clinical problems.
  • The paper requires supervision by a Master's Paper committee comprised of the major professor (committee chair) and two members. The major professor (chairperson) must be actively teaching in the graduate program; one member must be a nursing faculty member; the other member must be from another discipline but with expertise relating to the research problem or content area.
  • The proposal must be approved by the committee.
  • The study must have sufficient rigor:
  • Instruments for data collection must have a least a content and face validity.
  • Sample must be scientifically selected and defined.
  • A subset of data from faculty research may be analyzed as a research project, if agreed upon by a responsible faculty mentor. Secondary analysis may be done.
  • Student may work on a group project as long as the finished product reflects sufficient experience with the research process by each member of the group. The proposal should reflect a clear indication of responsibilities of each member.
  • The manuscript must be in accordance with the American Psychological (APA) format, typed, and formally presented to the committee.
  • A bound copy of the master's paper must be submitted to the Director's office of the MSN program. Certification for completion of the Master's Paper is at the Graduate Program level. The student must provide a bound copy of the paper to the committee chair.
  • The purpose is for the student to test or validate knowledge by conducting research.
  • The paper requires supervision by a Thesis committee comprised of the major professor (committee chair) and two members. The major professor (chairperson) must be actively teaching in the graduate program; one member must be a nursing faculty member; the other member must be from another discipline but with expertise relating to the research problem or content area or to research design or methodology.
  • The proposal must be approved by the committee.
  • The study must have sufficient rigor:
  • Study design represents adequate validity, reliability, and control.
  • Sample size is adequate to allow acceptable level of statistical power
  • Sample must be scientifically selected and defined.
  • The research reflects an original proposal developed by the student. A replication student may be pursued.
  • Group projects are not acceptable for thesis.
  • Manuscript preparation must be in accordance with FIU Regulations for Thesis and Dissertation Preparation (latest edition), Division of Graduate Studies.
  • Instructions for filing the manuscript are found in the FIU Regulations for Thesis and Dissertation Preparation. These instructions must be followed. In addition, one (1) bound copy must be provided to the Director's office of the MSN program and one (1) bound copy must be provided to the committee chair.