Three Part Lesson Rationale (TIPS)
Unit and/or Day (Title) /Grade
40 - 60 min.
To construct new knowledge and understanding§ moving from the concrete to the abstract (note: this may occur over a series of lessons)
§ in a way that balances concepts and procedures
§ in a way that makes connections
§ based on prior knowledge
§ through investigation. /
- manips- tech
- instructions for students
- BLM scaffolding support (minimal, may be used for only a few students)
Formative Assessment
Getting Started
Looks Like…§ brainstorming§ mind map
§ mini-task
§ discussion
§ reviewing previous material
§ other…. / Purpose
§ Assesses prior knowledge and readiness
§ Activates prior knowledge for the purposes of
- highlighting skills needed to investigate the new material
- make connections between prior knowledge and new knowledge that is to be learned
clarify the Action! task / Provides formative assessment ‘look fors’, suggests possible students misconceptions and possible reactions
Working On It
Looks Like…§ an investigation§ small groups of students working together
§ students asked to summarize and generalize
§ includes appropriate use of manipulatives
§ includes appropriate use of technology
§ teacher circulating to keep students moving forward… may include providing hints, asking students to hypothesize (ask ‘What If?’ questions), generalize, probing where misconceptions are occurring
§ teacher can identify student work that will be highlighted in the Reflecting/Connecting part of the lesson / Purpose
§ allows students to explore and investigate (and struggle!) with a new concept prior to ‘being told’
§ allows students to communicate and discuss … to ‘talk’ mathematically
§ allows students to support each other
§ allows students to construct new knowledge
§ allows students to develop concepts using higher order thinking skills
§ allows teacher the time to interact with students and formatively assess
§ allows teacher to identify and challenge student misconceptions
/ Reflecting and Connecting
Looks like …
§ teacher has students summarize
§ teacher identifies students’ responses that contain the ‘big ideas’
§ may include completing a Word Wall entry (may use Frayer model) / Purpose
§ to highlight the BIG ideas
§ to identify common errors
to formatively assess readiness for next steps (could be text questions, journal reflection, task, new investigation)
Next Steps
Looks Like…§ Application
§ Differentiated exploration
§ Reflection
§ Concept Practice /
§ Further consolidation§ Development of proficiency
§ Getting ready for next lesson
TIPS Lesson Template
Unit and/or Day (Title) /Grade
50 - 70 min.
-Formative Assessment