WI01020P Multi Use Relief Station (standing and sitting) I.P. Well
5/27/03 Work Instruction
Stand-up Operation:
1. Enter the relief station, closing and latching door behind you.
2. If sit-down operation adapter is in place, Uninstall attachment by lifting upward until attachment leans against flushing apparatus.
3. Commence relieving. Stream should stay inside the tolerance zone. The tolerance zone being anywhere inside the porcelain confines of the relief station.
4. If stream fell out of tolerance at any time during the relieving process, a Haz-Mat condition now exists, and needs to be cleaned up before leaving the workstation.
5. Sit down operation adapter can be left in uninstalled position. Caution: If a Haz-Mat condition occurred during step 3, the sit down operation adapter should be thoroughly inspected for wetness and cleaned if necessary.
6. Flush the workstation.
7. Exit the relief station.
Sit-Down Operation:
1. Enter the relief station, closing and latching door behind you.
2. Install sit down operation adapter by lowering attachment to its Horizontal position.
3. Check adapter for a Haz-Mat condition before using, clean as required.
4. After sit down operation is complete, flush the workstation.
5. Inspect workstation for any signs of a Haz-Mat condition, and clean as necessary.
6. If an Air-borne Haz-Mat condition exists, neutralize with supplied aerosol product.
7. Sit down operation adapter can be left in uninstalled position.
8. Exit the relief station.
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