Challenge Assignments

What are they?

·  They are independent work assignments above and beyond the daily classwork and homework.

·  Challenges are a way of meeting the needs of all students. Students who are ready for a challenge will have one while those who need to focus more on the regular curriculum will be able to do so.

·  They are based in the units we will be studying but extend the work beyond where we can fairly go as an entire class – mostly because of time constraints.

·  Challenge assignments will focus on literacy skills and the use of technology (although not exclusively).

How are they different from a regular assignment?

·  They will not be accepted late unless you are not in school on the day they are due.

·  While I will be glad to answer questions and clarify anything about the assignments, we will not work on them regularly in class.

·  Individual assignments are optional. If you don’t do one, I will not be calling home or reminding you that you owe something (as I will with an essay or other regular assignment).

How much will they count?

·  Each assignment will be worth fifteen points. Students will be given a grade of:

15 - completed fully according to the directions

12 - completed with substantial effort but also failure to follow directions closely

9 - not completed or unacceptable effort

·  Completing three challenges (fully and correctly) = 45/45 or an A+

·  Completing two challenges = 39 /45 or a B

·  Completing one challenge = 33/45 or a C

·  Completing zero challenges = 27/45 or a D-/E

When will I do them?

·  There will be three per term. Due dates for all three and an overview will be passed out at the beginning of the term.

·  You will work on them when you have time: nights you finished my homework in class or have little homework for other classes, etc.

·  If you are too busy (with this class, other classes or life) when one challenge is available, skip it. Just don’t skip all three unless you are willing to take a low grade on the equivalent of a small test.