Hosted by
Imperial Women’s Club
12:15 pm to 2pm Wednesday 8th February 2017
170 Queen’s Gate
Guest Speaker Toni Semmence Not Beating but Joining the Men: Imperial College Tie Clubs Toni is a postgraduate student at the forefront of women’s equality at Imperial. She will explain how she set up The XV Women’s Tie Club with the aid of the male group the ’22 Club. Come along and hear about her work and the Tie Clubs, one of the fascinating groups within Imperial that you may not be aware of.
Over a welcome drink in the Solar Room, you can network with fellow women of the College; enjoy a one course lunch followed by coffee, and listen to this marvellous speaker in the splendid surroundings of a Richard Norman Shaw House.
Membership is open to women staff, including former women staff, women partners of staff and of visiting academics, for £12.00 per year, why not join us, obtain the lunch discount and access to the Book Group and other activities? Look at the website http://www.imperial.ac.uk/womens-club and complete the form. Membership renewal/joining fee must have been paid for the session 2016- 2017 to qualify for the member’s price.
To attend please complete and return the slip below by 1st February 2017 to:
Mrs Anusha Sri-Pathmanathan, 307 ACE Extension, Imperial College, South Kensington, London SW7 2AZ
I wish to attend the Imperial Women’s Club Lunch on 8th February 2017
Name: … …… ………………………………………………………………
Contact .email:...... Tel…......
(Non-member price if not an ICWC member or eligible for membership)
Menu Tick either:
Roast fillet of cod served with roasted red peppers and prawns
Grilled courgette cannelloni filled pearl barley and wild mushroom served with rosary ash goat’s cheese, red pepper puree and micro basil cress
Please tick the relevant boxes for payment fee and method:
Member: £18.00 Non-member: £23.00
Bank Transfer Cheque Cash (In person Only)
Please pay online:ICWC account via Account Name: Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine Women’s Club; Account Sort Code: 51-50-01; Account No. 00618187. Please quote ref: Your Name Feb. Lunch. Payment may also be made by cheque or cash. Places are secured by payment. If payment has not been received in advance of the lunch, a place will not be available for you. You will receive an acknowledgement receipt via email (wherever possible). If you do not receive acknowledgement by the 6th February, contact Anusha BY PHONE: 020 7594 5602
We look forward to welcoming you at our next lunch!