Focus I: Participant Access

Desired Outcome: Individuals have access to home and community-based services and

supports in their communities.

I.A Information/Referral

Desired Outcome: Individuals and families can readily obtain information concerning

the availability of HCBS, how to apply and, if desired, offered a referral.

The proportion of families who report they are informed about the array of existing and potential resources (including information about their family member's disability, services and supports, and public benefits), in a way that is easy to understand. / All Family Surveys
Proportion of CMs who know policies & procedures / Case Manager Survey
Proportion of CMs who know what the values held by the SDDA are. / Case Manager Survey
Proportion of CMs who support self-determination, choice, community integration, employment, and natural supports for persons with developmental disabilities / Case Manager Survey

I.B. Intake and Eligibility

I.B.1 User-Friendly Processes

Desired Outcome: Intake and eligibility determination processes are understandable

and user-friendly to individuals and families and there is assistance available in

applying for HCBS.

Proportion of CMs who feel confident in their abilities. / Case Manager Survey

I.B.2 Referral to Community Resources

Desired outcome: Individuals who need services but are not eligible for HCBS are

linked to other community resources.

Time spent on eligibility assessments and reviews. / Time Measurement

I.B.3 Individual Choice of HCBS

Desired Outcome: Each individual is given timely information about available services

to exercise his or her choice in selecting between HCBS and institutional services.

Proportion of CMs who are familiar with non-SDDA resources. / Case Manager Survey

I.B.4 Prompt Initiation

Desired Outcome: Services are initiated promptly when the individual is determined

eligible and selects HCBS.

Focus II: Participant-Centered Service Planning and Delivery

Desired Outcome: Services and supports are planned and effectively implemented in

accordance with each participant’s unique needs, expressed preferences and decisions

concerning his/her life in the community

II.A Participant-Centered Service Planning

II.A.1 Assessment

Desired Outcome: Comprehensive information concerning each participant’s

preferences and personal goals, needs and abilities, health status and other available

supports is gathered and used in developing a personalized service plan.

The proportion of families who report they have the information needed to skillfully plan for their services and supports. / All Family Surveys
The proportion of people who report that their service coordinators asked about their preferences. / Consumer Survey

II.A.2 Participant Decision Making

Desired Outcome: Information and support is available to help participants make

informed selections among service options.

The proportion of families who report that staff who assist with planning are knowledgeable and respectful. / All Family Surveys
The proportion of families who report that staff are respectful of their choices and decisions. / All Family Surveys
The proportion of people who report having been provided options about where to live and work. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who make choices about what to buy with their spending money. / Consumer Survey

II.A.3 Free Choice of Providers

Desired Outcome: Information and support is available to assist participants to freely

choose among qualified providers.

The proportion of families who report they choose, hire and manage their service/support providers. / All Family Surveys

II.A.4 Service Plan

Desired Outcome: Each participant’s plan comprehensively addresses his or her

identified need for HCBS, health care and other services in accordance with his or her

expressed personal preferences and goals.

The proportion of families reporting that their support plan includes or reflects things that are important to them. / All Family Surveys
The proportion of families who report they are supported in utilizing natural supports in their communities (e.g., family, friends, neighbors, churches, colleges, recreational services). / All Family Surveys
Time spent on developing service plans. / Time Measurement

II.A.5 Participant Direction

Desired Outcome: Participants have the authority and are supported to direct and

manage their own services to the extent they wish.

The proportion of individuals who direct their own services. / Basic profile report
The proportion of families reporting that they control their own budgets/supports (i.e. they choose what supports/goods to purchase). / Children & Adult Family Surveys
The proportion of people who control their own budgets. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who are exercising self-determination with regard to the services they receive. / Consumer Survey

II.B Service Delivery

II.B.1 Ongoing Service and Support Coordination

Desired Outcome: Participants have continuous access to assistance as needed to

obtain and coordinate services and promptly address issues encountered in community


The proportion of people reporting that service coordinators help them get what they need. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who know their service coordinators. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who report having adequate transportation when they want to go somewhere. / Consumer Survey
Time spent on connections to services. / Time Measurement
Time spent on maintaining persons in services. / Time Measurement
Time spent on record keeping. / Time Measurement
Time spent on advocacy activities. / Time Measurement
Number of persons contacted personally. / Time Measurement
Number of, and time spent on crises. / Time Measurement

II.B.2 Service Provision

Desired Outcome: Services are furnished in accordance with the participant’s plan.

The rate at which people report that “needed” services were not available. / Consumer Survey

II.B.3 Ongoing Monitoring

Desired Outcome: Regular, systematic and objective methods – including obtaining

the participant’s feedback – are used to monitor the individual’s well being, health

status, and the effectiveness of HCBS in enabling the individual to achieve his or her

personal goals.

The proportion of people reporting that they received support to learn or do something new in the past year. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who have had a physical exam in the past year. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of women who have had an OB/GYN exam in the past year. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who have had a routine dental exam in the past six months. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who maintain healthy habits in such areas as smoking, weight, and exercise. / Consumer Survey
Time spent on monitoring, review and evaluation of services. / Time Measurement
Time spent on assuring client health & safety beyond service provision. / Time Measurement

II.B.4 Responsiveness to Changing Needs

Desired Outcome: Significant changes in the participant’s needs or circumstances

promptly trigger consideration of modifications in his or her plan.

The proportion of families who report that services/supports are flexible to meet their changing needs. / All Family Surveys

Focus III: Provider Capacity and Capabilities

Desired Outcome: There are sufficient HCBS providers and they possess and demonstrate the capability to effectively serve participants.

III.A Provider Networks and Availability

Desired Outcome: There are sufficient qualified agency and individual providers to

meet the needs of participants in their communities.

The proportion of families who report that services/supports are available when needed, even in a crisis. / All Family Surveys
The proportion of families who report that service and support staff/providers are available and capable of meeting family needs. / All Family Surveys
The proportion of eligible families who report having access to an adequate array of services and supports. / All Family Surveys
The crude separation rate, defined as the proportion of direct contact staff separated in the past year. / Provider Survey
Average length of service for all direct contact staff who separated in the past year, and for all currently employed direct contact staff. / Provider Survey
The vacancy rate, defined as the proportion of direct contact positions that were vacant as of a specified date. / Provider Survey

III.B Provider Qualifications

Desired Outcome: All HCBS agency and individual providers possess the requisite

skills, competencies and qualifications to support participants effectively.

The proportion of individuals who report that staff are competent to provide services and supports. (in development) / Consumer Survey

III.C Provider Performance

Desired Outcome: All HCBS providers demonstrate the ability to provide services and

supports in an effective and efficient manner consistent with the individual’s plan.

Focus IV: Participant Safeguards

Desired Outcome: Participants are safe and secure in their homes and communities,

taking into account their informed and expressed choices.

IV.A Risk and Safety Planning

Desired Outcome: Participant health risk and safety considerations are assessed and

potential interventions identified that promote health, independence and safety with

the informed involvement of the participant.

IV.B Critical Incident Management

Desired Outcome: There are systematic safeguards in place to protect participants

from critical incidents and other life-endangering situations.

The mortality rate of the served MR/DD population compared to the general area population, by age, by cause of death (natural or medico-legal), and by MR or DD diagnosis. / System
The incidence of serious injuries reported among people with MR/DD in the course of service provision, during the past year. / System
The proportion of people who were victims of selected crimes reported to a law enforcement agency during the past year, by type of crime (rape, aggravated assault, and theft). / System

IV.C Housing and Environment

Desired Outcome: The safety and security of the participant’s living arrangement is

assessed, risk factors are identified and modifications are offered to promote

independence and safety in the home.

The proportion of families who indicate that services/supports provided outside of the home (e.g., day/employment, residential services) are done so in a safe and healthy environment. / Both Adult Family Surveys
The proportion of people who report that they feel safe in their home and neighborhood. / Consumer Survey

IV.D Behavior Interventions

Desired Outcome: Behavior interventions – including chemical and physical restraints

– are only used as a last resort and subject to rigorous oversight.

The incidence restraints reported in the past year, by type of restraint and by living arrangement. / System
The incidence of serious injuries resulting from the use of restraints. / System

IV.E. Medication Management

Desired Outcome: Medications are managed effectively and appropriately.

The proportion of people taking medications for mood, anxiety, or behavior problems. / Consumer Survey

IV.F Natural Disasters and Other Public Emergencies

Desired Outcome: There are safeguards in place to protect and support participants

in the event of natural disasters or other public emergencies.

IV.G Financial Safeguards

Focus V: Participant Rights and Responsibilities

Desired Outcome: Participants receive support to exercise their rights and in accepting

personal responsibilities.

V.A Civic and Human Rights

Desired Outcome: Participants are informed of and supported to freely exercise their

fundamental constitutional and federal or state statutory rights.

The proportion of people who have an “advocate” or someone who speaks on their behalf. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people whose basic rights are respected by others. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people indicating that most support staff treat them with respect. / Consumer Survey

V.B Participant Decision Making Authority

Desired Outcome: Participants receive training and support to exercise and maintain

their own decision-making authority.

The proportion of people who have participated in activities of self-advocacy groups or other groups that address rights. / Consumer Survey

V.C Due Process

Desired Outcome: Participants are informed of and supported to freely exercise their

Medicaid due process rights.

V.D Grievances

Desired Outcome: Participants are informed of how to register grievances and

complaints and supported in seeking their resolution. Grievances and complaints are

resolved in a timely fashion.

Focus VI: Participant Outcomes and Satisfaction

Desired Outcome: Participants are satisfied with their services and achieve desired


VI.A Participant Satisfaction

Desired Outcome: Participants and family members, as appropriate, express

satisfaction with their services and supports.

The proportion of families who report satisfaction with the information and supports received, and with the planning, decision-making, and grievance processes. / All Family Surveys
The proportion of people who are satisfied with where they live. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who are satisfied with their job or day program. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who are satisfied with their personal lives. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who report satisfaction with the amount of privacy they have. / Consumer Survey

VI.B Participant Outcomes

Desired Outcome: Services and supports lead to positive outcomes for each


The proportion of families/family members who participate in integrated activities in their communities. / All Family Surveys
The proportion of individuals age 18 and over who are supported in community integrated employment compared to the total number of adults who receive day services / Basic profile report
The proportion of families who feel that services and supports have helped them to better care for their family member living at home. / Children & Adult Family Surveys
The proportion of people who participate in everyday integrated activities in their communities. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who make choices about their everyday lives, including: housing, roommates, daily routines, jobs, support staff or providers, and social activities. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who have friends and caring relationships with people other than support staff and family members. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who have a close friend, someone they can talk to about personal things. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who are able to see their families and friends when they want. / Consumer Survey
The proportion of people who feel lonely. / Consumer Survey
The average monthly earnings of people who have jobs in the community. / Consumer Survey Supplement
The average number of hours worked per month for people with jobs in the community. / Consumer Survey Supplement
The percent of people earning at or above the state minimum wage. / Consumer Survey Supplement
Of people who have a job in the community, the percent who were continuously employed during the previous year. / Consumer Survey Supplement
Of people who have a job in the community, the percent who receive job benefits. / Consumer Survey Supplement
Of people who have a job in the community, the average length of time people have been working at their current job. / Consumer Survey Supplement
The proportion of families/guardians of individuals not living at home who report the extent to which the system supports continuing family involvement. / Family/Guardian Survey
The proportion of HCBS waiver participants who receive supports in a home of their own / RISP survey

Focus VII: System Performance

Desired Outcome: The system supports participants efficiently and effectively and

constantly strives to improve quality.

VII.A System Performance Appraisal

Desired Outcome: The service system promotes the effective and efficient provision

of services and supports by engaging in systematic data collection and analysis of

program performance and impact.

The proportion of persons age 18 and over who receive residential services compared to the number who need such services / Basic profile report
The number of persons age 18 and over who receive services per 100,000 adults in the population / Basic profile report, Bureau of the Census
The number of individuals age 18 and over who receive day services per 100,000 adults in the population / Basic profile report, Bureau of the Census
The number of children in households who benefit from family support per 100,000 children and youth in the population / Basic profile report, Bureau of the Census
The proportion of persons age 18 and over who receive services compared to the estimated number of adults with a developmental disability in a state’s population / Basic profile report, Bureau of the Census, University of Minnesota estimated prevalence rates by age cohort
The number of children and youth who receive residential services or are in households who benefit from family support per 100,000 children and youth in the population / Basic profile report, RISP survey - modified, Bureau of the Census
The proportion of individuals age 18 and over who are supported to live in a home of their own compared to the total number of persons who receive residential services / RISP Survey
The proportion of individuals supported through the HCBS waiver program compared to the total number of persons who receive Medicaid long-term services / RISP survey
Proportion of Medicaid expenditures devoted to Medicaid HCBS compared to total Medicaid long-term services expenditures / RISP survey
The proportion of individuals age 18 and over who receive residential services in living arrangements that serve three or fewer persons with disabilities / RISP Survey - modified
Expenditures per person for Medicaid long-term services, adjusted for economic and other variables / RISP survey, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Total Medicaid long term services expenditures adjusted for state population size and economic variables / RISP survey, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics
The number of individuals overall and by program who receive Medicaid long-term services per 100,000 persons in the population / RISP survey, Bureau of the Census
Proportion of expenditures devoted to community services compared to total expenditures / SOS survey
Total state expenditures for developmental disabilities adjusted for state population size and economic variables / SOS survey, Bureau of the Census, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics
The number of persons age 18 and over who receive residential services per 100,000 adults in the population / University of Minnesota RISP survey – modified, Bureau of the Census
The number of persons age 18 and over who live with their families and receive in-home supports per 100,000 adults in the population / University of Minnesota RISP survey – modified, Bureau of the Census

VII.B Quality Improvement