Green olive fermentation using spontaneous and Lactobacillus plantarum cultures
Andréia Dalla Rosaab, Sheila Mello da Silveirab, Enilton Flick Coutinhod, Clarice Steffensa,1, Rogerio Luiz Cansiana, Elisandra Rigoa,c, Geciane Toniazzoa
a Department of Food Engineering, URI Erechim, Av. Sete de Setembro 1621, Erechim - RS, 99700-000, Brazil. ; ;
b Center of Science and Food Technology of the Federal Institute Catarinense, Câmpus Concórdia – Vila Fragosos – Concórdia, SC, 897000-000, Brazil -
c Department of Food Engineering, UDESC,BR 282, Km 573.7, Pinhalzinho, SC, 89870-000, Brazil -
d Embrapa Temperate Climate, Pelotas, RS, 96010-971, Brazil -
1 Corresponding author: ,
Phone: +55-54-35209000
Fax: +55-54-35209090
Department of Food Engineering, URI Erechim, Av. Sete de Setembro 1621, Erechim - RS, 99700-000, Brazil.
Analytical determinations of green olives fermented
In the Table 1 is presented the pH values of the brine solution obtained in the olive fermentation process with spontaneous or L. plantarum ATCC 8014 cultures during 120 days. In the olive fermentation process showed a decrease in pH values in the formulations with both cultures study, that in general was statistically significant (p<0.05).
Table 1. pH values in the brine solution during the olives fermentation with spontaneous and L. plantarum cultures.
Days of fermentationSpontaneous / 1° / 9° / 20° / 120° / L. plantarum / 1° / 9° / 20° / 120°
S1 / 6.57±0.02a;D / 5.10±0.02b;G / 5.10±0.02b;D / 4.25±0.00c;F / L1 / 7.77±0.03a,A / 4.10±0.01d;E / 4.23±0.02c;E / 4.75±0.02 b;C
S2 / 6.81±0.04a;B;C / 5.23±0.02c;E;F / 5.66±0.02b;B / 5.18±0.02c;D / L2 / 7.36±0.02a;B / 5.12±0.03b;B / 4.35±0.01c;C / 4.25±0.01d;C
S3 / 7.13±0.05a;A;B / 5.28±0.02b;C;E;F / 5.05±0.00c;D / 4.46±0.02d;E / L3 / 7.38±0.01a;B / 4.00±0.01b;E / 3.66±0.02c;H / 4.00±0.02b;D
S4 / 7.03±0.01a;A;B / 5.36±0.04b;B;C;D;E / 5.23±0.03c;C / 3.32±0.00d;G / L4 / 7.22±0.05a;C / 5.24±0.02b;A / 4.29±0.02c;D / 3.91±0.02d;D
S5 / 7.07±0.03a;A;B / 4.03±0.06d;H / 4.77±0.02c;E / 5.71±0.03b;A / L5 / 7.07±0.04a,D / 4.00±0.04d;E / 4.92±0.00c;B / 5.07±0.00b;B
S6 / 6.77±0.01a;B;C;D / 5.39±0.02b;A;B;D;E / 4.10±0.01d;G / 4.22±0.02c;F / L6 / 6.52±0.01a;F / 5.08±0.06c;B / 3.95±0.00d;F / 4.29±0.00b;C
S7 / 7.03±0.02a;A;B / 5.49±0.02d;A,B;C / 5.93±0.04b;A / 5.63±0.01c;B / L7 / 6.77±0.03a;E / 5.12±0.03c;B / 5.65±0.01b;A / 5.16±0.01c;B
S8 / 7.03±0.02a;A;B / 5.23±0.02b;E;F / 4.16±0.02c;G / 4.15±0.04c;F / L8 / 6.54±0.05a;F / 4.49±0.03c;D / 3.58±0.01d;I / 5.64±0.01b;A
S9 / 6.97±0.03a;A;B;C / 5.42±0.01b;A;B;C;D / 4.30±0.01c;F / 5.17±0.02b;C / L9 / 6.75±0.02a;E / 4.76±0.05b;C / 3.95±0.01d;G / 4.25±0.01c;C
* Means (± standard deviations) with different lowercase letters (a and b) in the same line and different uppercase letters (A ,B, C, D, E and F) in the same column differ significantly at 5% level (Tukey test).
The lactic acid in the brine solution increase with the fermentation time, in general, until 20 days in both fermentations process , presenting significant difference (p<0.05) (Table 2).
Table 2: Acid lactic values in the brine solution during the olives fermentation with spontaneous and L. plantarum cultures.
Days of fermentationSpontaneous / 1° / 9° / 20° / 120° / L. plantarum / 1° / 9° / 20° / 120°
S1 / 0.04±0.05d;A / 0.19±0.01c,B / 0.23±0.01b;C / 0.29±0.07a;B,C / L1 / 0.04±0.05b;A / 0.22±0.01a;B / 0.26±0.01a;D / 0.25±0.07a,C
S2 / 0.03±0.05d;A / 0.14±0.03c;C / 0.27±0.03a;B / 0.18±0.05b,E,F / L2 / 0.02±0.04d;C,E / 0.14±0.04c;C / 0.28±0.04b;B,D,E / 0.31±0.07a,B
S3 / 0.02±0.03c;A / 0.21±0.01b,B / 0.27±0.01a;B / 0.25±0.31a;C,D / L3 / 0.03±0.06d;A,D,E / 0.22±0.06c;B / 0.46±0.06a;A / 0.31±0.01b;B
S4 / 0.02±0.04d;A / 0.10±0.05c;D / 0.26±0.05b;B;C / 0.34±0.09a;A / L4 / 0.02±0.01d;C,E / 0.13±0.04c;C / 0.27±0.04b;C,D,F / 0.39±0.11a;A
S5 / 0.02±0.05c;A / 0.25±0.01a,b;A / 0.27±0.01a;B / 0.24±0.07b;C,D / L5 / 0.04±0.03c;A,B / 0.26±0.03a;A / 0.17±0.03b;G / 0.23±0.02a,C
S6 / 0.02±0.04d;A / 0.12±0.05c;C;D / 0.28±0.05a;B / 0.21±0.06b;D,E / L6 / 0.04±0.05c;A / 0.09±0.06b;D / 0.21±0.06a;B / 0.09±0.03b,E
S7 / 0.03±0.05c;A / 0.09±0.05b;D / 0.28±0.05a;B / 0.26±0.07a;C,D / L7 / 0.03±0.04c;B,C / 0.14±0.01b;C / 0.18±0.01a;G / 0.12±0.03b;D,E
S8 / 0.02±0.02d;A / 0.14±0.05c;C / 0.33±0.05a;A / 0.31±0.09b;A,B / L8 / 0.03±0.02c;A,C / 0.13±0.05b;C / 0.30±0.05a;B,C / 0.14±0.04b;D
S9 / 0.03±0.04c;A / 0.12±0.05b;C;D / 0.32±0.05a;A / 0.15±0.03b;F / L9 / 0.03±0.05d;B,C,D / 0.12±0.04c;C,D / 0.25±0.04b,E,F / 0.35±0.08a;A,B
* Means (± standard deviations) with different lowercase letters (a and b) in the same line and different uppercase letters (A ,B, C, D, E and F) in the same column differ significantly at 5% level (Tukey test).
The value of reducing sugar is present in Table 3. It was possible to observe for both cultures higher percentage of reducing sugar available in the brine, in all treatments at 20 days of fermentation, after this time this values decreases. For both cultures and all treatments in the first day of fermentation not present significate difference.
Table 3: Reducing sugar values in the brine solution during the olives fermentation with spontaneous and L. plantarum cultures.
Days of fermentationSpontaneous / 1° / 9° / 20° / 120° / L. plantarum / 1° / 9° / 20° / 120°
S1 / 0.031±0.08d;A / 0.13±0.00c;G / 0.59±0.00a;E / 0.45±0.05b;B / L1 / 0.032±0.03d;A / 0.21±0.00c;H / 0.51±0.08a;E / 0.33±0.02b,E
S2 / 0.004±0.04c;A / 0.39±0.03b;E / 0.59±0.05a;E / 0.37±0.01b;D,E / L2 / 0.035±0.06c;A / 0.59±0.00a;D / 0.36±0.09b;E / 0.33±0.03b,E
S3 / 0.067±0.06d;A / 0.24±0.00c;F / 0.69±0.03a;D / 0.37±0.01b;C,E / L3 / 0.033±0.05c;A / 0.52±0.00a;E / 0.40±0.02b;F;E / 0.40±0.01b;C,D
S4 / 0.069±0.02d;A / 0.77±0.04b;D / 3.14±0.00a;A / 0.36±0.01c;E / L4 / 0.076±0.08d;A / 0.66±0.02b;C / 3.30±0.16a;A / 0.41±0.03c;C
S5 / 0.055±0.01c;A / 0.41±0.00b;E / 0.62±0.12a;D;E / 0.40±0.00b;C / L5 / 0.033±0.03d;A / 0.24±0.00c;G / 0.49±0.07a;E / 0.35±0.04b,D,E
S6 / 0.058±0.05d;A / 1.54±0.03b;A / 3.11±0.05a;A / 0.57±0.02c;A / L6 / 0.069±0.07d;A / 0.34±0.01c;F / 2.18±0.04a;C / 0.47±0.03b;B
S7 / 0.032±0.02d;A / 0.13±0.01c;G / 0.52±0.10a;E / 0.45±0.01b;B / L7 / 0.034±0.02d;A / 0.16±0.02c;I / 0.43±0.13b;F / 0.68±0.76a;A
S8 / 0.012±0.08c;A / 1.16±0.02a;C / 1.22±0.01a;B / 0.47±0.03b;B / L8 / 0.097±0.05a;A / 1.41±0.01b;A / 2.81±0.16a;B / 0.73±0.06c;A
S9 / 0.054±0.03d;A / 1.12±0.01a;B / 0.89±0.05b;C / 0.39±0.04c;C,D / L9 / 0.042±0.04d;A / 1.36±0.02a;B / 0.63±0.12b;D / 0.52±0.33c;B
* Means (± standard deviations) with different lowercase letters (a and b) in the same line and different uppercase letters (A ,B, C, D, E and F) in the same column differ significantly at 5% level (Tukey test).
In general the lactic bacteria increase until 20 days of fermentations for spontaneous cultures and comparing the counts at 20° and 120° days, is possible to observe that not present significant difference, exception the Run S2 (Table 4). Also, is verified that low concentration of NaCl brines favors lactic bacteria development during the fermentation. In the other hand, for L. plantarum culture, on the whole runs the begin and the end of the fermentation not differ statistically.
Table 4: Lactic bacteria values in the brine solution during the olives fermentation with spontaneous and L. plantarum cultures.
Days of fermentationSpontaneous / 1° / 9° / 20° / 120° / L. plantarum / 1° / 9° / 20° / 120°
S1 / 0.00±0.00c;D / 5.14±0.03b;B / 7.41±0.05a;A;B / 6.43±0.02b;A / L1 / 7.00±0.10b;A,B,C / 7.47±0.11a;B / 7.07±0.08b;B,C / 6.55±0.03b;A
S2 / 0.30±0.01d;D / 2.08±0.00c;B / 4.95±0.07b,E / 6.59±0.03a;A; / L2 / 7.12±0.13a;A / 4.34±0.05c;D,E / 7.03±0.09a;B,C / 5.49±0.01b;D,E
S3 / 0.12±0.00c;D / 5.90±0.01b;B / 7.32±0.01a;B,C / 6.72±0.01b;A;C / L3 / 7.01±0.18b;A,B,C / 7.47±0.01a;B / 7.11±0.11b;B / 6.17.06c;B,C
S4 / 0.00±0.00c;D / 2.51±0.00b;B / 6.95±0.04a;D,E / 6.41±0.03a;B / L4 / 6.94±0.09a;C / 4.66±0.02c;D,E / 6.25±0.16b;C / 4.63±0.21b;E
S5 / 2.56±0.30c;A / 7.68±0.08a;A / 7.12±0.06a;B,C,D / 6.52±0.04b;C / L5 / 6.86±0.12c;C / 7.78±0.10a;A / 7.10±0.07b;B,C / 6.27±0.03b,c;B
S6 / 1.45±0.05c;C,D / 2.03±0.01b;B / 7.56±0.16a;A / 6.41±0.03a;A / L6 / 6.80±0.08b;B,C / 4.56±0.12c;D,E / 7.50±0.04a;A / 5.32±0.05b;D,E
S7 / 1.75±0.02c;C / 4.14±0.00b;B / 7.31±0.06a;B / 7.01±0.76a;A;B / L7 / 6.93±0.15b;C / 7.07±0.03a,b;B,C,D / 7.20±0.13a;B / 4.44±0.05c;E
S8 / 1.98±0.5c;B / 6.04±0.03b;B / 7.40±0.04a;A;B / 6.34±0.06b;A / L8 / 6.92±0.08b;C / 7.37±0.12a;B,C / 7.20±0.16a;B / 5.79±0.07b;D
S9 / 1.27±0.10c;D / 5.33±0.46b;B / 7.42±0.03a;A;B / 7.07±0.33a;A / L9 / 6.93±0.06b;C / 6.63±0.06b,c;C,E / 7.21±0.12a;B / 6.09±0.48c;C
* Means (± standard deviations) with different lowercase letters (a and b) in the same line and different uppercase letters (A ,B, C, D, E and F) in the same column differ significantly at 5% level (Tukey test).