1. When Nietzsche examines the origins and development of "morality," what
does he mean by "morality"?
2. According to Nietzsche, from what premoral ancestors did what is
"good" and what is "evil" emerge? (Make sure you can recap N's account of
the move from 'good vs. bad' to 'good vs. evil.')
3. Under what circumstances is ressentiment born?
4. Re-read lines 26-35 in I.12 on page 24. How would you compare N's
assessment of mass democracy to Tocqueville's? To Mill's?
5. How and why does the concept of "free will" develop?
6. According to N, from what premoral ancestors does our sense of duty or
right emerge? How does the notion of "guilt" develop?
7. What is "bad conscience"? How does it originate? What capacities
accompany it?
8. How does asceticism become ideal (according to N.)?
9. What is Nietzsche's assessment of the ascetic ideal? What are the root values in his alternative ideal (unconditional honest atheism)? Is his an immanent critique?
11. How do you think Nietzsche would define "human being"? (Are there any
traits which characterize us in every epoch?)
12. What ideals does Nietzsche hold? Which of his ideals could be
characterized as premoral? Which as post-moral?
13. In your opinion, what, if any, valuable contributions to social,
psychological, and historical knowledge (e.g. information, methodology,
plausible hypotheses) does Nietzsche make? What inheritances from
Nietzschean ideas do you think you can informally claim?
14. What criticisms of Nietzsche's claims and arguments can you level?
FIRST TREATISE 1. When Nietzsche Examines the Origins and Development of Morality, What