The Master’s Way United Methodist Church
Madison, Alabama
Photo Release Form
I give permission for photos of the persons listed below to be produced in the various publications of The Master’s Way United Methodist Church of Madison, Alabama. This includes the church website, newsletters, bulletin announcements and other church publications. I understand that these images can be viewed by the general public, but no identifying information will be displayed without express written consent. I understand that if I give notice to the Communications Director or to the webmaster that I object to any particular picture on the website, it will be removed as soon as possible.
Unless otherwise notified, this agreement will remain in effect indefinitely.
I am over 18, and I give permission for my image to be published.
Print name:
Signature: Date:
I am over 18, and I give permission for my image to be published.
Print name:
Signature: Date:
Parental Consent for Minors
We will publish the images of minors only under the following guidelines:
· The full name, address, phone number, or email address of a child WILL NOT be provided.
· Images or photographs of large groups of children may be posted on the website without parental permission as long as individual children are not singled out or identified in any way (e.g. a church assembly, activity or event, etc.).
· Parental permission must be obtained before photographs of individual children or small groups of children are posted on a church web site or other printed church materials.
· In the event that a child listed below turns 19 after this form is signed, the guidelines for adults will apply.
I hereby release, hold harmless, indemnify, and defense The Master’s Way United Methodist Church of Madison, Alabama and its Board, officers, agents, directors, employees, and volunteers from any and all liability and legal or equitable claims of any kind related to such work or image being published on the church website or other printed church materials in accordance with the church’s publishing procedures and guidelines and state and federal law.
Child’s name: Date of Birth:
Child’s name: Date of Birth:
Child’s name: Date of Birth:
Child’s name: Date of Birth:
Parent/Guardian signature: Date:
If you approve of reposting pictures of you or your family that were previously posted in the photo gallery of the church website please initial here (initials/date).