These extracts from the CCD report have been prepared to assist the Steering Group.
Bold headings have been added for clarity.
Explanatory comments/queries are in italics within the square brackets.
What Was the Purpose of the Survey?
- To investigate the affordable housing need, tenure and house size for local people in the Parish of Doddiscombsleigh, those wishing to return, and those who work in the Parish.
- To establish the general level of support for a small development of affordable housing for local people with housing needs
What Form Did They Survey Take?
128 surveys were distributed. [There are 128 properties in the parish].
The survey form was in two parts.
Part One of the survey asked a limited number of questions about the type of household and support for affordable housing. All residents were invited to respond to this part of the survey.
Part Two of the survey was designed to be completed by households with a need to move home within the next 5 years. A separate Part Two for each household in need of housing was to be completed. For example, each grown up child in a family, who wants to set up their own home, was asked to complete a separate form.
The information given is taken at face value. [i.e. CCD could not check any of the information]
50 Part One surveys were returned.
15 Part Two surveys were returned.
Respondents Who Need to Move.
Nineteen households expected that they or someone in their household would have to move as a household now or within the next five years. Only seven households said that they either would or may need to move to affordable housing in the Parish.
What is the Level of Need?
Question 9 - "If you expect to move in the next 5 years do you expect to need one of the types of affordable housing”.
[Anyone answering Yes or Perhaps was asked to complete Part Two of the form.
15 Part Two's were returned. 2 existing households submitted 2 Part Two's each. The remainder were one Part Two per household. The 15 were then subjected to analysis to determine which represented an affordable housing need.
3 were excluded immediately - leaving 12 (see breakdown on next page)]
The income of the 12 was assessed and:
None of the 12 households could afford to buy in the open market.
2 could afford to rent in the open market.
* 2 could afford to buy a shared ownership property.
* 8 could only afford subsidised rented housing.
[The 2+8 asterisked categories were carried forward as an affordable homes need. This was increased to 11 in total by adding 1 extra household that could afford to rent in the open market but who might be able to buy into a shared ownership self-build scheme. This was interpreted by CCD as a total need of 11 in the HNR].
Reasons given for the need to move to affordable homes:
4 said their tenancy was ending and they needed an affordable home.
8 said they were leaving home and cannot afford the private sector.
What is the Suggested Housing Mix?
1/2 Bed for single people = 6 5 rent (2) - 1 S/O (0) current need)
1/2 Bed for couples =21 rent (1) - 1 S/O (1)
2 Bed for families =22 rent (2) - 0 S/O
3 Bed for families = 10 rent - 1 S/O (1))
[Brackets indicate an interest in self-build - 7 out of 11 households.
All needs are future needs (within next 5 years) except for the one current need indicated.]
Other Evidence of Housing Need - Devon Home Choice?
The HNR states that "As well as this survey other evidence of housing need should be considered. The housing waiting list or register for Teignbridge is called Devon Home Choice. There are no households resident in Doddiscombsleigh registered on Devon Home Choice."
What is the Level of Support for a Development?
Question 10 - "If there is a need for affordable housing, would you support a small (up to 15 homes) development of affordable homes for local people?"
23 surveys said YES - would support a small development.[46% of 50] [18% of 128]
10 surveys said NO - would not support a small development.[20% of 50] [7.8% of 128]
[17 of the 50 households that completed Part One did not answer Question 10].
Self - Build?
Self build shows up as a popular option. 7 of the 12 are either very or quite interested in this option. It should be noted that there is some difference between expressing an interest and actually being involved in a self build project. However it would be sensible to explore the self build option further.
CCD Recommendations in the Report
1) A provision of additional affordable housing is needed to meet local needs in the Parish
2) The Parish should consider the options for pursuing a self build scheme in the Parish
3) The Parish should consider options for meeting the future needs of those not wishing to participate in the self build scheme needing affordable housing.
[Breakdown of the Need from the 15 Part Two's submitted :
1No affordable housing need, as they can buy in open market
1Excluded/ discounted because of insufficient information on form
1Excluded because they failed to demonstrate any need
1Can afford to rent in open market (therefore no affordable need)
1Can afford to rent in open market but may be able to afford a shared ownership self-build home
2Can afford to purchase a shared ownership scheme - would probably not qualify for rented
8Can only afford subsidised rented housing]
Kevin Bridgeman
September 2014