The STEM academy would like to give you the opportunity to express yourself in a more creative manner than just an essay. Please use the following steps to ensure that your video is properly judged.

The following are steps to follow for your video upload. There is another set of directions if you have not used YouTube. Please be aware that if you do not follow these guidelines your video may not considered.

Sixty Second Video Submission

  1. You should begin by planning out what you need to say in the video.
  2. Start the video by…
  3. Giving your full name
  4. The school you are coming from
  5. Then, we would like for you to choose to answer one of the following questions in a creative manner on your 60 second video essay…
  6. Remember every applicant is highly qualified and interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. What makes you a highly qualified, unique applicant that will improve our STEM Learning Community?
  7. Using a piece of wire, a sticker, an egg carton, and any inexpensive hardware store item, create something that would solve a problem. Tell us about your creation, but don’t worry; we won’t require proof that it works!
iii.If your name were an acronym, what would it stand for and how would it reflect your strengths and personality?
  1. You have 60 seconds to celebrate your nerdy side and convince the STEM Academy that you are fit for the program.
  2. Describe one of your quirks and why it is an important part of who you are.
vi.“Some say social media is superficial, with no room for expressing deep or complex ideas. We challenge you to defy these skeptics by describing yourself as fully and accurately as possible in the limitations of a 60 second video.
  1. In the year 2050, a movie is being made of your life as a result of attending the STEM Academy. Please tell us the name of your movie and briefly summarize the story line.
  1. Recording the video
  2. Remember this is a 60 second video, so be careful and use your time wisely
  3. Be sure to film in landscape (holding the phone/camera horizontal)
  4. The use of a tripod is greatly encouraged (Be creative if you don’t have one…)
  5. Feel free to shoot multiple video clips and/or use video editing software to improve the production value of your submission. (Don’t let production detract from content)
  6. After you have recorded your video…
  7. Once you have completed your recording and are satisfied with your recorded content go ahead and click the “Upload button.”
  8. Here it will ask for…
  9. Title: Your title must follow this format…
  10. Lastname_Firstname_STEMapp1819
  11. Description: You should provide a brief description of your video and/or an outline of what the viewer is seeing in your recording.
  12. Privacy Setting: It is imperative that you set the privacy settings of your video to “Unlisted” This is a crucial to the accurate judging of your video and for safety reasons.
  13. Once you have the above fields filled out please proof read your description and verify that your upload is titled properly.
  14. Now, that you are sure you are ready to upload…
  16. Make sure you review your video before submitting the link in the official application.
  17. Submitting the link for your video
  18. There is a button in the upper right hand corner that looks like three vertical dots, click this button.
  19. A window will pop-up and one of the options is the “Share…” function.
  20. You will then want to choose the “Copy Link” button
  21. Then, you can go to the application or a messaging application and “copy” the link into the appropriate text field for your STEM Application.